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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. gafbass02

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1402044734' post='2469428'] The pickups are probably Dimarzio Superdistortions, which was an unfortunate name for a nice, slightly hotter than standard (for the time) humbucker. If the wood is good and the guitar made OK then it should be fine, as you've found. A lot of Hondo stuff WAS junk, but not all by any means. BTW did you get your wiring done OK? I hadn't forgotten, but haven't been to Cheltenham in a long time. [/quote] Thanks, I was very pleasantly surprised! Probably going to sell it on now though, as I've become a bit overloaded with guitars! If I remember rightly I think I solved the wiring myself
  2. Every single Warwick I've owned with type of nut did just that, nothing to worry about boss
  3. I think hand position sometimes influneces comparisons between p and j basses. The hand is generally further towards the neck on a p bass, where the string behaves differently, more excursion and flap, striking pole pieces, end of the fretboard etc. just mulling really.
  4. I used to get this, an utter utter exhaustion shortly after; but these days hardly a thing, possibly cause I'm playing three or more times a week, so the adrenalin rush just isn't there, it's more routine, dunno
  5. Aw man, I used to love my trace stack [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/band%20pics/100_0057.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/band%20pics/100_0057.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I sold it for a markbass after my keys player (who used to drive it around) had a heart attack next to me onstage at 27! I've never looked back in many ways, but I do miss the preamp and the cool green/uv stage presence. If they made a modern take of it in a small package I'd be all over it!
  6. I'm not sure which hole pattern it is, it looks to be the 75 style
  7. Thanks bud. I was really just noodling whatever popped out my fingers
  8. Awesome, another one turns up. Everyone seems to love theirs too which is ace
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1400683708' post='2456068'] Good work! As for the pickguard I'm going to say... GOLD ANODISED. The Bass Doc does a spiffy plastic version which really looks like the real thing. I was born and raised in Cheltenham... your accent takes me back! [/quote] Hah, oh dear, I've gone native! Ive only been here five years, I'm a Leicester boy really
  10. Thanks for all the comments folks I'm dead chuffed you like it! Intonation wise I just used the harmonic at the 12th and was very careful to make sure when I 'fretted' the note that I was right on that point. This neck has dots for a fretted bass, which I actually prefer, oddly!, I just find it makes me use my ears and muscle memory more, as opposed to 'dot watching'. Ideally I'd've liked brass looking hardware as opposed to shiny gold, but a full set was hard to find, especially with the right size bridge!
  11. Thanks for the kind words all. I've never done so much work on a bass myself before. Love the result!
  12. Cheers, the body previously had a side jack/through body, both are now defunct features. I plan on having a see through pickguard made by bass doc when he's feeling better. I'm also picking up a walnut one!
  13. I've had a bit of a long and unhappy history of trying to build a walnut jazz bass, just like the cool 70's ones which I'll never afford, so when this body came up on here I grabbed it with both hands! As I already own a few great jazz basses I thought a new voice was in order, so when I was browsing eBay a nice looking fretless neck came up at a good price I clicked 'buy it now' totally on a whim! I was already pretty broke by that point, so dreams of active preamps and barolini pickups are on hold!! I wanted gold hardware, so bought cheap, generic Chinese electronics, hardware and some wilkinson tuners and pickups. Problem number one was that the bridge on this body had been a gotoh with a large footprint and odd hole pattern. This meant that my bridge left gaping holes in the body. (Anyone need a generic hi mass bridge?!!) Problem number two was the after hours spent getting the bushings in the headstock (to keep assembly costs down at my local shop) I found the baseplates on the wilkinsons were too big. Darn!! A new set was purchased that look much nicer! (Gold wilkinson tuners without bushings also for sale btw!!!) One evening I quickly wired up the pickups to the controls and then just stared at the rest of the bits. I had planned to drop it into my local shop to build, as I didn't want to futz the bridge position or neck fitting, and I've only an old drill my dad left behind and usually any DIY attempts fail BADLY!! So I dropped by the shop, only to find it closed. That evening I just started to tinker, until I just thought 'in for a penny'. Grabbed my drill and started to improvise!!! A few hours later and it's built! A few more hours and the action is low, the intonation spot on and it plays and sounds great, only causality a snapped cheapo pickup screw. I love it, and the sense of satisfaction at not only having done it all myself, but also to still have fingers and a house that's not burnt down is amazing! Now I just need to learn how to play fretless!!!! [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image-15.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/Mobile%20Uploads/image-15.jpg[/IMG][/URL [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image-12.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/Mobile%20Uploads/image-12.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image-11.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/Mobile%20Uploads/image-11.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image-13.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/Mobile%20Uploads/image-13.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v1u7f3HqOA
  14. Darnit. Just when I've got a job for him.
  15. The blue light in the power switch on my gk mb112-ii did the same thing! Weird!
  16. They are off a discarded mixing desk This is now sold btw
  17. I use an iPad running onsong for lyrics, there's simply too many to remember them all
  18. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1399363982' post='2443350'] Don't know if they still do it, but Richer Sounds used to loan out a case with a variety of their hi-fi interconncets in it - to try out on your home system. If you brought the case back and said "I couldn't hear any difference" you got a free carton of cotton buds off them. [/quote] Crikey, that's going back a bit!
  19. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1399204894' post='2442017'] Good God, that is the first time I've ever seen anywhere anything about any failure associated with obbm's work! ...I'm guessing it can only have been Neutrik's fault! Edit: Though apparently those 'silent' plugs are only good for 10,000 insertions, so... [/quote] It certainly is, it's the silent ends that have gone intermittent, nothing to do with the construction, in fact, since typing that (this morning ) another one has gone!!?
  20. I've spent hours and hours comparing cables, mainly hi-fi interconnects ( for work, not for fun!) but also scart, hdmi, optical, and to a lesser extent mains I also spent a happy afternoon with a fellow basschatter comparing guitar leads. (That was fun) I found VERY marked differences in the case of guitar leads, scart and to a lesser extent, some interconnects. With optical there was no difference to me, with mains I found none, but as I got a couple of nice, chunky, cool looking QED ones on the cheap I bought them anyway. They have already been worth the cash, when on more than occasion using them with my bass rig the house engineer spotted them, and commented along the lines of "wow, I can tell you must really care about your tone". Which meant he paid extra care and attention with it win! With scart the differences were quite visible to me, mainly edge definition and colour, nothing you couldn't correct with a bit of fiddling though. But with HDMI the only one that made any visible difference was a really expensive one, which seemed to REALLY knacker up the picture for some reason. ??!! I found certain companies' products could always be relied of to produce some form of appreciable difference. With hi-fi interconnects it was QED and Ixos, the QED 'squart' (scart) cable made the single biggest difference of any Av cable I've ever seen, I bought several. I always enjoyed the punch and 'solidity' that Ixos interconnects and speaker cable managed to add to a system. The QED silver anniversary speaker cable made the biggest appreciable audible change to systems to my ears, but not always in a good way. Most differences by most cabling were changes that could be made simply by fiddling with EQ or settings though, but most hi-fi types prefer that left alone and to achieve the same results as a quarter turn on the treble knob by spending £50 on a cable. Fair play to them I guess, it's a hobby. I'm glad to be out the business, but I still find huge differences in tone between guitar cables, appreciable in a loud stage setting? Perhaps not, but if I know the core tone is good, and the lead reliable, then I'm happy. I guess there's an added dimension to guitar leads, as you are connected to the dynamics and response of the sound, I find massive, undeniable differences there. That said, in the last week I've had three of my main gigging cables go tits up! Two neutrick silent plugs from obbm and a leem. I'm quite into the 'armour' cables from studio spares at the moment, good noise rejection, seem tough, good output and sound good. As for the mains cables issue, I like mine, they look awesome, don't seem to do much apart from impress folks. Hell, I might even flog em on here and see if I get a bite!
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