Only been playing the guitar for two years or so really, as opposed to 22 on bass, but I've found I enjoy it.
My fender marauder is amazing, but I'd always wanted a jaguar I just got a Squier VM jaguar. It didn't go smoothly with the first one having to back and the retailer letting me down over and over again, but I kept this one!
I changed the pick guard, stuck in some blocks and a stripe, changed the bridge to a mustang one with a buzz stop, filed down the nut, fed the dry fretboard, gorgomyted the frets, taped up the bridge posts, screwed down the trem, flipped the trem screws round, shoved matchsticks in the strap button holes and fitted strap locks and voila.
A jag that works pretty well.
We downtune a full tone, but it's not a problem with a careful set up. I had it set up fine with the original bridge once I'd clear nail varnished the saddles, but the mustang bridge is an improvement.
Still might reverse the switches at some point.
With it's bass counterpart
My marauder and jazz
By coincidence, the same week I ended up with this 70's (no idea when, poss 78?)
Hondo deluxe series 734 SG. It's beautifully set up, and sounds HUGE! I cleaned up the fretboard and gorgomyted the frets, stuck on blocks and strap locks and that's it. It's amazing. Brutal sound with very smooth cleans. Really surprised me, I always thought of them as junk.