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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. gafbass02

    Guitar Porn

    [quote name='BigBassBob' timestamp='1391551553' post='2358600'] Just got this back after having a full clean-up, setup, entirely new wiring and pickups and some locking Sperzels. Sounds absolutely lovely: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/BigBassBob/media/2014-02-04190330.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v155/BigBassBob/2014-02-04190330.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] Drooooool
  2. Pretty bad GAS for an epi tbird. Especially a pro, sadly no money, load to sell, but literally so skint I can't afford to pay to sell it. :-/ Hey ho
  3. I know nothing of ukes, but was impressed when I heard a kala being played. Can I ask, are they regular tuning, as in could be used as a regular, but teeeny tiny bass?
  4. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1391551051' post='2358585'] They should sell pre road worn ones. As I wouldn't want to be the guy who puts the first dent in one of those. [/quote] This idea has legs! For those that don't want the full road worn look [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image-6.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/Mobile%20Uploads/image-6.jpg[/IMG][/URL] The first dink range, perfect but for one small chip, nick, knock, dent or drummer footprint. Hmmmmm
  5. I struggle with anything much more than a 'painted on' action I have my strings crazy low, which gives access to a nice range of techniques. It does mean I have to be aware to relax and not attack it too much. I can 'look' like I am but I try to stay relaxed with a light touch and let the compressor and amp do the work.
  6. I had a tokai. Looked great, but I had to send it back, very poor construction and fit and finish. Nothing at all like the Tokai of old. Even the company when I returned it were rather 'frank' about their cheapness.
  7. gafbass02


    A few more of mine, cause I love it [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/b9821fa7.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/b9821fa7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/664fa9bd.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/664fa9bd.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/2a8185a2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/2a8185a2.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/image-3.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/image-3.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/image-4.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/image-4.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s34.photobucket.com/user/gafbass02/media/image-5.jpg.html][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/image-5.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  8. Signed. People like that make me seeethe.
  9. Watching this with great interest. I enjoyed my full mark bass rigs and was an early adopter. I still swear by my MoMark head.
  10. Bought a power amp and would recommend. Great communication, friendly and polite. Happy days
  11. I swear by my TC mic mechanic great bit of kit.
  12. Bought irig, junk, just too noisy, tried amp kit, fair bit better, but still not great. Bought apogee jam with a large wince. Never regretted it. Nights and day
  13. I like my Harley Benton acoustic bass, sounds great and can keep up with sensibly played acoustics. I owned a fender king an too, which I'd love to buy again. I've found it's got me work with the types who find the mere sight of an electric bass too loud. It's great for playing double bass style. I even used it on radio once, had to be mic'd though as it buzzed in the studio a bit. They are great for just picking up to noodle on. On New Year's Eve I was literally coat on, car packed, heading out to the gig when I spotted a text I'd missed saying could I Learn 'I feel good'. I quickly you tubed it on my iPad, grabbed my acoustic bass and learned it in the time it took the song to play, no faffing getting an amp out or cable or plugging things in. To us they are clearly not as good in most circumstances as a solid bass, but to non bass players seeing it onstage can be a deal breaker. Worth keeping even a cheapo close by. (Switch to electric when you've got the gig, it's easier to sell it then
  14. I think that's my old bass that I've wanted back desperately for years. If its not its bloomin similar. Amazing price too. Sadly it may as well be £3000 to me as I'm utterly broke Typical Then again there's a couple of gigs coming up, maybe I'll get lucky !
  15. That's interesting to know. I've never used anything else, always been more of a let someone else do it sort of thing. But I've found this an interesting diversion. Might invest after crimbo then if my apogee and irig work. Don't want to spend loads on interfaces etc. already bought too much!
  16. No it's just me and the iPad, same work method each time. Lay down a click track, then guide guitar and vocal so I know where I am then make a drum track. The drums on all of them are just the iPad GarageBand drums tapped in on the screen. First I do a smart drum track for the basic beat, then add a hi hat/snare track, any fills, extra bits, etc, and merge the result into a single drum track. Then record a bunch of guitars using an sm58 plugged into an irig mic pre and pointed at my peavey bandit. Merge the guitars. Add a proper vocal, add bass from my zoom. Add any extra guitar leads, Add backing vocal tracks Get levels and done Roar was the latest one, done in a day. Funnily enough I wanted it to sound live and loose, I forgot to leave the hi hat count in on though and couldn't be arsed to fix it
  17. Does cubasis have all the virtual instruments, drums etc? Cause without them I'd be stuck tbh. Also I kinda like the simplicity and challenges of working with GarageBand, it suits the 'quick, she's in the bath, I've got five minutes to do something' nature of my recording.
  18. Well, it's been a while since I posted that, and it seems a few more people have cottoned on to the ipad/GarageBand combination now, so I thought I'd post some of my results and we could maybe make this into a bit of a hints and tips/ideas/experiences thread. My stuff is all in my soundcloud. In almost chronological order. All the 'acoustic' recordings were done using the inbuilt mic. The rest was all done using originally an amp kit but more lately an apogee jam (vast improvement) for guitar. Older recordings the vocals were just an sm58, later ones a behringer condenser through a TC mic mechanic. Bass always my bassmaster through my zoom B9.1. Drums are a mixture of smart drums for the main parts embellished with manually tapped in drums from the GarageBand app. 'Chasing cars' was an odd one as its mainly done using in app instruments and a quietly sung vocal through the internal mic (i forgot noisegate!) as it was made entirely with my left hand while holding a sleeping child! None have been carefully planned, executed and polished projects, more snatched moments around kids bedtimes, mealtimes etc all entirely done in headphones and declared finished when my patience runs out! As mentioned above, I've only been playing guitar and singing for two years, so these aspects aren't great, but the point of this is more what we can squeeze out of GarageBand on the ipad. https://soundcloud.com/gafbass02 ( should add if it says "kitchen" on the track name it was literally done at the kitchen table with an acoustic guitar played and sung straight into the ipad mic with the kids round my feet etc) Any other ipad GarageBand types feel free to chip in with experiences, tips etc
  19. I bought the maplin one a few months back for the same reason, works great
  20. I owned a MB 102std had and a 101p and a 151std with a little mark 2. I really rate them and would go back to them in a heartbeat. I found the way the drivers move a lot rather unsettling, but never had an issue. The tweeter control on my cabs didn't seem to do much, apparently not uncommon, and they didn't project into rooms that well, with the sound loosing a lot of body over a short distance. I ditched them for 'a popular British brand of light cabs' which I wasn't as keen on, and now run Bergantino AE210's which are just stunning. But despite the criticism I've a lot of love for the markbass gear, and they look cool too
  21. That's great, I use my ipad to demo up tracks for the band to learn.
  22. Nice. A jag is on my bucket list
  23. I've been using th neutrik muting jacks for a while. Seem fine with no issues as yet, they just mute as unplugged
  24. Having owned those cabs and that head I honestly don't think you'll have a problem. I'm not convinced the genz rating is terribly accurate. I'd say go for it and just be mindful
  25. I've owned the irig, amp kit link and apogee jam. I have to say in retrospect the irig was pretty ineffective beyond opening the door to what was possible. Since throwing the money at the apogee jam I truly haven't looked back in terms of my phone and ipad as powerful creative tools.
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