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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Sorry, mate my fenders are another story of 'set 'n forget'. I always check it through the night, but they just rarely seem to loose their tuning at all.
  2. All sorts of awful, I'm sorry but Billy Sheehan sounded like a teenage beginner metal guitarist given a bass to try for the first time.
  3. Same. I started with a jazz. Went through over 65 other basses, Warwicks, statii, musicman(s) etc And a huge trace rig with a bright box and complex pedal board. Now I'm on a compact rig, the same jazz I started with and a similar one for back up and a multi fx Happy
  4. I love em. Can't recommend them highly enough for guitar or bass.
  5. We so need an up to date pic recreation y'know. Welcome aboard, an absolute pleasure sir.
  6. Pleased to see its had a few mentions [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/b9821fa7.jpg[/IMG]
  7. I play In a three piece covers band, doing rock stuff, just pubs etc. I recently bought a peavey pvi8b+ http://www.dawsons.co.uk/peavey-pvi-8b-plus-powered-mixer A pair of these http://www.thomann.de/gb/peavey_pvx_12.htm And couldn't be happier, never had a volume issue, the reverb is crap though, but I use a tc pedal instead. I use a pair of these added later for monitors http://www.thomann.de/gb/behringer_b_205d.htm And could get away with them as a pa if i needed to for acoustic or very quiet gigs I'd agree with Lozz, my other band's multicore alone weighs more, cost more and takes long to pack away than my little vocal pa, and we have much less feedback issues etc with the simple rig lol
  8. What BRX said. Many will claim there is no difference. There is. Just get a load together and spend an afternoon with a mate plugging and unplugging and listening to hear the difference. It can be quite marked. In those circumstances. However. In a live setting. Not a chance! Reliability is everything. I own a range of cables including zaolla, monster bass, elixir, leem and several others. But these days for gigs I use OBBM cables, with neutrik connectors and klotz cabling.
  9. I'm being dead serious lol. Exactly the same stuff, same bottle, when I was still at school ( 37 now) I'm sure of it. I've a stack of old bassist magazines I'll have a root through when I get a sec I bet it'll be in there.
  10. Wow, i swear I used to have a bottle of that. Gotta be fifteen years ago though. Packaging reminds me of elites strings back in the day
  11. Cheers mate, yeah mono should be ok. That said our laptop just died, so that could be that plan screwed!
  12. Just to clarify, would a mark bass lm250 black line work for this do we think? I don't see why not, then I'd have a spare bass head too, as I've not got one at present.
  13. I've had it around the pick guard on a piezo stingray
  14. I've a Harley Benton and really rate it. Gigged it quite a bit, with a feedback buster in, recorded live radio shows etc. sounds great, feels great, always gets comments. Love it. (And as lately whenever I post, someone seems to make a snarky comment seemingly presuming either I don't know what I'm on about, or I'm an inexperienced beginner as my views may differ from theirs I'll add that I've owned over 65 basses and been gigging and recording for over twenty years, and am a total gear need and do know what I'm on about and yep. It's great. Yes the action could be lower but that's part of an acoustic, but it responds well to truss adjustments and the preamp just needs setting up with your ears not your eyes. Sadly they are pretty impractical as most times an electric bass will just do a better job, and as for keeping up with a couple of vigorously strummed acoustic guitars, well, expect to do a lot of work for not a lot of volume. A pic can help. But for home noodling or when you get a job that needs the image they are great. I love my Benton. I had a fender kingman too, which was awesome and I'd buy another if I had funds.
  15. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1374417507' post='2148477'] Well to my ears the compact has the same "clarity and bite" as my epifany UL310 with tweeter disabled. IMO if you need more top than a compac provides then you need a horn/tweeter of some sort. [/quote] Which is why I bought a midget T. But didn't like the sound so bought Bergantino....
  16. Likewise. I found mine just sounded like an old school 15" cab. Kinda wooly and lacking any clarity and bite. There is a markbass stand alone tweeter module I think, might work?
  17. They look great, can I ask what capacity folks are intending to use them in? Would it replace normal bass duties?
  18. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1359065317' post='1949476'] yes, but I still want only one control knob on my amp. Dual concentric pot at a push... [/quote] I was about to suggest the MoMark with no EQ module but I see i was beaten to it. I've owned and played through a lot of amps. For a long time my dream rig was the one I owned, Trace AH400smx into two 4x10's and a bright box. I love my current rig a lot, so I reckon what I have now, only bigger and more of it! So maybe four berg 4x10's. running in bi amped splitting low and high power with stereo tops (purely to be ostentatious) all running from a mark bass MoMark head cause it sounds ace With some manhoosive speakers facing up cemented Into the floor where I stand. Yeeeeah
  19. What he said. I always buy from JJ direct. He introduced me to the stuff personally back in 2005 when we were supporting Styx on the uk leg of their tour. They made sure our kit was tended to, which included 'gorgomyting' and when I saw and felt the difference to my basses frets I was sold. Which was of course his intention, but he's a top bloke and the stuff just works. Using it on a maple fingerboard is a scary experience as it starts to go black, but it wipes off no problem when you buff.
  20. Well, they sorted me out with a refund quickly, looks like they are my only option for this cover, so I'll have to back to them I reckon.
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