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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. They are still on my 'own one day' list. lovely things
  2. My bass player plays a five with only four strings :-) He's a really tall guy with big hands so a five is just comfy for him, although to my shame, when he joined he was still struggling to control the unwanted vibration of the B string, (even more noticeable as we rehearse in headphones with a jam hub) and it was never needed in any of our material, so I asked him to try without it. He happily agreed and that's how it's stuck ever since, he can't manage a four string neck, they look tiny on him.
  3. I normally have utterly nothing at all in the way if nerves, almost a 'here we go again' attitude. I like to find a quiet spot and have a quiet moment or reflect on how lucky I am to be able to this stuff. This was a proper bizarre one off! Hopefully normal service will be resumed on New Year's Eve for my next gig
  4. I've a couple of black ones on my basses. Very nice indeed might get an ultra suede in 2013.
  5. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1356693535' post='1912418'] I would have really thought you played a fretless there if I hadn't read this, very smooth! [/quote] Cheers for that, :-) that's nice to hear
  6. Not got it yet, gonna wait a few days and decide wether to go for an ipad 2, or refurbed ipad 3
  7. Yeah, reckon ill get the ipad the gent in this case is rather 'advanced in years' and has been a fixture of said well known cheltenham shop for many years. While I of all people know how soul destroying retail can be I've rarely had anything but grumpiness in this shop.
  8. Today i Went In to my local store looking for a reason to buy a guitar instead of an ipad with my christmas money. I've had my eye a particular guitar and as they had one I really though I could be leaviing with it. The guy talked me through the controls then just sat there playing blues riffs. (Last thing I'd want to play!) Eventually he thrust it into my hands and wandered off. No talk through the amp or questions etc. I played a few minutes, then hung it back up, I said how I wasn't really sure, (I felt too conspicuous sat in the middle of the shop to really relax with it !) he didnt look up, just, quite literally grunted. I tried another approach, and he barely audibly grunted again then stayed silent. I left with my money. Ffs. Every time I go in that shop I'm reminded why I don't!!
  9. I go for compact. Between the pockets on my igig and my gator pedal case I manage a ton of gig junk no extra bag required.
  10. Not mine but a mate is selling his so i said I'd let you lot know. He's had it about six months if that and used it only a handful of times, its a bit marked but I've played through it and its all working fine, he wants £240 collected from Cheltenham. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/ABAB7307-A021-4A77-8EE9-1FCB287A0D7D-9896-000001F3A24386C5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/EC03D1CF-1BD6-4A3C-8F6A-21EDA1E71AC0-9896-000001F3AECB5A7E.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/B8D5081E-5544-4238-87AD-01FBB570ECE0-9896-000001F3B7ED3CFE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/E0E00A90-FB50-438E-8335-66674F5E7389-9896-000001F3BEB7DE88.jpg[/IMG] Drop me a line and ill put you on to him.
  11. Found it. It's the song 'so long so wrong' I recorded this around 1999 using my blue fretted jazz bass plugged into a zoom 506 and set as above. It's not perfect, I was just going for a 'fretless feel'. http://www.reverbnation.com/myriadsonix Tbh I didn't even know there was a reverb nation with that stuff on!! Gonna have a listen through now, I remember really liking the sounds I used on those songs. The best songs for bass sounds are the ones that start with an 'R' ...odd!! I was channelling Billy Gould in 'Redemption' Glimmer and sit and stare are ok too. What a nice find lol. And the singer is the guy that recently shot burglars with his shotgun and was let off thank goodness ( he's a better shot than singer tho;)
  12. I do Bridge pickup favoured, roll back the tone, compress, poss chorus, try to play smoothly use similar phrasing to a fretless player and try to think ''fretlessy'. I've an example from about 15+ years ago I recorded that i quite liked, but I don't think it's online anywhere. Ill see if I can find it.
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1356272409' post='1908599'] When even the original guys don't copy the record, it's a clue! [/quote] Yes :-)
  14. Cheers all. I don't know why I was so nervous, given sone of the places I've played and things I've been lucky enough to do, you'd think a gig in my local pub would be the last thing to trigger what's one of only a handful of times I've suffered with nerves in twenty years of solid, regular gigging. But it sure did!! The fact that many of the tunes I didn't previously know, such as 'love rears its ugly head' by living colour and a little conversation didnt help, along with the fact that many of them the first time I was playing lots of the songs with the full band was right there on stage. Even that's weird given that I used to play house bass for an open mic band learning songs and keys on the spot for three hours, and have previously gigged with bands with no rehearsal at all, so this massive nerves fail really came out of nowhere :-/ Luckily the band are very talented, the sound was good and stepping back into the bass player role just felt like slipping my fave trainers back on. Two songs in I relaxed and just really enjoyed the whole thing. By the end there were Lots of folks dancing and the vibe was really friendly and positive. Felt so much less pressure and more fun than my more recent frontman singer/guitarist role. (Mainly cause I'm a bass player not a singer or guitarist lol) Loved standing Infront of my rig again too :-)
  15. 4 am and tiddly so ill write up properly mañana but short version: nailed it :-)
  16. I'm starting in ten minutes, its only gonna be the second time I've played with the whole band, and I'm uncommonly bricking it! First song is 'soul with a capital S' too, so its straight in. I've not been nervous like this in yeeeeeears!! It's actually hard to type :-/ EDIT: the reason I posted the above was due to a sudden and bizarre and very random nerves fail. Full on trembler...out of nowhere despite two decades gigging. Wtf?!!? Anyone else had that?
  17. This is set ready to go for a bass gig. Two bergantino cabs in their covers, my zoom b9.1 atop them in its gator case, in the top pocket is all the tools/spares/bits n bobs. In the Igig case is my main bass, my momark head, two 5m stage cables, 5m power lead, 6 way mains adaptor and my speakons for amp. In the Ritter is my spare bass and two 10m stage cables. Not taking spare amp head today. Excuse the tatty Ritter, I leant my good one out, I used to use a double Igig, but tbh struggled to manoeuvre it. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/872530CE-1223-46E0-8B5C-B08E644818CB-37023-0000074BE2E186F8.jpg[/IMG]
  18. [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' timestamp='1355957670' post='1905128'] I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. But if you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be. [/quote] Nice quote Party time, excellent
  19. I'm all about the jazz live, just can't get on with p basses.
  20. Shucks. Thanks boss I edit lots before posting, I just try to make sure people aren't going to be upset or hurt or offended when I hit post. We're all on the same team after all.
  21. I expect its the scoopy patrol who don't spend their lives on here over analysing like us lot, :-) and who may not realise that their great sound at home doesn't work at a gig.
  22. Heheh. Nice :-) Irony is I often get made (by band and audience alike) to put a wholly inappropriate and OTT bass solo in superstition. :-/
  23. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1355937351' post='1904811'] Good post gafbass. :-) [/quote] :-) thanks Hun
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