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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. A good 3.2 I'd say. For me it's Remembering structure more than anything.
  2. cheers mate, theres warmoth but they are really expensive especially with the shipping costs etc added on
  3. For years I've harboured a desire to own a walnut jazz, I could never afford a Japanese one or original 70's one. So some years ago I decided it would a build job (well, assemble!) which would allow me to kill that particular 'build my own bass' bird with the same stone and let me tinker and upgrade it as time went by. In my minds eye it's to end up with brass/gold hardware, block maple neck a brass or clear pickguard ( so it can go without too) active electronics and not look too cheapo walnut like the squiers walnut finish. Three years ago about this time by sheer luck, right before christmas i found a japanese walnut jazz body going on ebay, my wife and folks agreeed and it was ordered as my pressie :-) Other family chipped in for hardware etc. Very very exciting!! The 70's/80's style walnut brass jazz bass was ON!! However. Those on here with long memories, will know what happens next. :-( I can't/won't go into details in public for professional reasons. But long story short, just a few weeks before our new daughters first Christmas something horrendous happened. Something so horrendous I lost my home, wife, kids, job, the lot overnight. By the time the body and hardware arrived I'd already had to sell it on here. I never even opened it. I was working in a warehouse of a job I'd left behind years earlier and was living on friends sofas. I needed every penny. Horrible, horrible times. I had some amazing messages of support from BC members. Time healed, the person responsible was eventually found out and while not exactly 'hung out to dry' they were exposed as a liar and my name exonerated. I got my life and family back. Sadly too late for my job, reputation and child's first Christmas. And the jazz bass. Since then I've had to work for less money, so I've no chance of getting as good as before. But with this Christmas approaching and the fact that my phone desktop is still a picture of the dream walnut jazz has me thinking. I was going to ask for a used ipad. But the bass idea won't go away. So....How the snot can I get my hands on a nice walnut jazz body without horrible routes at a price I could ask for as a combined Christmas present from my family? As a starting point to begin again. Any ideas? I can't seem to find much out there that's just nice walnut Kinda like this [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/F6AA8C6E-E096-4654-98A0-F14CC57FE3BC-19630-000015755F889D4E.jpg[/IMG] Anyone got any ideas? I'd love to start this project again Any uk places that do such a thing??
  4. Bob did backing vocals on an album I released back in the early 00's nice bloke.
  5. gafbass02


    Drooooooooool!!!!! Want so much!!!
  6. The markbass bass keeper is the best gig gear I've bought I reckon.
  7. Cheers guys yes indeed the bass does live higher generally and the wristband comes and goes. Its mainly cause where the paint has come off my jazz (who says POLY dosn't naturally relic rubs the hell out of your arm. Been meaning to do something about it for ages. I might take 'Larry' to the audition: [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/b1217344.jpg[/IMG]
  8. Silly question but does the little volume pot on the back help reduce it?
  9. I've not gigged on bass for over a year, as due to my current duties as singer/guitarist in my own band 'MyDesign' I've been kept too busy; and its been a nice 'holiday' or change or scenery after 20 years onstage as a bassist. The other day I was noodling on bass at an open mic when I got asked to audition for, of all things, a funk band (covers). I LOVE playing funk, and, a brief stint in an original funk band that gigged like twice aside, its something I've never done, despite me always wanting to it seems all that's ever come my way is rock gigs. Infact the guy said he hadn't thought to ask me previously because I though I was a rock guy. So I proper want this gig! I already know most of the set and I've beasted myself on their YouTube covers and the stuff I don't know. A year largely off bass has dulled my skills a tad. I'm normally pretty confident in my abilities going into auditions, but these guys had a pretty tasty player before who has gone pro or something, so I don't expect I'll 'impress' as much as I'm perhaps 'used to'. (That Makes me sound like a right vain pillock!) So I'm actually pretty much bricking it! It's on Tuesday so fingers crossed!! Pointless thread. Just thought I'd share some of my nervous energy! I know threads without pics are boring. So here a well used pic of my bass for some extra spice to this post. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/b9821fa7.jpg[/IMG]
  10. Handy hint. I have all my stage sounds set up on one set of banks, A through J or some such. I then have them repeated on banks 1 though 7 or some such only with the cabinet simulation switched on for headphone rehearsing. This means I can practice my switching too and have all my stage sounds but sounding good in cans.
  11. Mines been my main fx for years, when the kids give me a sec ill put up some of my sounds
  12. I use the MoMark tube 800. The tube does bring a 'solidity' to the tone, that makes it feel like playing through a big 'lead sled' type amp as opposed to a smaller digital one. It doesn't do grind though. Power wise I've found the 800 certainly has enough poke, but doesn't feel a lot louder than my old little mark 2. (Through two berg 2x10's) I sold a Genz Benz shuttle 9.0 to get it, and I've not looked back. When I can afford the graphic eq module ill be a very happy camper.
  13. I swear by mine. Have done for years, if I wasn't broke I'd buy one for a back up ! If anyone buys one and decides its not for them let me know first!!
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1352394632' post='1862555'] It means that someone else called himself [i][b]gafbass [/b][/i]before you got there ... [/quote] I'd call that a pretty fair assumption.
  15. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1352381808' post='1862355'] what gafbass 02 didn't say is that the 02 signifies when he started playing bass! [/quote] Hahah. Sadly not, Infact it was '91 or '92 I think. I can't even remember what the 02 means
  16. Yeah I've had a few there's a definite theme of jazz basses, rays and Warwicks with a few randoms. It's interesting to note that I only own three these days, two passive jazz basses and my bassmaster funk. I went through a lot of basses and a lot of mods to find out that for practical gigging, for me, a passive jazz bass covered all my needs.
  17. I know I'm missing some, I'm sure they'll pop in my head over time. From the list there's only a few I'd want back, my treasured early 90's ray, Still can't look at pics of that :-( My replica relic fender p bass, cause I put a lot of work into it, the Marcus miller, the flamed streamer LX and the status energy 6 if I still played sixers. Kaman GTX 53 Fender jazz bass special fretless Fender jazz special 62 reissue fender jazz 75 reissue fender jazz 1 75 reissue fender jazz 2 Jonny brook jazz bass 1 Jonny brook jazz bass 2 Fender kingman acoustic bass Harley Benton acoustic bass Encore p bass. Squier Korean p bass Fender replica relic p bass Warwick streamer stage 1 Warwick streamer LX Warwick streamer LX flame top Warwick FNA jazzman Signature jazz bass Squier jazz blk Squier CV jazz Squier CV jazz fretless Squier VM jazz 1 Squier VM jazz 2 Fender Geddy lee jazz Fender Marcus Miller Jazz Ken Smith KSD 704 Tanglewood bassmaster funk Epiphone thunderbird 1 Epiphone thunderbird. 2 Tokai thunderbird white Tanglewood fretless p bass Tanglewood rebel fretless Vintage v95 fl fretless Matsumoto ripper copy fretless Stellah Six string fretless. Shine six string bass Axl tiger pro six string Status energy six string Status s2 classic deluxe six string Status empathy six string Ibanez btb556 six string 1 I banez btb556 six string 2 Ibanez btb qm six string blue. Hohner B2 Schecter custom 4...1 Schecter custom 4...2 sterling by musicman ray 34CA Music man stingray Music man piezo stingray Music man stingray 1992 Music man stingray 2002 Aria pro 2 sb900 Aria pro 2 SB something Aria pro 2 pointy blue thing Shine telecaster bass Pub wall bass Sue Ryder p bass
  18. I've always felt that a lot of the problem with P basses is that most people tend to anchor their thumb on their pickups when they play, as do I. But, (and this is why I don't like P basses) on a p bass the pickup is quite far 'forward'. This means you generally play where there is more string excursion and where the tone produced is more hollow and 'plunky'. It's what I always think of as being a very sloppy and loose tone. Especially if you play a bit heavily. Whereas on a jazz style bass for instance you can rest your thumb further back where the strings are tighter, resulting in more 'punch and growl'. That and because there is only a pickup in that neck spot there's nothing to add that mid punch and bite the strings produce from back near the bridge. Just my two penn'orth.
  19. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1352219964' post='1860326'] No, what is google? [/quote] Ask Jeeves
  20. There's an app for apple called set list maker or somesuch that does this already I think, not sure if its out on android though.
  21. Outta here is my fave driving cd
  22. Glad to have introduced you to them. Have a rummage through their stuff, one very funky band.
  23. Thought a few of you might enjoy this, one of my favourite bands. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyLHup8b0wo&sns=em Spot the pint on top of an expensive valve amp at one point. Tsk!! So much awesome it's hard to choose. Here's another with vocals http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1IYY2tJMak&sns=em
  24. Huge +1 for pre audio partnership TDL's. I had a pair of G30's. nice looking speakers That's one brand that AP just ruined.
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