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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Sounds about right, they were £150 a long time, finished up about £50 to clear, if they are cheap and well looked after they'd be a good buy.
  2. Yep. The liberty range were very nice for the money. Later they had a problem with glue failing in the drivers, but if they haven't gone by now then they'll be a good pair. Nice solid cabinets, attractive design, very deep indeed, big for what they are. A good solid all rounder buy. The eltax liberty and in particular the older symphony series (symphony 6's and especially the 6.2's were a great sounding set of speakers, after the 6.2 version they got terrible and terribler!) had a very pleasent 'airy' open top end which was quite expressive, but maintaining a nice solid attack at the bottom, not a bloated soggy wumph
  3. Yep, watch the foam surrounds for sure. Also be aware that the kef coda and cresta series speakers from that period were another one that I used to see needing new drivers regularly. Not particularly a fault if the speakers, more the owners. They had a good rep so people bought them irrespective of wether they were right for their listening habits. Kef's people always used to moan on the 'phone to me about the cresta series that they were "Designed for classical music" Despite the fact that they were never marketed as such?! And that classical music can be pretty hoofing! But boy did they blow easily with a big bass beat. Changed no end of them! Nothing wrong with them, just the amount that blew compared to the amount we sold was a bit... Well, off! Predictably for an ex RS employee I very much rate the mordant stuff, but not all of it. Some of the older stuff was TERRIBLE (MS25i's) searing treble and a boxy sound, the declaration series was fab, needed partnering with the right hardware and running in ( a lot!!!) but great and I still own them. The later revisions of them I was MUCH less keen on. ( The avant series) The expensive THX pack they made was diabolical too. Not sure how they managed to mess it up so badly given how close it was in terms of design to the rest of the declaration range. The mezzo range however is fab.
  4. I used to use these back in the day. Sadly I couldn't afford these, but if anyone is unfamiliar with them they really were very 'piano' sounding strings that lasted a long time. Great strings.
  5. Awesome bassline on that tune. People always look at me gone out when I mention it.
  6. I know the feeling. I sold a lot of mine to fund basses I no longer own. Still wish I'd Hung on to my ReVox S22 CD player. Just a stunning sounding thing, and my mordant short MS208's.
  7. The F30's do indeed have quite bloomy bass. A port plug might help.
  8. Exactly that. Just awful junk. Such a shame, I'm out of touch these days so no idea if they are pulling it back.
  9. Just posted this in a thread on mission speakers in 'for sale' but thought it might be better here.. It's worth mentioning that not everything that carries the mission badge is quality. The mid/late 90's 700 series had some utter dogs that even the mission rep used to openly admit were 'cheap junk' (big mark up for them though) They were appallingly built from very substandard materials and would fall apart at the drop of a hat. Many times I picked up a mission 703 only for the front baffle to tear clean out the top of the cabinet, which was made of a sort of cardboard like material that seemed much weaker and more brittle than the other budget speakers. They would flex, bend and creak, many had terrible leaks around the poorly attached baffles that would vibrate and 'fart'. Sometimes vibrating the front clean off the speaker. The glue just didnt hold. We had huge, huge piles of them DOA to go back. We even got warned to stop moaning about them as we were upsetting mission ?!!? such was the problem. Despite this thanks to epic backhanders the series always did well in a 'certain' hi-fi magazine and people would regularly wave the five star review in your face and call you a liar before proudly stomping out clutching their half glued, cardboard and plastic speakers, often only to return a few hours or days later with them in bits. Often they would be so blinkered by not wanting to face up to the fact that their beloved magazine was a tad 'iffy' (in those days, dunno about now) combined with the propensity to always assume the salesman is a liar that they would go through three or four pairs before (sometimes) finally grudgingly admitting they were junk. But mission held us over a barrel, 'sell them or else!' It was the 700's too if I recall. The M series that came later were a lot better, apart from having nasty binding posts that would snap off at random. Some were very nice though, like the 773's. I was never a fan of their odd tweeter positioning though. But their older stuff was very good back in the day.
  10. See my post in the hi fi thread re mission. I posted it here, but thought it might not be the place!
  11. Yeah, no link right this sec but I was looking just the other day for that version and there were loads of videos of it on YouTube.
  12. I'm a close enough guy. I figure the recording is the way that one guy played it that one time on that day. Bass lines evolve and change over time, sometimes they have to be changed, compromised or elaborated on live. This is the same for the original player, as well as the person doing the covering. I always try to listen to a few live versions in addition to the studio version. Also I'm arrogant enough to figure I'm a decent player, why not 'Gaf it up' a bit
  13. +1 to that. Over my ten years at richer I watched manufacturers stick a higher model number on and reduce the build/ performance quality (thus improving the margin) on their lines year on year. Sony and toshiba were the worst. All they had to do was bung a few quid/holidays/cars at a certain well known hi-fi mag to spout off how their latest model was life changing and voila! People would line up for them endlessly. Toshiba reached a new low as their line moved from well made dvd players like the sd2109 to much later models with bendy plastic chassis, appalling failure rates and rubbishy innards. But according said certain magazine each was more impressive than the last. The Sony STRDB av receiver series was another series that got worse and worse. I always enjoyed the time said magazine lauded a very reputable brands £1000 DVD player as a wonderful machine etc etc. while it was later revealed to be nothing but a three year old supermarket own brand cheapo that they had previously derided inside the casing! Being sold for £1000. Oh the stories I could tell Mission speakers, now there's a story
  14. Last night was one of the amazing nights where the band, venue and crowd all just come together. The while thing was awesome from start to finish. Lots of singing and dancing and shouts for more. Couldn't be happier.
  15. I used to be a richer sounds manager so I could probably help with the odd hi fi query too. I'm not very up to date these days though having moved into teaching now.
  16. Nicely shot Found a crazy train. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFw1HDUJGz0&sns=em
  17. gafbass02


    [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/IMG_0899.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/IMG_0812.jpg[/IMG]
  18. gafbass02


    [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/DSC00119-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/DSC00118-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/100_1634.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/100_1631.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/55c65014.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/32711beb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/d2b81e0a.jpg[/IMG]
  19. gafbass02


    I've a bit of a thing for jazz basses. I do t still own all these but some I really wish I did. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/0B6A7FFA-9C20-4A4F-8BC9-40A1D142B086-9575-000009883D5DD416.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/mm005.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/DSC00392.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/100_2264.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/064.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/057.jpg[/IMG]
  20. I always feel guilty that I'm 'note stringing' when I do that kind of solo, so it's interesting to read the mixed responses on here.
  21. Been after one of those for a while. Good call!
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