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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. And Some old sound check stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR8gDjHpN2o&sns=em http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxYmgW4s6qw&sns=em
  2. My old band did a few videos which I'm sure you've all seen by now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg40pYHE-FA&sns=em http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnThxCeCJfg&sns=em
  3. Ive nothing good or current for my present band. This was from our early days, I'd only been playing guitar/singing six months. I'm on guitar and fellow basschatter davemuadib is on bass. He's left the band now though. It's filmed on a phone, but sounds ok in cans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qnMl-iyUqM&sns=em Me in my old ozzy band a couple of years back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSonPOWP4mQ&sns=em
  4. Used hip shots for years on virtually every bass I've ever had. No worries at all.
  5. Yeah. I also found the bottom very wooly and loose. (Ooer!)
  6. I've got a copy I'd probably swap for something useful, not sure what, a mic or cables or strings or some such
  7. Awful :-( I knew I should have cancelled but it was the first gig in a new venue that a friend has opened; so I really didnt want to. I knew I was in trouble when at three hours before opening time I still had no voice. I damaged it about a month ago, coupled with a nasty flu'y cold and being a teacher, plus non stop gigs, its just not had a chance to recover. Throw in the fact that lots of our stuff is quite high to sing and you see the problem. I'd tried everything, steam, an entire bottle of honey, all sorts, but it was beyond saving. That and the venue is out of the way, up three flights of stairs and you have to buzz to get in meant the turn out wasn't great either. I was sweating, shivering and shaking, poorly as hell, utterly ruined one song by being barely able to stand let alone play the riff :-( Made it and shuffled home feeling pretty rotten. Just hope I'm better for this weekends Halloween gig.
  8. I'm painfully shy so I've not been to one yet. Been building up the guts for years! I'm in Cheltenham so if its close enough I'd like to pop along this time.
  9. I'm a week late, but its been a busy/rough week! Last weekend we played the 'Heaven and Hell' festival in Gloucester and I was apprehensive at best! It's a metal festival full of lots of big scary men in black leather jackets with huge hair and bands that go 'bakadabakadabakadabakada RAAAAAAAAARR DESTROY!!!' That sorta thing. We play sort of green day ish punky versions of things like the spice girls, Bonnie Tyler etc! That and we aren't top drawer. I'm the guitarist/vocalist and suck at both! I still have the lyrics in a music stand handy. (We do have three hours of stuff though to be fair!) Knowing I was surrounded by talented widdly metal guitarists and all those technical drummers Etc was a tad intimidating to me 'n my power chords! (I did get to plug my momark 800 into an 8x10 though. (Our bassist uses my amp) sounded great.) We utterly rocked the place! People swarmed in to see us and sang along so loud! Arms aloft, lighters lit in 'stay' (Shakespeare's sister) screams for more. We got the single biggest crowd and response of the event apparently! So many nice words after too. Some People had come just for us which amazes me!! Nuts!? A very cool pic of the bassist too. And you may recognise my t shirt from a BC thread too! [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/2E96ED83-C4A3-4D90-BB76-59B39099BA8A-10351-00000CE1BA08ADEF-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/8E20AB5D-5CF0-43B0-AF8B-CB541DBD51AB-10351-00000CE1BDF4DCB5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/B573EB4C-EA91-429A-97B1-1AF28A955B04-10351-00000CE1C26A939E.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/BFD2279A-328D-419A-8CB3-7B0409304312-10351-00000CE1C614F125.jpg[/IMG]
  10. Are you one of those 'doomsday preppers' ?
  11. While being surrounded by people saying how much they liked the gig the landlady came over. They all say to her: 'best band we've ever had' 'great night' etc etc. she replies with 'they were entertaining I suppose but the singer was crap, I hated his voice' I'm the singer. I was stood right there and she knew it. ! Rude and a downer!
  12. I had the Harley and it was amazing. Heavy. But amazing
  13. I just bought this from here and it's purpose is served (already!) Nice little switchable loop pedal with a separate tuner out/mute. Works great, no 'thud' nice LEDs, all good. Total bargain at £20 posted. UK mainland only. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/C292CFE6-CFCB-4347-99B6-4636313E271E-186-00000015F61A58FE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/EBC55945-547D-42FD-B16F-38E1C6FED83A-186-00000015F130B40E.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/74E6D12A-FA73-4D40-8800-445F617CED4C-186-00000015EC154770.jpg[/IMG]
  14. I think they are around 150w. Not sure tbh! They are in ok/tatty nick and the tweeters aren't working, most likely blown. Very light though I gigged them without tweeters just fine tbh. Just compensated on the eq. Collection only from Cheltenham. £40 the pair or make me an offer. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/398FE039-50B8-48EB-B165-A72AEABCF9BE-186-00000015DD8628CA.jpg[/IMG]
  15. I'm considering one as a backup pa power amp, any reason why that wouldn't work?
  16. We're thinking largely no pa support pub rock gigs here. The 250 would be great for an onstage monitor, and to be fair might do ok for a time in this setting. But from my experience, especially with Mel coming from her current rig, that I think she'd soon find it lacking in pub filling power when up against the rest of the band. Especially if lots of low end or fx or detuning is on the cards. Just my take though
  17. Honestly, I think the only viable option that will be dramatically lighter than what you have and still be ok for gigging with Blaze is the compact. Many of the other suggestions just wouldn't cut it with your (most excellent!) band. I'd say a compact or switch from your 2x12 to a 2x10. Like an RS210. But that won't save much weight, maybe a tad. Amp wise, the Promethean head is hard to beat for sound/power/weight I'd choose a working one over the Genz shuttle 6. Although I'd choose a little mark over either. Tricky call. Hope you get it sorted :-D anyway I can help just ask
  18. I've used one at open mics quite a bit. Good solid instruments. They feel a bit 'identikit' like lots of the Korean, two band active basses do, it's like the same bass over and over just in a different shape. With a good set up it would make a perfectly good gigging bass that should last as long as you could ever need it to.
  19. Yup, long In the tooth, low actionist right here, and that bass is giving me GAS
  20. Interesting point about people watching out of interest as it were. A guy in the loos (while I was taking a piss!?!!) Came up and said: " I hate your kind of music, I only like R'n'B, garage and that sort of stuff, but watching you guts tonight made me realise how much work goes Into it and I loved every minute of that!" :-) Could've been timed better though, I didn't shake his hand
  21. the already mentioned 'sabotage' Timmy C's awesome tone in know your enemy And, um, well, mine! Heard here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnThxCeCJfg&sns=em http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4smim2MNvF8&sns=em
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