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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1348569971' post='1815236'] There are some great people around here and Clarky is one of them. [/quote] This. Clarky is just fab. Love BC
  2. The berg AE210's do sound noticeably more like a ceramic cab to me than other neo cabs I've owned.
  3. :-) I used that knot just especially for its retro chic. That's Matt Wright on drums
  4. A few more up to date ones of me. Spot the deliberate mistake [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/803B9797-3C80-4617-8810-B6B2010EB5E4-507-000000280F410D98_zps68cd8098.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/EDB246D9-B550-450D-BECC-D4FB9DC385D9-507-000000291DC3D66A_zps21c12bd9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/1CD9E027-8F8D-4F64-8735-EB8CBC77AF88-507-00000029253F4D82_zps5080b131.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/24B88D46-5F65-491D-A667-4F83A7E66F65-507-00000029214A5A3E_zps2720aa15.jpg[/IMG] And just to set the record straight [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/A5E30BCB-52EB-4DDE-8FCE-88D0660D73A8-507-0000002929815041_zps9f78a475.jpg[/IMG]
  5. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1348488285' post='1814151'] Something like this? [url="http://www.dv247.com/pa-systems-and-live-sound/qtx-qr12pa-portable-pa-system--84349"]http://www.dv247.com/pa-systems-and-live-sound/qtx-qr12pa-portable-pa-system--84349[/url] [/quote] We have something very similar at work and it amazes me! It fills a large playground easily. Look at the behringer B205d's too. Fab bits of kit, tiny and very loud!
  6. This Saturday's gig was an odd one, we were at a place that had begged us to return, only to be stared at, virtually NO applause, a real negative vibe, I was ready to knock gigging on the head by the end. Came off stage and everyone was raving about us?!?!? Huh!? some audiences are just weird!
  7. Likewise. It's pretty much the sound for me:)
  8. I've used one a few times and saw the same one used by a mates band, they are a fairly average volume three piece pub rock covers band, the guitar amp a 50w Marshall combo. I found the BG250 did seem overwhelmed, it was there, but pretty driven and not pleasent sounding. I'm not sure how many gigs it would survive like that! I was going to suggest one for our bassist who is currently using my rig, but I just don't think it would have the power or presence. As a player using it for a few tracks at an open mic I found it needed a lot of cranking to keep up even at the lower volume and I found the tone useable if pretty 'unsophisticated'. It certainly projected into the room better than up close where it was pretty tricky to hear. Not a bad but for what it is. But it definitely is what it is. Ime IMHO ymmv etc
  9. There's definitely something that makes markbass move a lot. I've spent a lot of time nosing at cabs and never seen another brand piston the way they do. Oddly not farting etc, just a lot of movement, even at quite low volumes.
  10. No worries, ill try to answer any questions or pm's about the many rigs of Gaf lol. There's been so many, not to mention all the other ones I've used and not owned per se.
  11. I loved my markbass cabs (102p atop a 102hf) and I was an early adopter, moving from a huge trace stack. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/my%20bass%20stuff/100_1432.jpg[/IMG] I found the markbass had great punch and a very versatile tone, but the cone excursion always scared me and I noticed that the brilliant tone I heard, really didn't project well at all, and what the audience heard was very, very different, lots of click and not much 'oomph' Still amazing cabs, and I'd still own them happily though. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/100_2704.jpg[/IMG] A change of circumstances meant I needed the lightest rig possible, so barefaced it was, I bought a midget T and compact. I also at the same time bought a Promethean p5110 and matching 1x10 cab. The Barefaced rig was well timed for a summers heavy festival gigging. In terms of appearance I was disappointed, people took the mick out of my 'home made' speakers, and the band were aghast that my smart rig had turned into something with squishy foam sticking out and badges that didn't match up etc. The finish was slippy, the handle made putting an amp on tricky, and the finish reacted with sorbothane feet, that and I couldn't use my snazzy markbass bass holders lol. no one complained when it came time to lift though. The form factor was amazing! So practical. But the sound I never liked. Despite all the science, to me, the compact sounded exactly like what it is. A 15 in a smaller box. So all the aspects one would 'traditionally' expect from that. A lack of bite and clarity, a Warmer, slower sound, with not much natural real low end without eq'ing it in. A very old school thuddy sound that reminded me of the old carlsbro etc stuff in studios when I was younger, not the tight, punch I'd got from my tens. I added a midget T. This I still describe as an amazing 'tool'. It's a Swiss Army knife. A great box. So portable and will get you heard if its all you've got with you. But it gets you heard by sounding like what it is: A 12" speaker in a small box. Lots of middy bark and bite. Not at all a pleasent tone, but one that will cut through. I found I hated the dry, barky yet hollow '12' sound still. Again it just lacked the sound I was after. It made everything sound like a neck pickup solo'd, I'm more a tight, bridge pickup favoured, compressed, modern punch kinda guy. But I could carry it to town instead of driving and gig with it. So that's pretty awesome!! (Less so for the alcohol intake!) [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/5a19b68a.jpg[/IMG] Together they sounded, well, like a barky twelve with an aggressive tweeter sat on top of a woofy, old school 15", certainly no louder than the markbass rig, but with a less 'together' sound and less punchy and tight. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/f362c845.jpg[/IMG] I found I preferred the Promethean stack....till every piece of it broke! [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/182393fa.jpg[/IMG] I changed my amp from the little mark two I'd been using to a shuttle. 9. Better. But the silly dual input levels, flashy peak led's and somewhat underwhelming power section started to annoy. That along with the switchy buttons not being well chosen frequency wise and the lack of control over low and high mids seperately saw me head back to markbass for a MoMark 800. By this time I'd passed my driving test and weight was no longer such an issue. I ended selling on both midget T's I'd ended up owning. I picked up a bergantino AE210. After twenty years gigging and sooooo many rigs (this ain't all of them by a loooong shot!) it was an incredible leap forwards. Depth with punch and tightness of tone. Definition and clarity with no glassy harshness. Good form factor and responsive to EQ. No cone drama. Just an amazing amazing sound with a '3D' quality that fills rooms and sounds as good in the crowd as it does next to it, and they look so slick and pro. A little weighty compared to the barefaced. But for now ill cope. When a second one came up for sale it was a no brainer and the compact was sold to fund it. Job done. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/f544a869.jpg[/IMG] I never imagined that a couple of 2x10 cabs could be the thing that's made the biggest difference in my sound and ease of playing/playing comfort/lack of stress over tone etc But they did. The markbass was great, the bigger cab was a tad big, the smaller one a tad small. The projection not great and the cones moved a lot! But I liked em. The barefaced were a solution to a specific issue, ie weight. But in every other way they did nothing for me or my bass playing buddy. (Who, having not invested in them told me this all straight away the first time he heard them, but i carried on trying to convince myself for a long time before facing up to the fact that he was dead right!) Shame cause supporting home grown industry is a great thing, and Alex is doing a brilliant job. Just not for me I guess. Maybe one day. And the Bergs, just great, but I'm a sucker for GAS/financial crisis, so never say never. All IMHO ime, ymmv etc etc
  12. [quote name='Phil-osopher10' timestamp='1348306981' post='1812079'] I run my eq pretty flat on the walkabout and only make small adjustment when required. Personally I would love to try the vanderkley and bergs as I have played through the barefaced compact and midget and they were okay (midget being my favourite by far) but I preferred the sound to my scout extension cab. I have never put the aggie's in the same league as the aforementioned cabs, should I? I'm very intrigued by gafbass02, what were the tonal differences between the three? [/quote] Just off to a gig but ill try to reply ASAP
  13. Not a fan but I know some are, he posted a statement on his Facebook last night. I've not got a link in afraid though.
  14. Some brilliant suggestions in here, I'd love to read a mag full of them (instead of full of expensive extended range basses!) Pleased to see Joel said yes to 'me 'n' my bass, I reckon my battered old blue jazz could make a great one, ill get writing
  15. I'm another big fan of the legacy strings, total bargain!
  16. I went markbass to barefaced, to bergantino. IMHO I found that the barefaced were my least favourite of the three in terms of sound and build quality, and seemed no louder at gigs. The bergantino were miles ahead of both in every respect, in particular sound. That said I can see me giving barefaced another try in the future because of the weight which is very liberating, and I've started to simply be less fussy about my tone too, as in all honesty I realised that no one else cares, so I may as well save weight!
  17. I did :-( with a ray34ca, it had to go back, the neck/frets were a wavy mess that wouldn't set up and rattled no matter what you did. Gutted
  18. [quote name='loki' timestamp='1347996995' post='1807955'] It was free too! Actually that's probably what happened to it... [/quote] Actually 'lol'd' at that
  19. Welcome aboard. Another glowing recommendation for the Japanese Fenders here
  20. Nice! My first thought was the 'Tune' bass maniac for those who remember it.
  21. Could well be a duff string, the battery might be for active pickups rather than a pre amp a la EMG. Glad you like it
  22. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1347904936' post='1806485'] In Cheltenham? The things you learn, eh? [/quote] I know! Amuses me no end
  23. I get a lot of surprised looks when I tell people I'm not really into rock, but mainly listen to funk, jazz and disco (being a long haired, goatee'd 'rock' lookin fella) I explain it's 'bass player music' Can't stand reggae though, especially as thetrs a bit of a cliquey self worshiping reggae thing in this town with some people; it just compounds my dislike further!
  24. My 75ri has it and it's a great addition.
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