I've said it before but back in the days of bassist I used to love the 'My bass is' feature. Always wanted to see my blue jazz in there. I've still got all my old bassist mags, and as someone else has said, I still read them! Much more than my BGM's of which I have every issue.
(if anyone would part with the copy of bassist with flea on the front I'd soil myself in joy, I think it's the only one I missed due to extreme poverty!)
I find I'm less and less bothered by BGM's appalling repetition these days. Endless interviews from a template: 'No I don't play five strings, I don't slap because I can't, my first bass was a Squier precision, I've still got it, I play a p bass cause it cuts through' repeat ad nauseum etc etc
Then three reviews of basses over a grand at best, and a ton of blobs and sticks at the back.
Look at bassist and as well as the excellent 'my bass is' there's 'classic basses', excellent and varied reviews of things like transmitters, wah pedals, multi fx, odd little bits and bobs, budget and mid and top end basses etc.
I'll give the latest editor a go for a few issues, there are signs it's improving.
It's somehow missed the mark for a long time now, but after bassist went under im still grateful just to have a bassists magazine in this Internet age. I buy it more out of habit and 'wanting it to be there' than for the info these days.
Just wish there was more pages of varied and real world gear than endless players 'interviews by rote' and contributors being all 'zen'.
Tell me about basses, Amps and bassy/gigging gadgets and stuff I might not know I need!
Live sound tips, gigging tips, funny gig stories page maybe.
Long post, sorry.