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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Videos from my old band Loungefly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnThxCeCJfg&sns=em http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg40pYHE-FA&sns=em
  2. My old ozzy tribute band, I know I'm not playing them right, but no one ever moaned lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSonPOWP4mQ&sns=em I'm on guitar/vocals here with 'MyDesign' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qnMl-iyUqM&sns=em
  3. Lol sooooo many that I learned by playing along in a house band at an open mic that I didn't hear the originals for ages after (many I still haven't) mostly when I do I tend to prefer my version lol There was one by the lot that did sex on fire where our version was lovely, heard the original and hated it. That's how I learned tunes like 'Sir Duke' just playing along and figuring it out. ( I did go have a listen to that one though!)
  4. Def doesn't sound quite like the real deal, but the basic tonal 'fingerprint' is there. If anything the eq range seems slightly more useful. Very tempting with the narrow nut, I had a sterling ray 34ca for a while with the narrow nut, but shoddy build saw it returned.
  5. Looks pretty cool! Dunno wether I'd choose it over the compact Harley Benton ba500 but it's definitely got an appeal!
  6. I went backwards too, I had a shuttle 9.0 and a barefaced midget t/compact stack, great for the carrying but I just didn't like the sound, no matter what I tried it just didn't sound like 'me'. No matter what I did, despite all the theory saying otherwise, it sounded like a single 12" and an old school 15". Neither of which I like. Now I'm on a markbass MoMark 800 and have gone back to 10's with a pair of Bergantino AE210's and couldn't be happier. Admittedly it's not a full step back to my old trace stack (AH400smx, two 4x10's and a bright box!) but it's a lot heavier, but worth the trade off in terms of sound quality IME, IMHO, YMMV etc
  7. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1345623212' post='1779479'] There are some great music apps for the iPhone, shame the autocorrect is so daft though [/quote] Do true
  8. I just took this out my japanese 75 reissue (jb75-100/US) jazz bass, it's the standard pickup that came with it. Nice snappy, funky tone with lots of depth. £20 posted [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/C73B8134-E35F-4F83-BA52-5C1E4A092613-2986-0000048807C30E0B.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/F2CF0FC1-CD37-4AEA-8792-91EBDC03F7E5-2986-000004880D9912CF.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/ABA039E7-0598-413E-A80C-BED056C36BBB-2986-0000048815A09AD8.jpg[/IMG]
  9. Bought a set of pickups from Gareth. A+ from start to finish
  10. Mentioned it a few times but I do all my practicing using a combination of my iPhone and my zoom pedal. If I want to sound good and have all my sounds I use the zoom, but if it's just a straight ahead learning session then the trace Elliot sound in the ampkit app is fine. I run ampkit at the same time as an app called 'robick' This let's you play songs and lather the speed/pitch/key etc as well as cut out the bass/mid/top and slow down/speed up or loop sections. And it's all on my phone, incredibly versatile and convenient. Vocally it means I can try out keys till I find one I like
  11. I'm the same when people start playing blues, not a clue what to with them! Give me funk or disco or rock or most things, but blues leave me stumped!
  12. Nice one dude. Well it's something I guess, mine would have been bought around '94/'95 at a guess. Wonder why there's so few of them kicking around.
  13. I just left music guard simply cause I'm skint and not convinced they'd pay out anyway. I'm going to talk to endsliegh
  14. I must admit that's my close second. Not sure it's always easy if the band is good though, (It comes a bit close to 'if it's hard it's cause you're crap', which certainly isnt always the case) but that could well depend on other factors, who you know, local tastes etc. but as ever ymmv IMHO ime, etc
  15. I just wrote this for something and it occurred to post it here too... I swear the hardest part of being in a band isn't the years and years of learning the instrument, it's not the hours upon hours of writing and arranging and practicing the material, it's not the nights spent writing biogs and emailing and getting the schedules of each band member to match up, it's not the time spent away from family networking or travelling to and from gigs and carrying gear, it's not the two or three hour sets on an empty stomach or the rushed (or absent) sound checks with landlords asking you to 'turn the drums down', or watching the volume limiter kill your expensive amp every time someone flushes the loo, it's not even the drunk guy shouting 'oasis' in your face all night and trying to play your precious instrument. It's getting those landlords and venues to simply answer the phone, or text, or email or return your call with a gig. That's it. That's the single hardest part in my twenty years gigging experience! What's yours fellow muso's?
  16. I did the same thing. Taught me a whole new respect for singists too. I 'get' them slightly more now that I do it.
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