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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. As a youngster in a band that was 'going places' I had it drilled into me to smile shake the hand and say 'Thanks, glad you enjoyed it, thanks for coming!' I pretty much still do to this day
  2. Sorry only just spotted this. Sorted thanks!
  3. I've lusted over an Antigua jazz as long as I've played, could never afford warmoth or an original so finally I have a little hope And I'd have to get some stick on blocks till I could get that neck swapped!
  4. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1337109770' post='1655724'] Legacy strings from Stringsdirect are fantastic! [/quote] This
  5. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1338640331' post='1677506'] Sounded more than ok, nice ! [/quote] Thanks dude
  6. I totally totally swear by my Hartke vxl too btw Mel, best of all the ones I've tried. (quite a few)
  7. Argh!! Ain't that typical!!! Where were you two weeks ago Lol :-/ Ah well. gutted.
  8. MyDesign are very lucky cause we've got the Two Pigs in Cheltenham all to ourselves for a jubilee do [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/59d3cd3c.jpg[/IMG] Hope some of you can come!! Then on Monday it's an afternoon set at a pub in 'nham
  9. Just keep doing it. Ive found that after being in bands for twenty years, eventually you'll be able to fit anything into any car Not sure how, it just happens
  10. I may well be off, only ever paid them passing due before now. Dangerboy I'll get back to you, my cost error may snafu the idea.
  11. I really fancy giving one a go, it's my birthday at the start of June and if there's one going I'll ask for it for my birthday. Cant spend loads, but I know they are normally £120-£150ish not bothered about colour
  12. Yeah I think they call it 'scarfed on' ? So the headstock is a whole separate piece.
  13. Two. This vintage p bass replica I made. Sold it twice. Gutted gutted. Wish I could buy it again. Such a connection having made it. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/IMG_0371.jpg[/IMG] And this which I can barely look at the picture tbh. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/775d6815.jpg[/IMG]
  14. I know a guitarist like this now. Does my head in. No idea about dynamics or when to STFU either.
  15. Well, the inevitable wear and tear and being trodden on by guitards has finally caused the input of my zoom to go iffy. It's started cutting out unless positioned just right, even the pressure of activating the wah cuts it out. Anyone got any ideas about getting it fixed? I'm in Cheltenham and very poor so can't afford much by way of shipping. Also paranoid about loosing my patches. Going to try to figure out how to back it up to the librarian software. Anyone used it?
  16. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1337668678' post='1663566'] Go for the front ported 2x10, throws out the low end better and it seems louder than the others... The 102HF cab has a better tweeter in it than the combo, if you actually use yours. [/quote] This. Having owned both the markbass cabs. Infact I used both together. Great cabs.
  17. The '80's US rock band that spent two hours off their heads on something (wouldn't let us in the dressing room!) giggling onstage and saying "My finger in your ass..... Noooo dude , my finger in YOUR ass, no, no man. My finger in YOUR ass" to each other. While we watched, bemused and a bit cross to see our soundcheck time wasted this way.
  18. Ooooohhh ! They ignored me! It's still got that T on the headstock that mine doesnt. Intrigue
  19. After 20 years I consider myself a total beginner still. So much more to learn. The comments above really ring with me. As soon as someone starts playing reggae or blues I'm soooo far out my comfort zone it's ridiculous.
  20. Depends if I'm stalling for more folks to arrive If its a bit dead I'll chuck away a few spare songs 'The Look' by roxette springs to mind. I try to never play the same set twice but our most prolific set opener is 'Wherever Whenever' by shakira, into 'Holding out for a hero' into 'hungry like the wolf'. then again our set is a little different to most
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