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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/c9b1a39a.jpg[/IMG] Bandit with a Harley benton 2x12 for big gigs and a 1x12 for lazy days. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/861bd675.jpg[/IMG] epiphone lp300 [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/a8b8c5a6.jpg[/IMG] Malcolm and Mr Shiny Mini rig 150w though ! [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/322c7405.jpg[/IMG] Handy 1x12 [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/5d1e7024.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/9b9137cc.jpg[/IMG]
  2. Thought it was about time for an update. Due to working part time/currently playing guitar (!) and having lost too many basses to credit card panic my buying and selling gas juddered to a halt. Luckily I'm very happy with what I have! Mostly familiar faces I'm sure. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/452a87dc.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/f544a869.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/630db33d.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/a99a621a.jpg[/IMG] The mij jazz, the cij jazz and my trusty bass master funk. Momark 800 and ae210's and B9. All obbm cables. If I hadn't had to sell my gramma pad it would be just perfect!
  3. No worries. I had no balance problems, infact never have with any ray I've owned. Lucky ! It sounded more 'ray like' than some 'real' stingrays I've had. It was a tad unsubtle though! Such a shame about the neck. It felt amazing. Just wobbled about all over the place! and had such poor fretting a low action was impossible.
  4. I had something similar with an allparts neck. I found the laquer just scraped off the frets, infact playing caused most of it to come off, a quick wipe and polish and all was well. Im assuming in this case though that's not happened?
  5. I had one and loved it. Found I rarely played it though, also the neck was pretty high maintenance, but only cause I have my action on a crucial knife edge of low. Slightest change and it's not right. Great bass though. Cracking aggressive tone.
  6. I had the ray 34ca. Sounded and felt amazing, but the neck was cheap, wavy, poorly fretted junk. Back it went I'd have another of they weren't so expensive for what they are.
  7. I had those cabs and was very pleased with them. Traded them for barefaced and just couldn't get along with the barefaced kit. So I switched to bergantino and literally couldn't be happier. Along the way I started with a little mark 2, then a Genz shuttle 3 and a 9. An ibanez promethean and finally a momark tube 800. I finally feel like I've reached the perfect compromise between weight and tone. I found the Genz just wasnt quite 'me' and the eq didn't quite work for me. The little mark was fantastic and the momark is a very similar amp to be fair. I also had a lot of time with the orange terror 500, and it was like stepping back in time with the fluffy, wooly sound that broke up early and very limited eq. Not my bag at all. Give me a mark bass every time. And tbh if I ever shift the berg cabs on its mark bass I'll go back to.
  8. Ace. Cheers dude. I think I'll give it a shot
  9. Cheers. Yeah that's my thinking. Surely a power amp is a power amp, and vocals a lot less stress than bass.
  10. I should add this is for the band where I play guitar! I won't be playing bass through it at the same time!
  11. So. I'm thinking. To save lugging the big heavy pa around, could I plug a small mixer into the power amp (fx loop?) on my momark? And then plug the pa speakers into and thus have a small, light, loud PA for vocals ? Obviously Id have to watch the volume ( its the 800w frame) But would it be ok? Or should I shut up and go away
  12. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1332195202' post='1584777'] You are making great sense Gaf. [/quote] Yes!! Law of averages. Had to happen eventually!! I'm still dead excited to go see the guy though !
  13. I know what you mean. I thought the Same about the teen town thing. I realised when I was in a band a couple of years ago having just discovered Marcus millers music. That I was using my thumb to play a complex line. Just because I 'could' Not that I 'should' I find it the same here and with his ( and others) 'covered it by slapping it all with my thumb' versions. It's like. Yes. You could. But should you? Does it actually work best and benefit the track. Or has it become just that the whole point of it is no longer the track. But the fact that you can do the track with just your thumb and isn't that clever. Am I making sense?
  14. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1332166201' post='1584116'] At least [i]you're[/i] appreciated... [/quote] Not always
  15. Cheers for the update boss. I love my MoMark. Sticking with 'em I reckon.
  16. That makes me sound right up myself. I'm not! Especially not in this company!!
  17. I want to like it tbh. I kinda don't though. It seems sort of ... 'I'm Marcus Miller, here's the bit where I have to do the crazy fast slapping thing, even though it doesnt actually fit the music that well but it's what people want me to do. Hey ho' Y'know?! It happens to me. Im no Marcus Miller, but I get 'bass solo' all the time. So I grin and go thwackedy whack and run up and down the neck stupidly fast and everyone goes 'oooohhh'. It's what they want and expect So I do it and remain glad that they like seeing me do it. -- while secretly wishing they noticed my subtle use of chords and harmonics or my fingering technique or my carefully balanced tone, or my tightness with the drummer or my ravishing good looks instead But no. So it's inappropriate thwackedy whack. 'ooohhhh'
  18. Ricks, Yamaha BB basses, pointy Jackson things, Gibson mudbucker jobs. Violin basses, any retro 'muddy plonk' type basses. Sadowsky jazz basses. The shape looks wrong. None of them has ever ever appealed to me. Then again I'm sure my striped blue jazz with LED's doesn't appeal to all heh heh.
  19. Robick. Coupled with the excellent ampkit (much better than amplitube) it's transformed my practice for the band I play guitar and sing in. I have imported our whole set and changed the pitch and tempos to match how we play them. Then taken out the mids so I just play along to the bass and drums. Just perfect! Takes a minute to get your head round but it's worth it. Check it out. It's called robick.
  20. The relic'd p bass copy I made. Sold it and bought it back once. Sold it again and I'm still gutted Couldnt afford it even I could remember where it had ended up. But because I bought it and built it as parts it's got a real attachment for me. Gutted. Stupid money [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/IMG_0352.jpg[/IMG] That and my '92 ray. But although it was an amazing dream bass I'm oddly more gutted about the p bass still.
  21. Markbass and bergantino I'm thinking I found my keeper.
  22. I used to work at Tandy. That sucked ! I remember the grey curly leads very well!
  23. I had the same problem mate. It had to go back
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