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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Very much agreed. My gas is finally done. Ironic really as I'm bass wise virtually back where I began! Hell, not far off amp wise either! I'm hardly playing bass at all at the mo, which is probably part of it, having ended up on guitar for the first time in my life?!!!? (power chords only!) but guitars dont interest me really. Just tools to a job. I have noticed however that when I pick up a bass to noodle or play at open mic, i not only love it, but am proper on form too! Typical! Heh heh
  2. this really has to go, only bought on Dec 21st [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/IMG_3107.jpg[/IMG]
  3. The 212 is 75 watts per channel, it's a stereo amp. Huge clean sound makes it the perfect palette for fx. It was a jc120 competitor. I'd do a stonking deal for both.
  4. I'm Lucky enough to have the spare room for bass, and the cellar for low volume or silent (jamhub) rehearsals! Top wife!! Not to mention the peavey combo under the kitchen table!
  5. Festive bump folks. Before I change my mind! I'm now thknowing of keeping the bandit!
  6. Hah hah. Keep the family together lol It's a stunning amp. I'm already starting to change my mind. So if anyone's thinking about I'd snap it up quick! I'm pretty sure it's eventually going to become one of those sought after classics. It's the loudest thing in the world too. :0)
  7. Thanks skank. It's true. I've actually got the new bandit coming for crimbo. They are just belting amps.
  8. [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/2db3575a.jpg[/IMG] Basiclly a stripped down live version of the much vaunted, actually-pretty-good-even-though-it's-a-behringer V-amp. As new in box with manual and psu. £35 posted.
  9. First off I have a peavey bandit 65 it's had some mods in its past to let it be used as a cab as well as a combo. Works fine. The speaker is missing its dustcap and gets a bit ragged sounding, it's not blown, just old and tired. Comes with footswitch. Very loud. £40 collected from Cheltenham. I also have a really nice peavey stereo chorus 212. 70w I think. It's INSANELY loud! Pretty heavy 65lbs so I put castors on. Sounds ace! Speakers are a bit tired sounding but only up close. I've gigged it lately with nothing but amazed compliments at the sound. No footswitch. Best chorus sound ever! Rubbish pic (it's under the 210- which isn't for sale) I'll get more up but just google image search classic chorus 212. Looks like this £60 collected from Cheltenham You can have both for a tc helicon voicetone correct or possibly swap a guitar (humbucker) Both amps are debadged. strictly collection only.
  10. Not a song or anything really, just an idea I had while noodling and hit record. Listened back and quite liked it so thought id share it It's nothing at all really, just a doodle. [url="http://gafbass02.posterous.com/rough-bass-idea-by-gaf"]http://gafbass02.pos...ass-idea-by-gaf[/url]
  11. Does it neck dive? I'm really Interested but I sing and take my hands off so any heck dive is a no no for me. That and I'm still trying to scrape the cash together. Might end up after crimbo if it's still going. I REALLY like the yellow and black but the blue is nice too.
  12. Exactly This sort of thing was why bassworld (as was then) first caught my attention and drew me in. I got sent a bass in the post totally on trust! And all all these years later, despite the fact that I'm a much less regular poster I'm still very proud to be a part of such a unique and genuine community. Happy Christmas everyone Aaahhh!!
  13. Most of you know my sonic blue jazz, it's been 'the one' for years. Despite this I never stopped trying to find something better. At first this was modding my jazz and then trying other basses. I've now owned over 60 basses, and the jazz is still the one. That and my backup, which is a white version of the same bass! I guess I've just narrowed down what works the best for me in the most situations. Which is a 70's 'style' fender jazz. But I've had ace fun along the way. Biggest regrets were an '88 status, a '90 streamer lx and a '92 ray. All basses I loved, but my fender has been with me through thick and thin since the early 90's. Despite the fact that these days the body is the only original part left lol! I've found by changing the way I play it I can make it sound like whatever I need it to. ray or p or j or whatever really. It's all in the attack, the set up and hand position and maybe a touch of eq/drive from the zoom b9. That and finally realising no one else cares ! [IMG]http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d115/gafbass02/d2b81e0a.jpg[/IMG]
  14. Now that's very interesting! Despite my woes with them I'm still very interested in one!
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