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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. I reckon I can probably make this one. I'd bring whichever amp I have at the time, my Bergantino ae210's my two mij fenders, my zoom b9.1 and my bassmaster funk.
  2. If they made a trace micro head with the preshapes, a graphic and some cool lighting I think I'd do all sorts of over excited dance moves and start franticly selling stuff
  3. Ahh thems were the days! Couldn't fit that head in the pocket of my gig bag tho
  4. I loved my old trace stack. If I could still move it, id still have it I reckon.
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1353391' date='Aug 27 2011, 10:37 AM']The jazz in that first clip sounds terrible. That's the only bad thing I have to say about anything I've heard her do.[/quote] Agreed, only it's not the bass, bizarrely, I'd say it's the bassist, and it's not uncommon.. I find it so frustrating when people play like that. She's an amazing player but to my ears thatSodomd is shocking. But it's not the bass, it's playing over the neck pickup like that. The string is loose and flappy and uncontrolled there, and the neck pickup sound has that plonky character. If she played that same bass over the bridge pickup, where the string is tighter, and knocked the neck pickup and tone controls back a touch; she'd have a beautiful, tight, burly, burbly, punchy fingerstyke tone which was far more expressive and controlled and would make those glissandos really sing. I only tend to play over the neck when apeing a particular sound or when after a deliberately plonky vintage tone. Even then it has to be done gently with restraint to avoid the that tone. It suits a slower bass line too. Of course she's the famous bassist, I'm just some dude that's done a bit here 'n there, so IMHO IME YMMV etc etc. Everyone's tone goals are different, I just happen to hate that particular sound, and feel it's really out of place in that context. Shes blimmin amazing though and I'm well after more of her when I get paid!! Cheers B5 Ps: any jazz players that havnt tried this, give it a whirl, it hurts your fingers more initially. But it makes for a very tidy and punchy tone, esp when compressed. Ime IMHO ymmv etc etc
  6. Godamn it!!! A) why couldn't she play over the bridge and loose that awful plunk? I quit! She's damn good!!!
  7. I used to run an acoustic 270 head into a marshall 4x12 back in the day. Wish I had pics. It wasn't that great if I recall. Think I traded it in against a trace BLX.
  8. Ive only just got this from here, and its easily the best guitar ive ever played yet alone owned. Only light swirls and marks its in VERY good condition, im dead proud of it and it comes with a lovely PRS gig bag of very high quality. Sadly im in urgent need of a Promethean p5110, so its got to go, as guitar stuff is lower priority than bass. I would swap this together with my zoom g7.1 for a promethean The action is VERY low and the intonation etc all spot on. Its pretty much the perfect guitar with lovely creamy sounding p90's It takes high gain really well too, which surprised me! the pics speak for themselves, id MUCH rather this was collected from me in Cheltenham but if must deliver then i guess i could sort something £220 i was hoping to keep it forever, but my bass situation has just changed, and with my current medical condition, a portable bass solution is a pressing need
  9. Due to a sudden and urgent need for a Promethean or similar im having to shift some less essential kit This is like two weeks old and has left the bedroom ONCE! Its immaculate and boxed with cubase LE and the psu, manual etc. Stunningly good bit of latest generation GUITAR effects console, its also acts as a computer hook up and has a lovely valve in it heres the gumf [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/products/g71ut/"]http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/products/g71ut/[/url] i cant praise these enough and they FLATTEN the boss equivalent £150 delivered UK ONLY its on the right, ill remove the tape before sale, it leaves NO marks id swap this together with my gorgeous prs se guitar for a promethen p5110
  10. Or should I say 'playing too loud in the dog 'n gun'
  11. [quote name='TomTFS' post='1349790' date='Aug 24 2011, 12:58 AM']People always seem to say that your amp size should be proportional to the venue size. So big venue->big amp and Small venue->small amp. I've never understood this, as it is in fact the opposite way round. In a small venue your rig is most likely going to be either only DI'd (no mic) or not even that. In which case, your amp has to fill the entire room. Whereas in a big venue, the amp will be DI'd and Mic'd (maybe even more!), and you have loads of PA for the punters to hear you, plus decent monitors to hear yourself. Not to mention that, but the quieter you are on stage, the easier the FOH engineers job is, and the easier the monitor engineer's job is (albeit he might have to do a bit more work putting your bass in monitors etc, but then he has less work to do trying to get the lead vocal to cut over the sound of your backline.) This of course has no bearing on bands that intentionally want to sound noisy or dirty, who just need big loud amps all the time. [/quote] I have very much found this to be the case. At the bigger venues I've played (very, very big) my amp has done very little simply due to the quality of the monitoring. I could pretty much have switched it off. (This was when I ran a full trace Elliot old school stack) But when I've had to try and fill a venue from backline alone over two guitars and drums and keys and maintain a quality bass sound things have soon ended up with the volume cranked and eq compromised to accommodate volume. Playing the SECC is much kinder to your cabs than the dog 'n gun ime
  12. I use the hartke vxl for those moments, or a zoom B1
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1349499' date='Aug 23 2011, 09:14 PM']I just fiddle around in the key.[/quote] Yep this, only took my hands off and gave up for a few bars once.
  14. [quote name='lojo' post='1348950' date='Aug 23 2011, 01:09 PM']Warning on amp Please be aware that whatever tone you dial in - soundmen are within their rights split the signal on the input lead rendering the features on this amp useless[/quote] 'like'
  15. Starting to wonder if it ever will!
  16. Wow eagerly awaiting more on that! Weird! I still fancy one loads
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