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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Just wondered, promethean owners, how many of you have the promethean as your main/only amp?
  2. gafbass02

    Bass DI

    Big fan of the hartke vxl here, worth looking at.
  3. At least its got chrome, for me without the chrome a jag just aint a jag
  4. [quote name='gjones' post='1343768' date='Aug 17 2011, 10:25 PM']I just sold one! The necks are great and the sunburst ones look fantastic. I bought mine about 4 years ago and the neck was so, so easy to zip around on it rejuvenated my love of playing.The sound is quite twangy for a jazz compared to my old 62 reissue and my japanese Squier. I put this down to the ULTRA THIN maple neck. One problem I did have is that although I could always adjust the action to be very low, thanks to the badass bridge, which made it a dream to play, the neck is very sensitive to temperature changes and sometimes I would find that a bass which played fantastically at home ended up unplayable when I got to the venue because the neck had shifted by the time I got there. For that reason I never set the action too low just in case I got a nasty surprise at the gig when I plugged it in and started to play.[/quote] Agree with this wholeheartedly. I also owned the marcus and LOVED it, not a fan of the looks, and always felt a bit gutted it was so close but couldnt look like a dream bass of mine (a 75ri in natural ash) But i felt it sounded and played better and was easier to live with than the prettier Geddy.
  5. Cool, Cheers Bill. I thought that may be the case.
  6. I didn't get on with the ebs, punch factory or the Monte allums cs3 and instead swear by the bog standard boss cs3
  7. I'm thinking of at backline only gigs having a bass cab and a guitar on either side of the stage for maximum and even spread, silly idea?
  8. I use the zoom very effectively as a series of stompboxes (there is a manual mode) but all I did was find my perfect setting of eq and compression, then copy it into a load of banks, then go through and drop chorus, reverb, flange etc etc over the top. I have two banks of filters alone! I then repeated them all in the higher banks but with cabinet simulation for recording/headphone practice. Perfick!! It also has a 3.5mm aux in for an iPod so it's the perfect practice tool. What I do is always use the first pedal as my clean sound no matter what bank I'm in The three function pedals can each be assigned to whatever you like too. Cleverly you can set up say a dirty sound, but then use the switch under the wah to kick in another effect on top, like chorus for instance! Marvellous. It is indeed a USB midi computer interface doo dah as well and comes with cubase. It makes the boss me and GT units look prehistoric by comparison, and is actually far easier to work with and program despite being just as deep. The near perfect FX solution.
  9. after 20 years playing, owning several large pedal boards, myriad mutli fx including the GT boss series, over 60 basses and 50 20 amps, i can safely and confidently say that the single best bit of kit i have EVER owned is my Zoom B9.1ut Its LIGHT YEARS ahead of the Boss, its a far more modern and up to date processor with INSTANT switching. Very high quality sounds and options, including the two way wah pedal capable of controlling 4 seperate parameters; and a valve. Its a STUNNING bit of equipment. Dont be fooled by the zoom name, its top notch, high quality, top end kit. I simply cant recommend it enough
  10. Cheers dude. Thomann are a LOT cheaper, but I reckon the visit would be fun!
  11. Very tempting. I could try the drive to bass direct. Thing is the long solo drive is a bit scary (new driver) plus the petrol price for the return journey is steep when I wouldnt be buying from Mark (sadly much cheaper from thomann). Migh be a fun road trip for me 'n Dave though.
  12. My curiosity about the momark is piqued. Especially because they have a graphic module (my preferred method of eq'ing) they seem a tad chunky, Id expect they wouldn't fit in my igig pocket which is a downside, I'm thinking of either a momark or an F1. I kinda fancy trying one just cause I like the idea. No-where near I can try one out sadly. Anyone got experience/thoughts?
  13. A mate of mine (fellow basschatter Davemuadib) is likely to be selling one very shortly with the attenuator.
  14. Sorry to resurrect. I'm thinking of keeping my Ryder bass now. Did these necks you guys have fitted match the holes or was it a more involved job?
  15. Sorry dude, the posting hassle's just aren't worth it.
  16. Lots of interest but still going.
  17. Yep both necks and the original pickup included.
  18. Bump for added 'for sale' option, plus a price drop (the only one ill be doing!) I'd also swap for a promethean p5110 plus £200 cash my way.
  19. Ok here's the deal. I cant be bothered to faff with this anymore, so im offering it for sale, or swap for a digital recorder. Id MUCH rather sell it as a bass than a pile of parts, but if i get no offers after a short time for the whole bass ill part it out. As such ill include a parts price as well as the whole bass price. Its a sue Ryder p bass that been modded quite a bit and based on my 'famed' blue Jazz. Before i messed with it it was a good example with a rosewood board and a VERY good set up. Its got: a Dimarzio dp122 p bass humbucker £40 posted a no brand mm style humbucker in the bridge £10 posted a pearl pickguard £10 posted Alpha pots £10 posted with wires, jack, cap etc, The Ryder body, only the one chip by the pickup, with bridge but no pickguard or pickups £45 posted (including easily removable competition stripes) a pair of necks, one maple board, one rosewood. Both are fitted with easily removable block markers. £20 posted each or £35 the pair All the routing was done by Howard, as was the pickguard. Its got a brand new set of unplayed, totally fresh strings 45-105 ( I put em on, found it was out of phase and just thought b*gg*r it, i'll probably never play it anyway, i'll just flog it!!) The negatives: One of the pickups is out of phase, its not properly set up, there is a chip by the bridge humbucker, a small mark on the maple fretboard and a slightly bent shaft on the G tuner on the maple neck. The whole thing together ill sell for £100 collected. or £115 shipped neck off. (either way also includes the original pickup) UK ONLY I think thats fair.
  20. Yeah I'd leave it well alone, it's to be expected from a bass of that age. It's a stunning bass, the knd of thing I can only dream of owning one day!
  21. It's getting them up and down the stairs more than anything. I'm hoping not to have to part with them-ever! Tbh.
  22. Bump for the head swap Note: cabs aren't for sale again, yet, but if my sciatica continues they will be or swap for a barefaced compact/midget t rig.
  23. Fab to deal with! Terry responded to a wanted post for a crate powerblock and posted it straight away. Very top stuff:) Gaf
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