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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Nice idea! You me, davemuadib, bubinga and possibly Molan off the top of my head.
  2. Bless. Thanks bud. I love this place and you are very right of course. It's a bass and I'm lucky to gave had it, I couldn't accept any donations I really couldn't but you're awesome for even offering! I'm sure there's folks on here in much greater need than I. :0) Blimmin love basschat.
  3. Bless you!! That's the nicest thought ever! Sadly it looks like it's probably sold I'm utterly, utterly gutted. It was such a real treat to get this, and the reasons it has to go are bloomin heartbreaking. Basically my Inlaws who look after my daughter have changed their minds due to a variety of reasons, mainly revolving around mental illness. It's not only cost me my bass, but my dream job, which I was supposed to start in September but is now looking highly unlikely I'll be able to take. It's a real mess. :-/ Thanks for the lush kindness :0)
  4. I should add I now know it weighs 9lbs
  5. I'll reply to all pm's re bass and rig when I get two minutes to sit and type replies properly at a computer type bump But this is still available. Close offers will be considered.
  6. Thanks mate. It's a truly stunning instrument. My friends are all working on ways I can keep it, but I don't see it happening
  7. On a school trip last week I saw a guy knock a nail in with a banana he'd held In liquid nitrogen. It was cool, but then the banana broke. A hammer probably would've been better, cause when the banana broke I felt sad. Such an ignominious end for the poor banana. I mean, he'd never have seen it coming. Still...
  8. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1270674' date='Jun 15 2011, 08:59 PM']Have you ever had this situation? You meet a new partner. They love the fact you play bass, especially in a band. They brag to their friends that they're seeing someone 'who is a musician and plays in a band'. They come and watch you at every gig and love it. After a few months they get bored. They then ask why you need to rehearse so much. They then ask why you need to be at the venue so early when you're not on until much later. They then get pissed off because you don't spend much time with them at gigs, despite the fact that you have to set up, sound check, do the gig, then pack up afterwards. They then accuse you of flirting with someone in the audience. Been there?[/quote] Oh dear god so many times, till I met my wife who has been fab since day one and continues to be so 13 years later. (If this was in OT do you reckon all the replies might be really different? Heh heh)
  9. Thanks mate. I'm open to a very small wiggle on price but only very small. It's free listing on eBay this weekend so it'll get listed if no-one on here picks it up :-(
  10. I see. I think in this case fully insured shipping plus packaging would be mega expensive and I'm really reluctant to ship overseas I'm afraid. Sorry dude.
  11. Really! That seems crazy! Is that fully insured? I've been charged way more than that just to ship a bass across the uk.
  12. They are 40lbs I believe. But tbh I've no idea how I could ship them, (packaging and being in for a courier) and I'm sure that fully insured would be eye wateringly expensive sadly.
  13. Genz shuttle 9.0 bought late last year I think, in good nick only very light marks on the top. Unphotographably light Big, fat, fast and full sounding. Oh and f***ing loud and light !! This amp really is an amazing achievement, it's soooo light, but the power is effortless, easily the loudest amp I've used since my old ah400smx. The sense of power as you crank it is unreal. It's beautifully built, with great attention to detail; all the knobs have little clicks as they turn and feel very solid and precise. The DI has got me much praise for the quality of the signal and the amp is punchy and clean and smooth in it's response. A very (very) 'boutique' sounding amp, that can also be driven hard via the valve preamp. It's a top notch piece of high end gear that i have treasured and cared for. It will come in it's original box carefully packaged. The ONLY reason I'm selling is a combination of itchy feet and a longing for a dual mid control. That and I bought this when every single pound of weight saved was my biggest consideration. As I can no longer carry my kit around I can now look at different solutions. I quite fancy a promethean again or an F1. Possibly even the mythical MB800 if it ever appears!! Now for sale at £500 ono plus delivery at cost or swap for an F1+£100 Uk only please. The amp will come with the correct knobs back on it. So please pm if you are Interested and in a position to Swap Cheers Gaf Note: cabs aren't for sale yet, but if my sciatica continues they will be or swap for a barefaced compact/midget t rig.
  14. I can pretty much do exactly what he's doing, at pretty much that speed too. But I've rather let it slip with age recently cause I've finally passed the need to show off stage. That said if my job offered me the chance to frequently show off I may do it on the odd occasion. But I'd make sure to labour the point that I know it's silly, and I know it's of little use heh heh. I'm an honest straight up show off deep down, but I live by the rule: 'there's always someone better who just doesn't feel like playin' tonight'. I started to get fed up with the constant 'Do a slap solo' requests in superstition etc lol. I appreciate the talent involved, but I also appreciate, and love funky slap and folks like Alain Caron, it does sound a bit nasty when delivered at full 'look at meeeeee!!' speed. Um. Like this video, but he may well have fessed up after the camera was off and said as much. Who knows:)
  15. My fingers are crossed. I really don't wanna drag this out :-/
  16. I use igigs. Both single and double. Most of my stuff involves carrying the bass about myself, and a hardcase would be a pain. Plus the fact that on my back I've got bass (two if it's a short carry) amp, spares, all my cables and any extra bits all right there in one bag. Then again, my basses are kinda tatty Japanese jazz basses on the whole, when I had an exotic status sixer it did go in a hard case. (unless I was walking!)
  17. While I think about it. Uk only I'm afraid.
  18. All sorts of awesome. Utterly.
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