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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Unless you mean the very dark spots next to the position marker at the top of the neck? Thats some laquer wear by the look of it. Can't be felt when you play.
  2. [quote name='thebassman' post='1267745' date='Jun 13 2011, 07:13 PM']That is gorgeous!! I can't make out from the pics; the darker spots on the neck and fret board, is that figuring or dinks? If it's dinks, how did that happen?[/quote] Thats figuring it's a Birdseye maple neck with bigger swirls in it too. Thanks undead I'm telling myself it's only a bass and I love my jazz's to keep the old chin up.
  3. Yup! Hurts like heck. Life is not cool right now :-/
  4. It's taken a huge amount of soul searching and a few dewy eyes for me to list my stingray for sale. But it was the last in, and essentially an expensive luxury. I'm trying to be philosophical about it. My jazz bass goes in the ground with me tho.
  5. Sorry mate. If the childcare situation hadn't just crashed around my ears then it would be going nowhere. It's money I need I'm afraid.
  6. [quote name='apa' post='1267396' date='Jun 13 2011, 03:18 PM']Good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A[/quote] yup!! You wanna try playing it!, I was honestly floored, it was nothing like any ray ive ever played, i had to measure the neck i was so convinced it was a jazz neck!! shame about the iphone pics, they look much better on the iphone 4 screen lol! Captures the depth of the figuring much better
  7. Very, very sad to sell this. I had no intention of ever parting with it, but my circumstances at home have just changed and I need to free up the funds EDIT: Till Monday I'll take £750. Its the best stingray ive ever played, it simply makes all the others ive owned feel like clunky copies. Its the only bass ive ever owned that the band have DEMANDED I play, and has caused a huge stir among people that come to see me. I even got stopped by a total stranger ina nightclub last Thursday with: ( Im not making this up!) "You're that guy with the really nice musicman!" ! This bass is from early (March or April i think) 1992 and is in great condition. There are specific dinks and marks all of which are pictured below. NONE of these affect feel or playability in any way, and cannot be felt. The bass is a two band EQ with the mute bridge and a hipshot extender and scaller straplocks included. The original tuner and the original black pickguard will also be included. THERE IS NO CASE. The bass is set up beautifully with a VERY low action, as can be seen in some pics. The neck is glossy and highly figured, with no stickiness at all. The neck is thinner front to back than other stingrays ive played, giving it a smaller, faster feel, it weighs 9lbs and feels very light and dynamic to play. The G string has NO issues at all and the sound is exactly as you would expect. There really are no issues as far as i can tell. Its simply that good!, and a trult stunning bass that should appreciate in value over time. As there is no case shipping is very tricky and would have to be at buyers arrangement/cost. Id be happy to remove the neck, but pickup is MUCH preferred. Im asking £800 for the bass, the hipshot, schaller straplocks, both pickguards and the original tuner. Its also wearing a new set of elixirs with only a few hours play on them:( Im in Cheltenham. PLEASE No trades, I need the cash. This bass is a total no brainer, its as good as it gets in terms of sound and feel.
  8. Depressingly I may soon have to sell my '92 ray. If I do and am in a position to do so afterwards I plan on squirreling some away incase you decide to flog this to me;)
  9. Interested in some pics for sure
  10. I'm In awe of the talent there! Nice work!!!
  11. Me too unless there is pay invloved and an expectation that I would nail em note perfect. Otherwise I just 'Gaf 'em up a bit'
  12. Apar frOm lifting it. My old ah400smx wAs ace. Scuse the typing. I'm tiddly
  13. God I want this! But I've only a gens Benz shuttle 9.0 to trade which I presume wouldn't be much use? Tempted to offer my shuttle up for sale while this is going to see if I can raise the cash!
  14. Quote from a former drummist in the studio: "The bass should be somewhere below the drums at the bottom of the track" D1ck.
  15. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='1259706' date='Jun 7 2011, 02:10 PM']Didn't GAFbass sell one of these last year?[/quote] I did. That pic was of mine. With some fettling they can be great, very heavy though.
  16. [quote name='bremen' post='1259702' date='Jun 7 2011, 02:09 PM']You do of course get faster bass and more authority and slam from electricity that's nuclear-generated.[/quote] Why am I only finding this out now!? Does obbm do nuclear electricity? Should I rewire my cabs with it?
  17. Thanks for that KK, appreciated. and for all the thoughts/input. I've come down firmly on the no point/can't be arsed side that I fully expected to!
  18. [quote name='KK Jale' post='1258412' date='Jun 6 2011, 02:37 PM']Yes. Because you have decided to believe that ultra-thick speaker cables make a difference even over such short distances, and have already invested in some, you will hear a "difference", and you will play better, and thus attract both fame and fortune.[/quote] Wow. You sure do know a lot about me just from that. Presumptuous much. Cheers all I'll not bother
  19. Love those dingwalls. Here's my most up to date shot. Although a Fender Kingman will be added on Thursday (my birthday:)
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