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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. Cheers Bankai, just got sorted tho!
  2. [quote name='BottomE' post='1223138' date='May 7 2011, 01:04 PM']me too - i get the plectrum sound like you for exactly the same reason! my guitartist looks at me like i am insane when i do this.[/quote] Yeah, I mainly get that off other bass players.
  3. Any plans to record it miked?
  4. Another really short nail bod here, I find it really uncomfortable otherwise. I sometimes use the flat face of my nail as a plectrum, (I hold my fingers as though I were holding a plectrum between my first finger and thumb, but with no actual plectrum, just strike the string with the nail of the first finger) but I split it down the middle on Thurs, I really need to knock that off and just remember to carry a plectrum for the rock stuff, it's just been a loooooong time since I needed them lol. I'm gonna try clear nail varnish on that one nail just to see if it's tough enough as I prefer using my nail as a pick cause it's kinder to elixirs and more flexible to switch from fingers/thumbs/pick etc.
  5. I'm pretty sure my blue jazz is basswood. Compared to my ash bodied 75ri jazz it's tighter, deeper sort of raw-er sounding, with more mid bite.
  6. The bass has really grown on me, I rather wish id picked up one of the blue strats or teles now, don't suppose anyone has one going?
  7. Mine was a H||H vs100 head into a tatty old Marshall bass 4x12. Now it's a genz Benz shuttle 9.0 into two Bergantino AE210's. For a long time it was a trace AH400smx into two trace 1048's and a bright box I'm happy :0)
  8. [quote name='silddx' post='1220975' date='May 5 2011, 01:12 PM']I have to make my bass sound like a cello for quite a few songs, long slow notes. I use compression and clean boost, a little chorus, reverb and delay, and my volume pedal. I also use the cello/violin style vibrato technique. I'd use the piezo emulator if I wanted it to sound more woody and hollow. An up octaver would probably suit you to get viola pitch.[/quote] +1 to this exactly what i do to get that effect
  9. Fantastic! Thats great news, thanks to the others for the suggestions too!
  10. That looks sweeeeeet. Nice job:)
  11. Thought you might like to know about this app I've just bought for my iPhone. It's called robick and it let's you loop bits of song and change the pitch (takes a bit of wiggling it back and forth to match your tuning) Seems like it's gonna be really handy for learning. You can just import songs from your library right there in the app. Only used it for the first time last night, but i reckon it might have Saved me the cost of a basstrainer. That is all.... :0) Oh and have a nice day.
  12. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1218246' date='May 3 2011, 12:58 AM']Hex core strings generally have a higher tension that round core's. Try D'addario ProSteels, they've got the highest tension of any strings that I've tried.[/quote] Cool, glad the memorys not gone fully yet then!
  13. Do I recall hex core strings having higher tension?
  14. I always put my compressor last, so it evens out peaks from fx like way, Phasers etc. That said I also used to sometimes run a punch factory at the start of the chain too, cause it was subtle enough not to introduce double squash!
  15. I'm always paranoid about it, my multi fx had di and I always carry (for proper gigs) a di box, so I'd hope to be covered. Once had to okay a whole gig with no amp (blown, and the replacement!!) and no monitors!! Just guesswork that was fun:-/
  16. There's not much out there, talkbass has a bit. It's a world away from the usual cheapo zoom fayre:)
  17. I used to have the boss gt6-b and looked hard at the gt10, but I use the zoom b9.1ut. It's instant switching beat the boss stuff for me. The valve preamp and two way way pedal helped too!! I've never looked back since switching from separate pedals. It really is an outstanding multi effect. It has it's own switchable fx loop too for adding other pedals.
  18. Lol. Another igig here Wish they had a waist strap too, esp the double one, but I have a single and a double and dang recommend 'em highly enough in every way.
  19. As a fellow Cheltonian basschatter, maybe we should hook up and go for a pint, add me on fbook if you like mate, (Gareth Franks-Bayntun) As, for somewhat different and more complicated reasons, I'm very seriously considering knocking it all on the head as well, although i love the band I'm in :-( I always had you down as a sharp player mate, I'm sure there's more to it. Drop me a pm or something if you wanna head into town to chew the fat.
  20. Cool idea for a thread. Gotta be my blue jazz, it's just been my best friend for so long now, and it's the one that will always be with me, and luckily it's a great bass too.
  21. I've owned both and I gotta say, although I quite liked the sound on the genz I agree with every word said. As soon as I can afford it I'm gonna try a promethean again (third time lucky?!) I really liked the sound of the head and the graphic. Very 'mini trace'. Which is very much my bag. Hmm maybe if I sold my shuttle 9.0 I could afford a used little mark/f1 and a promethean. Hmmm....
  22. Anyone else remember Boo Yaa tribe? Funky as hell but also quite hilarious. The lyrics were all 'Im gonna shoot yo b*tch in the face mother******" and the inlays were all " thanks to my lord God our saviour" Wtf?!! Damn cool though! I had my entire cd collection nicked some years back and never replaced em sadly.
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