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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. I literally did a very sharp intake of breath and was about to offer my shuttle pheeeew!
  2. Rounds for me.... Flatwounds, what are they....?
  3. argh godamit!!!!! I gonna go see what i can sell, the kid doesn't do much for a start!
  4. very much what Lozz just said. There seems to be a real problem with engineers, live and studio, just going for whatever their fixed idea of how a 'generic' bass should sound is, and giving the old 'I'll get you a good bass sound' or live 'I know how a bass should sound.' Which inevitably isnt how MY bass should sound. Especially the older guys tbh. Ive been told straight to my face a number of times now that the bass should be a deep thud under the drums or variations on this. Maybe that was the case a zillion years ago, but not for me! Its why at sound checks i make a point of doing various techniques including chords and harmonics etc and mention to the engineer that id like my sound as close to whats coming out the amp as possible and that i tend to use lots of subtle techniques and high end passages as well as the low stuff and could they please mix to that and that i dont mind if they need to boost the mids to get that cut through. ( I also add it to sounds on my multi FX that i know i use on passages that will get lost)
  5. Nice jazz, best headstock logo ever ;-D
  6. Had a slap 'n 'grind' on mine earlier. It's pretty darn good innit! Might hang onto it after all :-) sounded great with drive and a plectrum and the slap sound was fab. If I could just find a cheapo thinner neck ..
  7. A drummer friend and myself play every thurs in a house band for an open mic for free, while the singer/guitarist takes all the money. He also provides the pa, which he also sets up and strikes. He buys us drinks and occasionally uses us for paid gigs. Its his living but we both have day jobs. It grates a bit, but I play every Thurs at open mic because I like it and it challenges me. Hence over time I've become the house guy. It's got me exposure and a reputation and is better than watching Telly all night. Its also directly led to the odd paid gig and I get to meet lots of musos and people. Hence why I do it when it looks on paper like I'm nuts!
  8. Hi yeah it fits the standard hole, and let's you retune from E to D. It was pending for someone but they didn't get back to ke, (not a problem, life ain't all about Bchat:) but I cleaned out my Inbox and have as such totally forgotten who it was so if you are reading this and still want it let me know :-D
  9. Hardly been payed in 20 years. Sometimes and more so In recent times but I just love to play and perform. The way I see it us that some people will do karaoke or queue for hours to embarrass themselves at some talent show or similar once and talk about it for years, whereas we get to do the things that many people can only dream of. For that I think I'm lucky, over the years I've had great times with great Mates and have great stories to tell. Much better than staying in and watching Telly anyway. It's not always easy and I'd love to have been paid more, but I'm thankful for every moment. Infact recently a fledgling covers band I'm in as they start were offered some gigs but the keys and guitard who already only play for money balked as the split would've been pretty thin. So I offered to Play for free, cause I do it for the rush and the experience, Not for thirty quid or whatever. Ill say though that Since having the little 'un though I'm rather more choosy with things that would eat family time.
  10. Aw cheers dude. A guy in my old town would route for a musician humbucker for thirty quid but I rarely get back to Leicester now. It wouldn't be under the guard though. I need a bridge pickup, that's why I can't do p basses. Basses without bridge pickups make NO sense to me! :-)
  11. Hah hah Ok will trade for overwater progress ;-) If someone round here would rout for an MM bucker I'd be all over modding it. But no-one will touch routing.
  12. That J really appeals actually it didnt before, and now it does. Yum!
  13. I had a blue set, dead out the packet. Just awful things.
  14. Really appreciate the hard work you guys do on our behalf.
  15. Hah hah. £45 towards something more useful than a bass that I probably won't play! I can't play p basses for the life of me! A few graphic novels, some jeans, a day out etc (except round my knees with a pick, and I don't really have call for that) Like I say. It can stay or go I'm not fussed
  16. Ahem, mine's going for £45! im hoping for a record sale speed ;-) check the for sale section ;-D
  17. Am i the first i wonder? Im purely selling cause its just gonna sit there looking cool. I got a good one, it plays well, is set up well, sounds great, has no issues. It has adhesive block marker inlays and the stripes in the pic will be removed before sale, they dont fit properly anyway, they were offcuts! NO delivery im afraid folks, its £45 collected from me here in Cheltenham. :-D Not too bothered if it stays or goes tbh! Let me know if you're interested. and NO the others arent for sale lol;-)
  18. cheers folks, midget sold and a samsung r series i5 laptop ordered
  19. Cheers guys. I dont need the laptop for driving lol! I don't need the midget cause now I can drive and take a berg or two. :-)
  20. Hey all. I know I sold one of these not long ago and bought this one but since then ive passed my driving test, so a hand portable amp is less nessecary! And i really need a laptop. Hence a tentative feeler for this. It's about two months old, only left the house once, only used once. The rest of the time it's been sat in my room in it's roqsolid cover. This Is the midget T version and the cover would be included. As it's so new and provided with a good quality cover (blue piping) I'm going to ask the same as I did the last midget t. Which is £450. Inc cover. By cheque or paypal gift or cash on Collection much preferred. Delivery maybe but at my convenience as I'd have to find the time to get it packed and sorted. I can't deliver myself etc cause I've only been driving a month and I'm really not up to motorways etc yet lol! Check the Barefaced website for detailed specs. But it's light enough to carry around in one hand for a long way. And then loud enough to kill everyone when you get there! Ive filled a large pub, unmic'd with one of these against acoustic (mic'd) electric, keys and drums plus three vocals. And it doesn't break a sweat! Pm me if you might be interested or if you can recommend an excellent laptop up to £500! I don't know computermabobs at all!!
  21. There y'go y'see. Come here and it's all sorted.
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