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Everything posted by gafbass02

  1. How funny. I was going to start the exact same thread yesterday afternoon but got sidetracked?!!? WTF is that all about. ?! Musta been something on tv or something subliminal :0)
  2. Sorry. That wasn't my clearest post lol. iPhone typing :-/ I find the midget t sounds too traditional for me. It's hard to explain. It's a stunning bit of kit, I think it might be more the 12" driver tbh. It somehow makes my jazz basses played over the bridge pickup have some of the qualities I associate with the looser strung tension and 'plunk' of a presicion played over the pickup. Bizarre I know?! And I'm sure it's just me! It's extraordinarily responsive to pickup changes. Backing one or the other off really changes the sound and boosts the volume. I find I rill the neck off much more when using the midget. It's a crazy little box!
  3. [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Comfort_Strapps.html"]http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_sp...rt_Strapps.html[/url] Thar y' go :0)
  4. God I love those, it was my dream amp, and I was lucky enough to have one for years. They are simply amazing. I use a shuttle now, and I don't miss carrying the trace, but I do miss the sheer pleasure of owning one.
  5. The zoom b9.1 is very handy for this as it has a 3.5mm in for my iPhone, so I've set up my patches from banks A onwards again in banks 1 onwards but with amp/cab simulation on, and hey presto, perfect uncompromised practice solution, right down to pedal changes. I've had many headphones, I'm currently preferring a retro looking set of panasonic closed backs, the Sony mdrv700 were good but a bit over boomy, my number ones of all time were vivanco sr750's but sadly they fell apart after ten years. Gutted. The sennheisers are always good. I rate semi open designs although they are less common.
  6. Just picked this up from Shep thinking I used the short size. Um, turns out I don't. Plank! So it's back up for the price I paid it's as new £25 posted uk only.
  7. I'm lucky enough to own bergs and a BF midget T, and I've owned a BF compact, and a genz cab too. (And mark bass) Ive owned these after moving from an immense trace stack, and a back up peavey stack, and even a back up-back up behringer stack?!!? I've had trace heads, markbass heads, laney heads, and now a shuttle 9.0. I've also discovered from playing some HUGE venues that the onstage sound is really just for me, and from backline only gigs that power usually wins over tone anyway. over 55 basses owned, and lord knows how many amps, nineteen years of gigging lots in all sorts of bands....... Bergantinos changed everything!!!! Just the most amazing bass sound I've ever had, and so responsive to play through. I no longer feel I have to compromise tone for power. Stunning cabs! (I'm using AE210's).... They could be lighter though! For carrying around I rely on my midget T. I'm not a fan of the tone at all, it's just not 'me' -a bit too 'traditional' I guess. But for having a cab I can literally carry in one hand for twenty minutes into town, with my bass, amp and cables, even a cheap, light zoom multi fx on my back, and KNOW will be loud enough when I get there, it's unreal!!
  8. Lol, I understood 'ebay' My heavily pregnant wife insisted on doing the last flat packed furniture we bought, she felt it was easier and safer
  9. I pulled the trigger on the sonic blue earlier too. They'll be wondering what the heck is going on! I'd love to get it router for an MM style humbucker but no one around here does it. Might have to plead on here;) I've some adhesive neck blocks and a spare set of comp stripes around somewhere is my first thought- matching pair :-D
  10. Anyone know when 'n where these are/will be available?
  11. I feel bad now :-( sorry mate, I actually think it'd make a great project and you should totally keep it for sale. I once paid about £500 for a signature myself. Luckily I got a full refund from Geodt who was fantastic to deal with to be fair.
  12. Reminds me of the time my amp went down onstage, so I thought "hmm I wonder if they can still hear me?" so I leapt off the stage, (a pretty big stage, supporting sikth) I survived the drop, realised, 'nope, no sound out here either, ah well, the jumped looked cool.' Turned around and realised: 'bugger!! How the f**k am I gonna get back up there?!!?' Uncoolness from Gaf. ;-)
  13. It's from good old Geodt Lamberts or eBay seller 'slonk18' if I recall correctly
  14. Another potential customer here-lost. Hope you read and act on this thread silverstone. It's not too late!
  15. Another huge fan here, though I rarely listen so much now, but he was a huge influence and soul to squeeze is easily my fave too. I've enjoyed covering stone cold bush a fair bit too.
  16. His mannerisms are very similar to a friend of mine who has asperges syndrome. Which could kinda explain a lot. Just sayin' ( Also Weren't most of Kolbs ideas kinda, um, nicked? :-D )
  17. I feel I'd benefit from some lessons, anyone know anyone?
  18. It actually reminds me of me, mainly when im playing superstition (or some other generally E based funky thing) in the house band at open mic, and the leader calls for a bass solo, and my mind, despite my age and twenty years gigging experience still sometimes goes: GIRLS!, IN THE ROOM!, AND POSSIBLY OTHER PEOPLE TOO!, I NEED TO PLAY AS MANY NOTES AS POSSIBLE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE! SO THEY'LL NOTICE IM HERE!!!!!............GO, GO, GO!!! WIDDLY WIDDLY, THUMP, THUMP, THWACKEY THWACKEDY BANG BANG.......YEAH!! I SHOWED THEM!! Ill be honest, it does!, I CAN do it, i know i SHOULDNT do it, but sometimes i just do... I need help. help me
  19. Now I can drive I'd be tempted to try it I could bring my bergs and shuttle 9, my zoom b9.1 and the jazz's
  20. If you missed out on this I'll have one going in the next week or so
  21. I use fretfx on all my jazz's. Really good and unintrusive. ..... And the guy in the background on the fretfx website cuts such a dashing pose with his blue led's ;-)
  22. I've had the exact same thing on my iPhone, every detail identical. Seems ok right now though.
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