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Everything posted by jahfish

  1. Bargain. Great basses
  2. Nice. Good to see one without fret markers on the front too. Less is more 😍
  3. Holy moly, if this is close to the quality of my Maruszczyk, this is a real bargain. Glwts
  4. Does this have a case? I'm looking for a short scale that I can get in the back of the car with the rest of my kit
  5. Just noticed the Specs say J/MM. Are the rest of the Specs right? Lovely bass BTW glwts
  6. Surprised to see this here still. Great basses for the money, and a good workaround for players who struggle with a heavy bass
  7. Nice very nice 😱😎
  8. These are great basses, only let down by the thin finish
  9. Ku Klux Klan backing track?
  10. I managed 2 minutes
  11. 'Bargin' - these are lovely basses
  12. It's a narrow Jazz style neck (how I like them)
  13. Yes that's the one. The medium scale is a good option for me. It's got a very playable neck 😁
  14. Recently joined member of the Maruszczyk club, bought off this fine group. Loving this too!
  15. Nice. I'm in love with my Maruszczyk Jake, recently purchased of this fine site 😁🎸
  16. Can you tell me more about this - what tuners are they, what bridge & pickup is it? Also any photos of the back (body/neck) please
  17. Did you sell this, or decide to keep it?
  18. Must not buy bass. Must not buy bass. What is the neck like on this, is it a Jazz or P-type width?
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