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Everything posted by Monckyman

  1. Great tune and well played Mick, but you didn't use your little finger once. OK that may be how you do, but its 25% of your available reach and faster more intricate stuff will benefit greatly from you having it available. Sorry for the crits, but that's my honest view regards, dave.
  2. Well, he was right, there are lots of boobs here..
  3. Here is a link with more pertinent info http://www.wharfedalepro.com/Portals/0/PDF_Data/SI_Manual.pdf
  4. The measurements for above case are, width 18" depth(front to back) 13" and height when laid flat is 6" There is thin foam on all interior surfaces and the block of pick and pluck.
  5. I have one also, it was my first proper bass. My friend who is a music tech lecturer insists it is the best bass ever for recording and steals it for seasons at a time.
  6. Peavey mixing desk. 6 mic pre amps Pan High and low EQ, sounds quite musical. Monitor send pre fade FX send post fade Fader. Phantom power for all chans. Unusually this mixer also has two mono line ins and insert points on the first two channels and stereo line inputs on the other 4 with independent level control, so you can actually mix 6 mic inputs and 4 stereo line inputs at the same time, or use one for you reverb return and another for your laptop/ipad etc. The master section has monitor master out, on a pot,FX master out, on a pot,and Main mix out on a fader. It can, should you so wish, be run off batteries,perhaps to record to a laptop in the middle of a field somewhere. I used to use this as my at home practice station, where I could mix my bass and a laptop with spotify or YouTube and listen on headphones so I didn't annoy the cats. I now use jamup on my ipad so this needs to go. Manual here [url="http://assets.peavey.com/literature/manuals/rq200om.pdf"]http://assets.peavey...als/rq200om.pdf[/url] £50.00 posted
  7. Hiya Martin, hoe yer well. Um, I forgot to measure! Will post up ASAP.
  8. Good quality keyboard stand is perfect. I've had my Ampeg 4x10 and amp sat happily on one for many gigs. The tilt back amp stands are useful too. As stated above you may lose some ultra low end because of loss of the coupling effect with the floor, I happen to think that's no bad thing in most venues and helps clear some mud.
  9. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1399995734' post='2449713'] Yeah, I can see in the pics - I might try dropping the iPad down to that height and see how I go. Cheers. [/quote] Velcro.
  10. A very nice and never gigged flight case suitable for cables, microphones or micro amps. This fits my Ampeg PF perfectly with room for cables and a couple of pedals. The pick and pluck foam is completely new and unused ready for your amp. Will fit amps similar to the PF like the markbass range or Genz Benz etc. Complete protection for your amp. £50.00 I could post for a tenner, but happy to meet in the northwest.
  11. Here we have, 1x generic (possibly Torque) 12" floor wedge fitted with an eminence delta driver. I stuck the driver in myself as it was surplus but it works pretty well as a general purpose wedge. The jack input on one side has snapped off and is inside the cab, the other one will need fixing soon, I meant to stick a plate inside with speakons on but never got to it. Easy fix. £30.00 A pair of gear4music 6" micro wedges. Says 60watts into 4 ohms on the back, though they happily burble away at 8ohms also. Pretty damn loud so long as you stick to vocals/guitar. They have a top hat mount of the m20 type, smaller than the usual, but can be mounted on a mic stand ; ) In a rather fetching speckled tuff paint finish these will make useful vocal wedges for the small pub.p.a £60.00 REDUCED to £40 SOLD
  12. I have a here a pair of Wharfedale SI10 speakers, rated at 240 watts into 8 ohms and very suitable for floor wedges or foh. Originally white,they have been tuff cab painted black apart from the grills. Both cabs have a carry handle and 35mm top hat fittings. Pretty light, easy to carry two at once. I've used these cabs many times as floor wedges and they always cut through the mix well especially for vocals. I am now moving to IEMs for the whole band so they are surplus and for sale at £80 for both. Could deliver in the northwest or meet up a little further out for fuel money.
  13. I love E kits. When drummy gets the urge to para diddle all over the rehearsals I can just turn him off. They do look sh*t though.
  14. Same as all above really. We have an E kit, and I used to take an Ampeg pf500 and an Ashdown mini 4x8 for a small rig,mounted on a keyboard stand so it was pointed at my head. We could get a lively stage sound while keeping the clarity in the vocal mix. Since we got a new singer we have been off the road working up a new set, so I'm taking the opportunity to introduce IEMs to the singer, the drummer ( who uses a click also) and the guitarist, who is happy to use a multi pedal/di setup. I have been looking at an iPad/di setup into either IEMs or a wedge monitor for myself,( I need to monitor the sound) which if everyone else is on IEMs, could be relatively quiet. all of this depends on having a desk with enough aux outs for monitor sends,and enough capacity for low end in your P.A, but even with a simple desk you should easily be able to keep levels down enough to not have to carry the 4x10/head +marshall half stack type rig. If thats what you want. A massive bonus of using quiet or no backline, is the front of house mix is greatly improved.
  15. it depends where your FX loop is in the order of things, ie Input, eq ,fx loop, power amp out is I believe the normal state of affairs. So putting the pedal before the input will combine the tone on the pedal first,with that of the amp in an additive way, or.. by inserting into the FX loop you are feeding the tone of the amp eq into the pedal and the combined tone then gets amplified. Both versions will sound slightly different depending on your amp eq and pedal settings. Basically, whatever you think sounds better, is better! I used to use my BDDI on top of the amp with a bit of velcro.
  16. I would recommend using a UPS or Uninterruptible power supply,basically a powered battery,you take all your power from that and if there are spikes or cutouts in the supply the battery provides a smooth regular supply which protects your gear. There are different sizes, there are rack mount versions used for servers but you wont need a big one, just something that would power you for 30 seconds or so. Also useful for combatting the evil decibel meter power cutout.
  17. I use On Song for lyrics/Setlist/chord charts etc. I use an app called Back trax for playing our backing tracks. I'm also just starting to work up patches on jamup xt pro to use as a pre amp for d.i ing into the p.a.. I also use an app to control the mixing desk and have a midi program that controls our lights but it's still in its infancy yet. iPads are essential ; ) Am currently persuading the band to buy its own,the singer has one,and the drummer needs one.
  18. Yaaaaawn. Pat my back,no pat MY back,no pat his back. Drivel
  19. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1398815553' post='2437985'] How Morrissey has achieved the standing he appears to have completely baffles me. There are far better song writers and singers from that era, and some of them aren't even aren't jumped up twats. [/quote] Don't worry,pop stars are no longer required to have opinions on anything more complex than the X factor voting process,so no more "jumped up twats".
  20. I use an M-Audio mobile pre for audio in and out, pretty cheap second hand.
  21. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1397776592' post='2427427'] Ive been veggie for 26 years can i get the gig :-) [/quote] yep root notes only.
  22. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1397654546' post='2426103'] From the Latin: [i][u][b]Dexter -> Right[/b][/u][/i]. Leads to words like dextrous, dexterity and ambidextrous (which translates most accurately as 'on the right both sides'). Lots of positive connotations that should be fairly obvious. [u][i][b]Sinister -> Left.[/b][/i][/u] Negative connotations should need no further explanation either I would hope! One last thought: the term 'cack-handed' comes from the Islamic notion of the unclean hand, and in the days before the invention of toilet paper it meant [i][b]exactly [/b][/i]what you'd think it ought to mean. [/quote] And from the French, Right=a droit: =clever, done well. Left =gauche =clumsy,unsure. As a lefty that plays righties because nobody was kind enough to inform me at the time, I feel happy using my dexterity to fret! I did have an old fashioned school teacher that used to stick me in a cupboard and insist I write with my right hand though..Prhaps she was right, my handwriting is appalling, but my mother soon flattened that idea when she heard of it. She was a lefty too.
  23. Whoa whoa.. what about manchester? You can't go gallivanting about stating relocation guff without considering manchester. Whatever the other place has, we have more : )
  24. You prob have to sing some songs. With other people like. y'know. At the same time. Tricky things choirs.
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