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Everything posted by Monckyman

  1. I'm with Luke. With decent PA support and monitoring a good pre or d.i with EQ is plenty to get what you need,especially with IEMs. The actual tone of your bass cab becomes irrelevant to FOH and serves only as a personal stage monitor.
  2. Soundmagic have some very well priced but also well rated in ears for that toe in the water thing.app £50 http://www.amazon.co.uk/SoundMagic-PL50-Professional-Monitor-Earphones/dp/B002R1IFNO You could go for some previously used shure se215s or even shure E4s or E5s (if you can find them) app £100 You can use these with all sorts of tips or buds, my choice being the Comply squishy foams that expand in your ear and give a good seal. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_6?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=comply+foam+tips&sprefix=Comply%2Celectronics%2C226 Moulds themselves aren't too expensive, with ear impressions being about £20 and the moulds for as little as £85. I just had some made for my Shure E5s by the MP3company http://www.themp3company.co.uk which cost £119 all in. I have to stress, the fit is absolutely imperative,you must get it right or you will lack low end overall, these types of IEMs only work when sealed well. I think you'll start enjoying the experience after a week or two when you realise you can have exactly what you need in your ears. Good luck.
  3. Interested in the flight cases, pics would be great when convenient. Ta
  4. Another downer for Citylink. I usually book through Parcel Monkey (surprise), and on this occasion waited all day for a pick up of an amp,with no info on the website other than "a pickup has been scheduled". 5.45 in the evening they turned up. Although, it did turn up on time and wasn't damaged so.... Is there any clear winner that we would all trust?
  5. Reflektor arcade fire. Some extremely well arranged written and produced tunes on this new LP, with a few homages to a certain 80s manc band.
  6. The manual states 16 extra inputs available in ALL the formats, so you could use two 8 way adat equipped pre amps like the behringer ADA800 (8 ins and 8 outs) or the Focusrite Octopre (the adat card is optional on this) to name but two. I've used both of the above into a yamaha 01v96 and they both worked a treat on ins and outs.
  7. Specsavers also do this now.
  8. Sold pat pending.
  9. Reduced to £50 or trades to that value. Pedals,mics etc.
  10. For all those posts re rocking out in your 60s....
  11. Lucky escape.
  12. Sean if you do end up going to Fliptops in the US,let me know. I need a few bits and maybe we could share the postage? Perhaps other may be interested also?
  13. Does it do this at low volume as well or just high vol? First off, check the cabling, are the cables soldered or do they use clips on spades? Could be a loose connection so try to check that thoroughly before worrying about recones etc. Not many people do Ampeg recones but you can try Wembley speakers (http://www.wembleyloudspeaker.com/index-frames.html) They seem to do most things.
  14. I have a W audio stereo power amp if you fancied a trade.
  15. Hiya. No,I was looking at refurbing my two Ampeg boxes a while back but parts are difficult and Tolex is nearly impossible. I can only suggest some industrial Velcro for the grill fastening and I'm not absolutely sure but I think the chrome corner protectors are fairly generic and so should be available from someone somewhere. Prob need to measure them and blitz a few parts shops.
  16. +1 for the in ears. IF you are taking an engineer with you.
  17. They say about 2-3 weeks. Might be a bit quieter at the mo though.
  18. Just to add,I had a very serious look at these and would have definitely bought them if I hadn't already committed to a new mixing desk. These are very nice speakers with loads of power and a great rep. A couple of half decent subs under these and you won't need anything else for a long time. Wish I could afford them bump!
  19. 4 electro Harmonix valves in good working condition bought as spares for my AMPEG SVT pre amp. Sold the pre ages ago and found these in a drawer. No use to me. £25 posted for all four.
  20. Sigh.. Sort of like,if you think all mechanics are crap, but you know sod all about fixing cars. Just you know, practice taking your car door off at home,and then when the mechanic you use ,fixes it,criticise him and tell him you know better coz you practised at home with a19 mm socket for a bit and he's using a spanner. And a bloke on a forum said..... Come on Jt ffs,you don't know better than every sound engineer simply because you don't get the sound you think you want. Maybe you piss every engineer off by telling them how to do sound and they make you sound crap to piss you off too. Post EQ simply gives the engineer NO choice when mixing you bass tone into a mix you have no chance of hearing and means you'll probably sound sh*te. IMO blah blah.
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