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Everything posted by Monckyman

  1. No prob, just get an xlr to mini jack, or a jack socket to xlr adapter and use your original cable, still be mono, but you had that using the line in anyway. May need to turn your phone down a bit as the mic input level sensitivity is a little hotter than the line but it'll work fine.
  2. Ditto above, very good sounding and lovely jazz size neck.
  3. Well, seems to me without counting the posts that it's been fairly even, with the bias towards trying to create original music. I don't see loads of comments telling the OP to give up the effort and join a covers band. In fact going back and reading it was just one. It only sort of drifted towards contention when creativity was mooted as exclusive to originals only. That's what got the reaction. No biggy. My advice to the OP? Carry on and don't listen to any of us, only what your head and heart tell you.
  4. For what it's worth, myself and a client I work for (drummer) are very happy with our Shure E5c's into custom ACS moulds. if you can find a pair for under £200 and gets some moulds that's some fine in ears for about £300
  5. Was a bit of a gaffe to state you despised the idea of playing covers whilst asking for advice from a forum full of covers bands.... Bit of a sore point with many a musician. Bound to piss someone off. : )
  6. Good place to start. http://www.vstwarehouse.com/p/synthinstruments.html
  7. Ok, I use cubase as my main sequencer and for that you can get a plethora of virtual software instruments. Most of these have self installation packages so getting them installed isn't a big chore. Once they're on your system, you open your DAW software and go to the virtual instruments panel,different for whatever DAW you use but easy enough to find. Basically, you select your instrument from a list, click on it and load it. You can load as many of these different makes and models as you think your system can handle, they do eat a bit of memory. Now, in the column or area where you assign the midi output and input for the Chanel you want the sound sound available for, the instrument will be available as an OUTPUT option,so you select it. Now if your controller is installed properly also, your DAW software will see it as an INPUT option,so you select that. Now, if you got all that routing right, when you hit a key, you should hear the virtual sound module. There's usually a visual indicator to show midi input activity, so even if you hear nothing, you can see whether that's working, before going on to sort your output. Once you've sorted that basic setup, you can make a template where you have say 10 midi chans all routed to see the controller as input, and a couple of basic sounds pre loaded, so you can get that idea down quickly. Any questions ask away, but am off on tour tomorrow so I might take a while answer. MM
  8. Right,this may take a bit of explaining. I'm assuming you know its a controller keyboard, in that it has NO on board sounds? Which means you need to have some Virtual software instrument plug ins for whatever sequencer you're using, and route the controller to them. If I've lost you already let me know and we can break it down into chunks. MM
  9. Mine stopped working on mains, so I gave it away. Looking for a sansamp or tech 21 at mo but keep thinking just get another one,sounded great.
  10. Quite a few headphone amps have an inject feature whereby you can balance the main mix with say a split from your bass d.i. If you need more,then apart from upgrading to a better desk you can split your Vox and bass into a small 6 chan micro desk and mix them with the aux mix of kit, rest of band etc Only takes a couple of Y splits and the desk.
  11. Nice deal!
  12. Yep,at most you might need another speaker,at about £60 so still reasonable outlay. Just remembered, I used one of these at the Number six festival a couple of months ago, and it wasn't working. Turned out to be the jack connection into the amp from the speaker at the back of the amp had been bashed in the van and broken. Bit of Gaffa got me through the gig. Good luck!
  13. Hiya. I have an Indonesian made 4 and think it sounds absolutely amazing. I started with an OLP with a Seymour Duncan pickup upgrade and thought that sounded pretty good, but the SUB trashed it, with old strings on. And it has a jazz width neck unlike the P width OLP So,as an owner of the USA and Indonesian models, what if any, differences in the tone/sound are there? Ta MM
  14. [quote name='Gazm' timestamp='1361192972' post='1982443'] I play in 2 bands, I provide and drive the PA for Mrs Miggins' Pie Shoppe: 2x BFM Tuba 30 subs & 2x BFM DR250 tops through a PSE Audio controller (crossover) and a couple of Crown amps. We use a Behringer X32 mixer. [/quote] Hi Gaz, Im interested in building or sourcing a BFM setup similar to yours, could you tell me how it copes with a larger audience of say 300 and why do you think the 30s arent enough? Whats the weight and pack size like? You say you prefer the BFM to the HK, is this because its sonically nicer? Could you put a price to what the four BFM cabs cost you? Thanks in advance. MM
  15. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1383694086' post='2267941'] The whole programme is well past it's sell by date and the Beeb should pull the plug on it a.s.a.p. [/quote] As Discreet mentioned, you chop this you're left with nothing. Zip Nada Nowt. The acts often frustrate me too but at least they are eclectic and provide us with something to talk about other than the last episode of breaking bad. Don't expect the BBC to have a clue about music.
  16. I use a Peavey RQ200 mixer foir home rehearsals etc, it has great EQ, loads of inputs and plenty of outputs, all on faders too. Can find them on ebay for app £40
  17. This is perhaps the fourth post about subs today, something in the air? You need a crossover to properly set up your system. Running from an aux is fine, and if the sub has a passive crossover in it to limit what it does thats fine, but you also need to tell your tops not to reproduce anything below the frequency the subs top out at,(150Hz) otherwise youll get both sets of speakers trying to do the same frequency range and it all gets a little confused and muddy. Your tops may have a filter on them, or a passive crossover in them, and it would be useful to know if they do, and at what frequency they are fixed at. if not you need a separate crossover. A cheap crossover can be had for app £50, will let you set the range of frequencies you want for your cabs, and then individually balance the volume of all four outputs. Saves on that aux out as well.
  18. Pair of QSC HRI12s in the for sale section, older but better sounding than the K12s.
  19. Well, I just did 30 shows on an Expression SI3 and it was pretty quick and sounded fine,got a reasonable deal on it thought the Cat5 card pushes it up a bit. the ipad app works very well for GEQ on the wedges and level changes on inout chans but has no control over gain, input eq, dynamices routing etc, in fact, just on off and level. Compared to the X32 app where you can adjust everything, its a little disapointing, but the desk does sound great so.. lets hope they get a grip and update the app. As for my function wedding band, I had a good look at the Mackie ipad desk and loved it, and the software, but for a bit more I could get the X32 producer in a rack, with a lot more serious desk facilities so.. Umming and Aahing still. Its a great time to improve your Live sound for sure.
  20. Could try seeing if the phase is out yes, but more importantly how are you running the system? doesnt sound like you use a crossover so how do you send to the sub? Via an aux or a mono output? You shouldnt have to push individual chans on the desk to send more to the subs. Could be an input sensitivity issue on the JBLs,am assuming you are using the XLR input and not the Jack socket for speaker signals? Try reversing the polarity on one while playing some music,could help though it will be different in every room. I suspect you need a decent crossover with individual output levels for your tops and your subs, so you can balance the system easily.
  21. Heya Burrito! For even a pokey band at decent levels, I,ve had really decent results from an LD Dave system with one active sub and two passive satellites all powered from the amp in the sub. it has a limit facility so you cant destroy anything and with a little EQ can sound really good. add a small mixer with a built in reverb etc couple of those behringer active stand monitors everyone here likes and youre done. they come in 10" and 15" sub combinations and I can vouch for the 15" setup being fine for bars and Pubs if youre not doing metal. Fits in the boot of most cars also.. Some folks use two setups for bigger gigs.
  22. Can recommend the QSC speakers in the for sale section right now, very good and powerful speakers at a great price.
  23. Glad you found a solution. Youre only going to get quicker now.
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