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Everything posted by Monckyman

  1. The way you are doing it now is called "in line" as opposed to inserted, and many engineers prefer it, as they claim inserting robs a decibel from the total output depending on the EQ unit,however,if you have a couple of insert cables, try it and see how it suits. MM
  2. Arm Wrestling not my style, could play tiddlywinks? Not really, I need this for my bands wedges. Thanks HJ
  3. 68 Guns.....
  4. In Brighton in a fortnight,if you still have this I'll be in touch. MM
  5. I have a PF500 and used it with Rastas old 410hlf,an svt115 and an svt410 and combinations thereof and all of it sounds just fine and the amp has been very reliable over 40 gigs. However. Seeing as Rasta is obviously looking for lighter and smaller than any of the above... Tough one getting loud dub tones out of anything less than a 2x15,depends on how loud I suppose? I'd go try the PF cabs somewhere and see if they'll keep that tone at the volume you need. Can't see it out of one cab though.
  6. Hiya. I would set the ratio knob at infinity or 20-1 to give you that absolute brick wall limit, then you can send enough signal through to a level you feel is absolutely enough and tweak the threshold on the compressor down so it opens just before that level. With careful tweaking on the threshold you can avoid limiting the peaks out of your performance while preventing any serious thumps and squeaks getting to your ears. I've used this method with a drummer on ears where his first rack tom just flickers the threshold light on the limiter, being the loudest part of his kit,he doesn't want anything louder getting through and it doesn't. Try to turn down a little overall though,from what you think is OK, you'll soon get used to it and it'll be safer all round. Good luck.
  7. Kind of a visual representation of this place..
  8. Thanks for the replies all. I'll probably stick with the GT6b for a while and slowly put together a smaller separates board for those nice occasions. MM
  9. Hello all. I have a Boss Gt6b which I use on all my gigs. I always use the tuner, I sometimes use the overdrive, though I'm never really happy with it, and I sometimes use the Octaver, whichI love, but isn't needed in my set all that much. The expression pedal is useful for turning the delay send on the vocal channel on the desk up and down via midi. I take my desk D.I feed from the pedal direct and it sounds pretty good. But.. I'm dreaming of a small 4to 6 pedal board with a psu,tuner,sans amp/Tech21,overdrive,Octaver. Would it be a waste of time? I would lose the ability to change patches for diff songs, which I rarely do but it's still a nice option to have, But would I gain a better tone and FX from the lovely separate pedals? Comments gladly accepted.
  10. My lot are, after an extended divorce, about to shed our singer. He's been such a right pain in the arse slow witted lying arse hole over the last couple of months that we decided to go with a female singer and change our tack. Tonight is our last gig in a run of 5 over the last month. We don't feel bad, we know he's already got another band up with a website etc (the website uses all our blurb and photos and pretends they did the gigs) : ),and the lack of gigs for the next 8 weeks is because he's been lying to us about agency gigs coming in and diverting them to another band.(mortal sin). He hasn't told us this, we just found out by chance.. Ok, it's usually a depressing frantic time losing your singer,but were organised, have rent in the bank, have an enthusiastic new singer with a far better range of tone and skill, and are all prepared to work hard to get it back on the road. We can also jettison his appalling core of must do songs inc stones, van Morrison, cockney rebel that we all hated doing for the last year. So all is good at Shabby Road Studios. I wondering how I'll feel playing some of those songs for the hovers last time ever? ; ) ps I'm very happy for those of you with smooth running fun and lucrative bands, very much worth the hard work.
  11. As above, no need for bridge mode. If you use a simple half decent cross over you'll be able to send the right frequencies to the right cabs and get a much cleaner and tighter sound overall.
  12. Neck swaps, pickups swaps, loom and capacitor upgrades,mainly. Some PU swaps didn't work so well,but you have to take that in context of the type of music you need the bass to cover. I usually put Jazz necks on things because I don't seem to like P necks,however I just got round to putting a Seymour Duncan pickup in my OLP ray copy and it sounds completely and utterly different. I played it for a whole show the other week, only picking up my Go to P bass with Fender Jap 80s PU and MIM jazz neck/flats for one song, and it sounded dull and quiet in comparison.. I still don't like the OLP slabby neck, but it didn't seem to matter so much because the sound was so good. Schaller strap locks on all. Not experimented with tuners or bridges as such, though I have a black Gotoh bridge to go on something. I would agree with the others that looms, pots and pickups make the most difference to sound and reliability of a bass, and strings often get overlooked in the equation.
  13. As an older but cheaper alternative,the RME digi96/52 cards do 16in and out on adat,I'm using one myself to record direct from a desk with an adat card. Cost me £100 on eBay,they don't come up often though.
  14. Discreet, I'm sure it wasn't that bad. Yes the acoustics were a proper nightmare for anyone on stage as well. No clarity and a massive 125Hz rumble. Didn't help that it was 12.45 am start : / Neville Staples was fun, though sounded better from outside!
  15. Hiya, yep I've shared many a bus and room with Ben! We used to OD on Liquorice
  16. I'll be there with the thurs headline. Not a fan of Blackpool though.
  17. rack bag for sale LD 3U in good but slightly tatty condition. £25
  18. Two rack bags for sale Warwick 4 U rack bag in excellent condition SOLD LD 3 U rack bag couple of scrapes and one tear,£25 PRICE DROP TO £20 https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qlww1pbq8d5pb6/2013-07-24%2016.19.27.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/ogn0nkc5n60yko6/2013-07-24%2016.19.20.jpg LD https://www.dropbox.com/s/0hdhoykmtos1hic/2013-07-24%2016.30.53.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/6kdh2za37fwb36j/2013-07-24%2016.30.44.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/uio45qvuix2myh7/2013-07-24%2016.28.38.jpg
  19. Good quality fretless neck. No idea of make but it has a serial number and the truss is at the scratchplate end. It's got standard Jazz neck measurements of 38mm at the nut and 60mm at the heel. It has a fairly flat profile measuring app 18mm from front to back. Tuners holes are app 18mm, think that's standard fender size. It's been rubbed down as it had an awful lacquer job when I bought it so a bit more fine polishing and it would be good to lacquer up again. I'm never going to find time to finish it so it needs to go. £40 posted to UK https://www.dropbox.com/s/8o8zpatu2cwspiy/2013-07-24%2008.45.08.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/hdk3hccjxag1z9d/2013-07-24%2008.44.39.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/5k4d6ozwz5tq80v/2013-07-24%2008.44.17.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/q97lmbly55008pp/2013-07-24%2008.44.27.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/2c9av7nzqbwhcpv/2013-07-24%2008.44.01.jpg https://www.dropbox.com/s/krvpw9mqezc5kpa/2013-07-24%2008.43.20.jpg
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