I'm actually working the other way around.
WhenI was 15 through to 18I only listened to a very select few types of music, and derided all else as crap.
Thus I missed out on a few great Manchester bands.
As I get older, I have relaxed that childish elitism and now listen to a lot more music of all types that I wouldn't have before.
Music repeats, that's a given, all art does.
Doesn't matter.
If you like you like, if you don't, you don't.
I'm astonished at the amount of Cure like vocalists and Smiths like guitarists I keep hearing lately, but that's ok, because I like those tones too.
I also think Queens of the Stone Age are possibly my favourite band of all time, yet couldn't listen to a Black Sabbath CD without getting bored.
So like the Blackkeys, they are re inventing a genre in a fresh and exciting way, and to me, that's what it's all about.
No point moaning about music, there's simply so much out there there has to be loads that you'll love.
Just need to put the effort into finding it.