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Everything posted by Monckyman

  1. £300 for both items. Make me an offer for individual prices.
  2. Bump for price reduction to £300 delivered.
  3. And avoid those original 60s precisions. Them things is ancient. Get yourself a nice new one instead.
  4. Not sold at all. Ignore previous post.
  5. Yes, of course I do. Hard not to. I did at one time have the first Beatles LP down note perfect on the bass and vocals at the age of 15, but that was after Buddy Holly, Eddy Cochran, Johnny Burnette etc. I don't own a single bit of Beatles product and never have, though I know most of their output. I'm just sick of their all reaching never ending iconic status. It's a bit boring now to bang on about 50year old tunes as if they are genius and it saddens me that people don't think we have progressed much from that point. Also, other artists covering Beatles songs never sounds anything other than wrong to me, because their tone and sound was such a massive part of why their stuff worked. So Beverly knight etc all sound a bit lame. You may as well have had Bruce Forsyth introducing them all and tinsel drapes etc. Beatles, great, tunes, Northern English perspective at a time of great cultural change etc,all of that, but very old news now.
  6. One day, the Beatles will go away. Sadly not in my lifetime but...
  7. "Sailin dinjies. That's what they call em Petunia. Sailin dinjies. Ooh look he's waving" Welcome aboard cap'n
  8. Brethren. Of late,since I got my iPad, whenever I go to read a post on this forum, it immediately goes to the last post on the last page. This is starting to make my mood abrasive,what with having to scroll through and click back etc. Especially with all your Beatles hate rage horse beef rants. Which I obviously don't want to miss so.. Surely, there is a sanity returning setting in preferences somewhere. If anyone knows the location of this particular setting, please let me know. MM
  9. Erm. Any standard IEC cable will fit. 3amp fuse for that I reckon. Loads on t'bay Cables that is.
  10. Sold pending the doobry doobry doohickey
  11. Wanna buy some ampegs Dave? BUMP
  12. Price revision. As is with Nordstrands,delivered for £330.
  13. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1360524074' post='1971777'] Manchester bands don't rehearse. they just get their haircut like Noel, get some retro threads and talk about The Smiths and Joy Division [/quote] You said that like it was a bad thing.
  14. I'm actually working the other way around. WhenI was 15 through to 18I only listened to a very select few types of music, and derided all else as crap. Thus I missed out on a few great Manchester bands. As I get older, I have relaxed that childish elitism and now listen to a lot more music of all types that I wouldn't have before. Music repeats, that's a given, all art does. Doesn't matter. If you like you like, if you don't, you don't. I'm astonished at the amount of Cure like vocalists and Smiths like guitarists I keep hearing lately, but that's ok, because I like those tones too. I also think Queens of the Stone Age are possibly my favourite band of all time, yet couldn't listen to a Black Sabbath CD without getting bored. So like the Blackkeys, they are re inventing a genre in a fresh and exciting way, and to me, that's what it's all about. No point moaning about music, there's simply so much out there there has to be loads that you'll love. Just need to put the effort into finding it.
  15. I can't agree that this ended "well". This ended with the man who paid up front a month ago, just getting what he paid for after loads of hassle worry and doubt. Naturally it's good the bass finally arrived, but so it bloody should have a long time ago. I would not have been so forgiving, domestic problems or not. A text, mail, message or call, takes seconds. Call me old fashioned. .
  16. Sold the same digital recording desk twice now. On both occasions they haven't been able to spend the time getting it installed properly and decide its too much like hard work. I actually think one of them damaged it but there's no way to prove that. Chalk it up and move on.
  17. I use a heavy duty keyboard stand, less footprint but nice and solid. Takes my Ampeg 115 and PF500 nicely and puts it at chest hight.
  18. Give yourself a routine for getting up and doing something before you need to be at the gig. Otherwise you'll slip into getting up later and later and feeling like sh*t all the time. You need a reason to say no to that 5 th drink. Be nice to the techies and they'll take care to get you the sound you need.
  19. Can do £290 with standard MIM pickups. Ono
  20. Bump for separate pricing. HLF £240 SOLD SVP£240 3550 amp £70 SOLD Make me an offer. + P&P
  21. Partysounds has better filters for area and distance etc, but joinmyband is also good if you are prepared to wade through the teenys looking to reinvent metal emo.
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