I think music ,less so in Europe more so here, is completely interlinked to style and image.
If you can`t identify with a certain "pose" or stance, you won`t go near the music either,because you won`t feel there`s anything "cool" there.
To "get" something, you need to be able to get inside the head of whoever is doing it, and feel like it chimes with what`s inside you.
For me, iron maiden,ac/.dc rainbow ,metallica etc, I really couldn`t and still can`t identify with the denim/big white trainers/fluffy hair/studded belt ,thinking you`re a viking with an "Ax" fighting evil sorcerors/how many notes can I stuff into this bar stuff.
Now, Queens of the Stone age are almost my favourite band. Not a million miles away from the previous lot but to me they feel a lot cooler and more like how I would want to be seen myself.
As we age, we get less precious about this and often revisit styles and music we wouldn`t touch when younger because we can now recognise the musical ideas under all that style.
So, once again it is "Not what you do, but the way that you do it".
And whats it got to do with a Coldplay CD?