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Everything posted by Monckyman

  1. As Icastle states, a hot air gun will help and perhaps a mild chemical for dissolving/softening the glue. If you can`t wallpaper, don`t attempt tolex. There are suprisingly few people offering this as a service.
  2. Ampeg SVT 115e flightcase by Flightcase warehouse for sale. Never used in anger, in as good as new condition. This case fits the svt 115 snugly, but will also fit the PF115 &210 cabs with an inch or so all round. Easy to glue a foam strip on the sides for a perfect fit. The BA range of combos will also fit Great quality castors. I`m looking for £50+postage (which I reckon about £10) Also looking for trades for this. What have you got? Ta, MM
  3. I have [s]for sale[/s] [b]sold[/b] a cracking little mixer with 6 microphone pre-amps and 4 stereo inputs. Chans 1-6 have mic inputs. Chan 1&2 have inserts Chan3-4-5-6 have additional stereo inputs Chan 6 stereo in is phono or minijack Monitor (prefade) and FX(postfade) sends on all 6 chans High and Low EQ Stereo out on 1/4" jack,minijack and phono. 2x headphones out on mini and standard jack. Power supply included. I`ve been using it for rehearsal recordings, personal rehearsals at home. As a personal monitor desk, with split inputs from the main desk and as a sub mixer,mixing drum mics into a stereo input on the main mixer. Sounds clean, and the EQ is good. Looking for £40 posted to UK.
  4. Nice idea, terrible budget!
  5. Ta Dave. Good thread, but unfortunately I can`t find Citristip in the UK so I may go for a Nitromoors type gel.
  6. Hello all. I have an SX Jazz neck that I really like the feel of but the Khaki coloured laquer is putting me off putting it on a bass I want to use live. So, I`ve already rubbed down a bit of the head and neck and it`s a nice Maple under all that laquer. But, I`m worried about how effectivelt I can remove the stuff on the actual fretboard. Woud I be right in thinking a purpose made block for wrapping sandpaper aruond might suit best? Ideas gratefully received. MM
  7. Martin, ta for the tip, I never considered Mr Roadhouses dusty upper floor. At the moment my poor guitarist is bestrewn with a mando and a guitar and it all gets a bit messy and clonky when one hits the other etc.
  8. [quote name='Graham56' timestamp='1328052861' post='1521223'] Just get your band mandolin tech to hand it to him from the side of the stage... [/quote] Thanks gents, those designs have certainly sparked a few ideas. Because of the round back of the Mando, I don`t think they`ll be suitable,but....I`m thinking I can make something similar for a bow back. Hmmmm.......
  9. OK, so some of you remember the prog/rock bands that simply weren`t satisfied at having only one instrument to play at a time and resorted to multi necked monsters. Well the other alternative was a stand that clamped your accoustic in a position where you could nonchalantly stroll over, unmute and play the chord of the anti-christ, before strolling away playing your Flying z or whatever. So, I need one,my guitarist needs to play a mandolin during a couple of songs without removing his guitar, but what the hell do I search for? Stand just gets a million stands, all the same.Guitar Clamp doesn`t work, what name am I searching for here? Ta. MM
  10. Well I suppose this is the kind of discussion musos have about other musos,with a few curled lips and disapproving comments,but it`s all irrelevant if you like the tunes. I like Del Ray, her cash doesn`t bother me at all (rabid commie that I am),because she makes a pleasant noise. That`s all there is at the end of the day. The rest is all chaff.
  11. Soz jack I know that. There seems to have been plenty wrong with her pub band though as she`s playing some really interesting [i]variations.[/i] [i] [/i]
  12. I hate the "Oh, well we played it like that in my last band" line.Clearly implying you`re a pretentious martinet for being unhappy with several wrong and badly timed chords. So far I`ve managed not to say " I couldn`t give a f*** what shonky bloody methods your [i]pub [/i]band used. We are going to play it properly",and have stuck to suggesting there [i]may[/i] be one or two inaccuracies in there..
  13. I think that if you have the cash to invest,offering the PV combos etc as part of the fixed rate is cool, but being able to offer the markbass,TE or ampeg to the more discerning customers for a little extra might help cover all the levels of customer. In my experience, any band that works hard in a rehearsal as opposed to youngsters who want to make some noise,usually prefer to use their own gear. Intervals between bands are essential for basic turnover and room maintenance.Just make sure the band knows when their time is up. I used to knock on the door till they heard and tell them they were done. I would say no to food, bit messy, but beer, yes! You can make a decent mark up on beer and cola etc, helps pay the bills. Used to be much worse when people smoked indoors. No matter how many times you asked them to use the ash trays, the fags ended up on the carpet.
  14. I used to run a rehearsal studio, as part of a recording studio,and there`s not a lot of money in it after electric, insurance,security,. business tax and gear maintenance. However, studios should supply decent kit if they are charging for it. I really think that nowadays, any band rehearsing at least once a week should seriously consider their own room in a mill space etc. Think about how the costs compare. Rehearsal room once a week =£30 on average,some with storage (extra) some without, ballache moving kit and amps etc,takes half your time up. So that`s £120 a month plus storage and/or transport. I`m currently paying £200 for a room, but have just found one for £150. Between 4 members that`s £40 per MONTH each member.=tenner a week.. For that you get exclusive use, you get to leave your kit, amps and P.A set up, and can store all your crap there too, which means mega brownie points at home. The moment you start to rehearse more than once a week, you`re saving loads. Some bands I know have managed to do a room share with another band they trust and that halves the cost. I know some bands aren`t in the position to make that financial committment, but for those that can, it`s a no brainer.
  15. No. Gratuitous waistcoat alert.
  16. I like to go for quality over quantity I have a half inch thick bit of flightcase foam in a square that can sit under the amp, just gives it grip and a little suspension.
  17. Hohner 80s P bass. app £100 Mine cost £80 MiM Jazz neck " 50 " " 40 Wizard pickups " 40 " " 35 Great bass for working gigs,feels and looks great . Break any rules?
  18. Nope.
  19. Hmm that`s interesting, I may get the sandpaper out and have a fiddle. MM
  20. I`m using a planet wings directly into an LM2,plenty of level but had to find the pickups sweet spot first,and it`s pretty damn tight.
  21. MB1 Brought me back from Dr Daves a rack case which I`m delighted with. Great condition and excellent price. So thanks to Dr Dave and to Martin for the logistics. MM
  22. "So what`s the etiquette after a gig then, do I have to stay until you lot are finished packing the P.A or can I just go as soon as I`m done?" New keyboard player displaying a rare enthusiasm...
  23. Great CAB,not amp. >pedant
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