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Everything posted by Monckyman

  1. Agreed with above. Even if you have the traveller in your posession, you can still send it back and go for a 210 IF you decide you want to. I reckon you`ll like the 15. FYI I use a 410 and a115 together (heretic, burn him!)and it sounds excellent in my opinion. MM
  2. Many many bassists are very happy with the sound they get from mixing 10s and 15s. However, if you are buying new, you may as well go with the orthodox view that same size drivers are best. A 410 and a 210 will give you great flexibility between a 210,410 and a 610 for all size venues and car boots.
  3. I like red basses,yum.
  4. SSR is good, I know the live module lecturer very well,and he`s had good experience as a touring monitor and foh engineer, but it`s expensive and over subscribed. And not in London.
  5. I bought mine from Rasta, who sent it from Cornwall to Manchester for a courier fee of £40....
  6. Horses for courses. I like nailing the line as it was originally played. Whether I actually play that is down to the drummer, whether we can cover all the parts in the original arrangement etc. I have a lot of respect for original arrangements and production, so to mess with that casually is in my opinion throwing away a lot of what made the song work in the first place. Worse if it`s because of laziness or inability. Some bands are very good at alternative arrangements, some are not. Which one are you? You decide!
  7. My current guitar fondler use a line 6 amp and pedal combo. It worries me. I`m already making plans for when it goes down during a show.
  8. That`s a check flatback..
  9. Ditto, nobody is going to get sacked refusing to play that old cock. It`s supposed to be fun.
  10. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1327448187' post='1511585'] Fraser and Rodgers can live on the royalties from this one song alone. [/quote] Bully for them, the song is utter drivel dadrock posturing hoary old bollocks. I`m constantly amazed that bands seem to think they have to play it. It`s 42 years old ffs. Best play something more modern sounding like "The Seige of Mafeking"
  11. Been waiting for this. I fully expect pubs previously dying on their arses to have a go at live music for the first time in 15 years. Excellent news for us!
  12. Most digital desks can be controlled via iPad now if they have an ethernet socket and a bit of software. I use an iPad with the Yamaha M7cl and I get to walk about the venue tweaking levels and eq And the behringer also works on a cat5 multicore and an onstage input box, so no heavy expensive multicore. I do like the line 6 though, but it looks like a bit of ransacked Romulan spaceship. MM
  13. Hey Bam. I just use a quality targus laptop bag, the LM fits in just right with room for mains and a couple of cables.
  14. When I needed a replacement bulb for the VU on my ABM amp, I simply phoned Ashdown and a very nice man sent me one. For free. Win. British company, deserves a bit of support.
  15. Nice vid. Drummers shoudln`t be allowed in the venue till their competent drum tech has soundchecked the whole shebang with a couple of adults. (engineers)
  16. Behringer X32=Midas=Klark Technik=Marks&Spencer [url="http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/behringer-x32-digital-mixer--81518"]http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/behringer-x32-digital-mixer--81518[/url] Seriously, these are aimed at cutting a swathe through Yamahas digital desk market. If it`s reliable, it`ll end up in every local venue and cost less than their outboard FX used to.
  17. Keep the Ray, ditch the song.
  18. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1327413821' post='1510787'] I just wish I could understand all of this. I just plug and play, though sometimes.....I really wish I knew more about it. [/quote] Here` an example. We listen to CDs recorded at 44.100 or 4800Khz as humans hearing is reckoned to go up to 20KHz and the theory (Nyquist) is we need at least twice the resolution of our upper limit. Now of course we can record at double that, but most people can`t hear the difference and it costs more memory and resources,so we don`t. The bottom end is the same. There are frequencies inaudible (or nearly so) that cost the amplifier a lot of juice to even attempt to reproduce. So the solution is to remove anything below a set frequency (in the Thumpinator I believe it`s 30Hz) and this free`s up a lot of energy that can then go to reproducing frequencies you [i]do[/i] want to hear. MM
  19. All together nah, "Eez a Milkmaaaahn,bringing rahnd ver pints, he looks just like a roadie when eez settin up the lights,Eez a..." * *to the tune of Starman.
  20. For that money I`d go for the Behringer x32, due out later this year. Fully featured 32 ins 16 aux outs ,EQ ,comps, gates on everything. 4 very decent built in stereo FX. Klark teknik and Midas derived technology. It`ll piss yamaha off no end. Coming to a venue near you.
  21. Great product but daft price. £109 for a high pass filter ffs? You could do the same job with a half decent P.A cross over for half the price. OK not as small and portable but still..
  22. 2 hour show in Johannesburg.
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