Hi C88. I love my Markbass, it`s utterly reliable,fits in my bag with a laptop, notes, cables and is a great platform for all sorts of pres and pedals etc.
I like Ampeg stuff, and was curious to see if the PF could match my larger pre and amp rig for tone and tubeyness etc.
If it could, then I`d prob sell the heavy stuff on and save my vertebrae and suspension.
If the PF350 had the compressor,EQ and headphones the same as the 500, I`d already own one as I don`t really need 500watts.
As far as I can tell from reviews here and on Talkbass, the tone and power of the amp aren`t in doubt,and the musicality of the sound gets a lot of love here and the U.S, but the intermittent fault with cutting under load is worrying.
The clues all seem to point to overloading the front end and causing a safety shutdown.But it`s not consistent across all the amps, a lot of people have no problem at all with it,so I`m thinking it may be accented by how you use the gain structure.
Lozz seems to have avoided this totally
I can recommend the Markbass as a lovely stable powerful platform, but if like me you want dirt or tube,and you`re mainly playing indie/alt/rock as opposed to jazz and funk I reckon you`ll need a pedal or two for that 3d harmonic thing.