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Everything posted by Monckyman

  1. I usually do this with stage monitors,even with a drum fill (then use a sub for dedicated low end).I get more volume and clarity, and the amps aren`t trying to reproduce frequencies nobody wants. In any case, most venues tend to amplify low end frequencies and that`s what you`ll hear from the FOH on stage. So rolling some off your stage rig is a great idea. I work with one bassist (MIJ 80s P into SVT II and 810) and he insists I remove anything below 100hz from his wedge, bass mic input and sidefill. Works for him when the FOH goes up in vol for the encore and the low end takes off. I think a few of the "Double bass" combos have HPFs built in don`t they? Should be standard on any bass amp.
  2. Oh, how nice, she`s playing in that "London Engerland" place. The only venue in the UK.
  3. Nice to hear from the manufacturer himself!
  4. I found the DHA VT1 perfect for tubing up my markbass 2. Really subtle warmth and harmonics, with a bit of grind when needed. They do come up here one just went for £50.
  5. Hi C88. I love my Markbass, it`s utterly reliable,fits in my bag with a laptop, notes, cables and is a great platform for all sorts of pres and pedals etc. But.. I like Ampeg stuff, and was curious to see if the PF could match my larger pre and amp rig for tone and tubeyness etc. If it could, then I`d prob sell the heavy stuff on and save my vertebrae and suspension. If the PF350 had the compressor,EQ and headphones the same as the 500, I`d already own one as I don`t really need 500watts. As far as I can tell from reviews here and on Talkbass, the tone and power of the amp aren`t in doubt,and the musicality of the sound gets a lot of love here and the U.S, but the intermittent fault with cutting under load is worrying. The clues all seem to point to overloading the front end and causing a safety shutdown.But it`s not consistent across all the amps, a lot of people have no problem at all with it,so I`m thinking it may be accented by how you use the gain structure. Lozz seems to have avoided this totally I can recommend the Markbass as a lovely stable powerful platform, but if like me you want dirt or tube,and you`re mainly playing indie/alt/rock as opposed to jazz and funk I reckon you`ll need a pedal or two for that 3d harmonic thing.
  6. Still looking to change out my MB2 for a PF500,but was waiting for the dust to settle on these faults. Thought it had![quote name='buff' timestamp='1326998967' post='1505046'] In desparation i plugged in my sansamp and turned up the level on the pedal to re gain some volume. Didnt have anymore issues. [/quote] Now this to me suggests it`s the pre-amp stage that`s the problem,because using the pedal gain allowed you to pull the Ampegs gain pot right back and feed it a hotter signal to start with. I reckon less input gain and more master out is the way to go with these.Regardless of the compressor. MM
  7. Dave, I wouldn`t put a behringer mixer in your recording chain. The pres aren`t great, they`re noisy and the analogue to digital converter is cheapo. In my opinion, you will get much better results with a dedicated input box and use the Cubase EQ/ampeg simulators etc. MM
  8. Sliddx can advise!
  9. I reckon he was just stringing you along. He knew it wasn`t rigth but just couldn`t put his finger on it?
  10. I`ve been getting good results with my LM II for both leccy and Upright, by using the amp eq fairly flat for electric and using a pre-amp into the FX return socket for the upright. It`s powerful and clean and suits both jobs depending on what cab you use.
  11. Glad it`s not just me. Pages hang and I have to reload them a few times before they eventually do. Moving to next page also hangs and replying to PMs is taking forever. >On Virgin media.
  12. Withdrawn, UPS seem to have bounced it a bit and the lids cracked, It`ll mend with glue but I can`t sell it. MM
  13. As title. I have a good condition 2U abs(plastic) rack case for sale or trade. I need a 3 or 4 U if you have anything to trade. Looking for £25 posted for the 2U. Cheers, MM
  14. The set in the link is Mono only, which is ok, till you want to move to a stereo mix. Also, on some stereo packs, you get a "blend" or Pan knob, in a dual input mono mode, which allows you to send the mix to one input, and your vox to the other,and mix the volume between them, similar to a pan pot on a Jazz bass.
  15. Hmm, thought this was about Class A substance abuse.. Wrong forum obviously.
  16. Some good comments above. What it boils down to is, how much do YOU want your musical activities to improve? If it`s important to you, then do something about it. If he`s a friend, he`ll get it. No crime here, people often want different things. Just don`t let what he wants, prevent you getting what you want.
  17. Nothing wrong with using condensors, I use an SM86 myself. They can be more sensitive, that`s the point, so they need to be set up slightly differently than a 58 . I would use less gain on the pre-amp and push the fader a little more. This will help reject more of the off-mic noise.
  18. So long as it`s properly balanced no. A mate just fitted a Bigsby to his Epi 335 copy, works a charm and looks the biz.
  19. I use my LM2 with big Ampeg stuff and it sounds great,very warm and solid. For smaller gigs I`ve been using the Ashdown 4x8 which is very pokey, and it also suits my double bass setup too. And you can stick it on a reasonable keyboard stand. 300watts of Markbass is suprisingly loud.
  20. Did your guitarist ever find his sunglasses?
  21. Ditto here. Hilario(us) innit?
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