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Everything posted by Monckyman

  1. In a similar vaudevillian manner I once enthusiastically span my red painted double bass ( ) and managed to clip the singers boom stand which caused the mic to thwack into his mouth at some speed. Loss of a tooth for him and a severe bollocking for me lasting several months.
  2. As above. Welcome
  3. I have a MIJ Hohner P, from 1982 and I think it's fine. I use it on every gig I play.
  4. Agree with JT above, but...Engineer or not out front, that backline still needs to be balanced and nobody onstage has the faintest idea how it sounds out front using either method. I prefer everything in the P.A, and have steered my bands equipment that way with a slightly larger P.A, but less backline. As an engineer, I want more control over FOH levels, and that means quieter backline, I did a 5 band festi type gig last week and the biggest problem was the massive Ampeg rig all the bassists loved playing through, but I couldn't balance the mix, because whatever I did, there was simply too much bass guitar. it was very very loud, and asking, then telling the bassist to turn it down to acceptable levels got the stock phrase "but I can hardly hear it now",to which I replied, yes, but then you can hardly hear anything now because you've just had that thing on full a couple of feet away. So my theory is, balancing the rig when that DOESN'T involve telling someone the volume they just got used to onstage is too loud,ie:(pulling a fader on the FOH mixer) is a far easier option. I also find it next to impossible to get a decent vocal monitor setup when you have to compete with a backline that's being used to fill the venue, yet is only a meter away. When the band know everything is in the P.A, they are a lot more relaxed about "being heard in the mix,man". Having said all that, many people get great results using JTs method, and save the P.A for the vox.
  5. P.A and drop the backline low
  6. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1409578351' post='2541059'] When I get £6000 a week wages like charity executives I'll think about it and that is very bottom end in the salary brackets. Personally when you are in a band you get sick to death of been chugged. Musicians need to eat and pay rent as well. [/quote] This. Charity fads are massive tax free swindles. The CEO of this particular mob is on £300k
  7. Hello Bradwell,I'm up the road in Levenshulme and my guitarists kit is in a shocking state so I'll probably be in touch at some point Welcome to the forum. MM
  8. Well, my Hong Kong Camera kit+M Audio Mobile pre setup has decided it no longer works, (poss as a result of ios upgrade), so I'm in the market for a Sonic port if anyone has a spare they want to move on.
  9. I'm suprised he got away with the "here's and english band" thing at all.
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1408365055' post='2529393'] Why not? Surely the sound coming out of the bass cab(s) is one that you have carefully crafted to fit in with the overall band sound. Anything other than that but louder through the PA would be wrong. No one would ever consider asking a guitarist to DI instead of mic'ing their amp so why do bassist get such short shrift? [/quote] This old chestnut. IMO because the "carefully crafted" sound you have has been monitored through a small ish rig, compared to a decent P.A, and the tone balance invariably doesn't work. The nearest analogy I can think of quickly is bedroom DJs mixing their latest epic,carefully crated on their entry level monitors, and when they get it played on a half decent P.A, all those subsonic frequencies they couldn't hear at home, come blanging out, and have to be removed compressed and contained within the larger mix. Now, I'm not saying your amp tone can't be replicated through a P.A, it can, but not quickly or easily, because those complicated low end frequencies tend to react differently the louder they are amplified. Guitar amps on the other hand, ARE relatively easy to amplify and retain their original tone partly because they lack those sub sonic frequencies that are so problematic in larger venues and are much easier to define and place in a mix. Most engineers will use a mic and a D.I, the D.I will provide the meat of the signal and the definition, as it will be clean of the amp eq and compression, which is set to suit whatever speaker array you have on stage,with the mic providing the tone of the amp pedals and stack to overlay that initial body. Trust me, if engineers could chuck a mic on a bass cab as easily as they do a guitar cab,without fearing the sonic consequences, they would. HTH
  11. Keep stage volume discipline, if someone is too loud, you must tell them to turn down. I you don't immediately enforce that, they'll all turn up to 11 and ruin your monitor mixes and FOH too. [i]You[/i] will be blamed for the sh*t sound, not the chump howling through his marshall stack. He will also blame you when he can't hear anything either. Take a pre-eq d.i feed for the bass, otherwise you'll be re-eqing and fiddling with the compressor all the set long. Different basses will vary, but at least keep control of gain and EQ. Plenty of power on the stage front for all those pedals. Label all your input cables once they are in, if you move them off stage(unused vox mic) or across stage(that ping pong bass amp), it will be invaluable. Have 3 spare d.i boxes cabled and labeled around the stage so that when the acc guitar/keyboard you weren't told about turns up, you are ready for it. Scan the stage all the time for moved or knocked mics, musos can't actually see them you see. Polythene sheets.... When it's going great, "what a great band" When it's going bad " crap sound engineer" Enjoy. : )
  12. LM3 is a little more versatile obviously as it can power a monitor for you with pre D.I EQ should there be a cab available. Sansamp will sound fine, and weigh less than an LM3 but isn't an amp in an emergency. So, you don't need to drop £200 until you get bored carrying around an amp with a d.i on it, rather than a d.i. with some EQ on it. Um..
  13. Got to be a water based hazer,not a smoke machine,and even then some hotels will object out of ignorance mainly.
  14. As MrTcat, only on an ipad.Or an iPhone,or android phone or....anything cheap and small that can play a stereo wav. Mono mix to foh Mono click to drummer Baktraxs is a good app for iPhones and iPads,saves yer set, can stick songs in order, plays to end of track then stops,loads of little things that make it easier.
  15. Ear plugs. Forget the rest ; )
  16. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1405510356' post='2502504'] Can you all put your vouchers together and buy me this please. [/quote] No becUse it looks appalling. Go buy a a nice red one.
  17. The book is quite funny, and he has a few good points about the contracts being witnessed and signed properly despite Joyce and rourkes "assumption" of an equal split, and how the prosecution went for him rather than Marr,who also greatly benefited from the bias. No solo Morrissey means no November spawned a monster,Suedehead,We hate it when etc and his last four LPs have all done very well indeed. As I have said before, "a bit of an attention seeker" might well be the best description of a singer I ever heard, and pop/rock stars with controversial attitudes is exactly how they should be. Or you might prefer One Direction. Who knows? ; )
  18. As above power conditioner. If you could mount that on the rear rack (if deep enough),then a dbx compressor, which would outclass your average pedal.
  19. Dad has it correctly. 4ohm load wired as suggested above. This gives full range to the subs up to the internal x over frequency (guessing on PV 120hz) and above that gets put out the Hi out socket. On a QSC GX7 that's 1000 watts per side divided over the two cabs so 500 watts each. I have a GX5 and it's a nice sounding versatile amp. Enjoy!
  20. Yep, bloody shocking is what I say. You don't need it!
  21. Don't buy an amp. Buy an iPad, an audio input device, and jamup xt. All the amps and pedals at your fingertips, jam along to tracks,plug it into someone else's amp if you need to. Seriously, you wanted something to practice with, and these maniacs all turned that into a 1000watt markbass rig you don't need. Just sayin' ; )
  22. Informative article. http://mixonline.com/live/applications/audio_quiet_stage/
  23. Just met up with Tom on the way to a gig and everything was easy and organised. Prompt payment, always available to contact, and a pleasure to deal with. Thanks Tom!
  24. Vid and audio sync is one thing. Not opening your gob while a voice sings out is another. Not all of those cameras are wireless. I am convinced Parton was miming, and has mimed her way across the globe according to a lot of disappointed fans and critics. The link above makes it pretty clear. http://dailyreview.crikey.com.au/dolly-parton-blue-smoke-tour-review-rod-laver-arena-melbourne/ "[color=#333333][font=Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Dolly has admitted to having parts of her shows pre-recorded in the past – let’s face it, this isn’t a woman afraid of, ahem, enhancements – and it’s difficult to tell exactly what parts were lip-synched and what parts weren’t. But in the moments where she clearly was singing live, it’s clear that her voice is still in great shape: light, agile and breathy in moments, and piercingly powerful when it needs to be."[/size][/font][/color] http://www.nodepression.com/profiles/blogs/a-tale-of-two-dollys [color=#252525][font=Georgia, Palatino,]"In addition to being a musician I am also a voice teacher, so I'm sure I was picking up on technical subtleties that most would not notice, and to be honest, with all the plastic surgery and botox it's pretty hard to actually see what someone's face is doing, but all that doubt was confirmed when I caught her dropping words in the second set. It was clear by the end that Dolly had lip-synced at least half of the concert and had pantomimed playing almost every instrument"[/font][/color]
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