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Boy Thunder

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Everything posted by Boy Thunder

  1. [quote name='wulf' post='79357' date='Oct 25 2007, 01:04 PM']If you regularly get bad gear and the management aren't responsive to polite requests then you have to decide if they are worth the money you are investing in them.[/quote] I couldn't agree more with that....
  2. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='79337' date='Oct 25 2007, 12:40 PM']every time we go to reherse the amp there has everything turned up to 11, input volume all tone controls, graphic eq and master volume. the amp is more than loud enough at just over half volume. the sad truth is, if it's not theirs they don't care.[/quote] I experience this problem too often.... What can you do though?
  3. [quote name='gafbass02' post='79289' date='Oct 25 2007, 11:09 AM']Thats quite funny, having just moved FROM Leicester!, when you get there tell em your the Gaf replacement visit the local music forum called pineapster, but watch out for the backstabbing, bitching, insular scenesters! There is some good bass amps in some rooms (Quad is good) but there is also some junk (stayfree and big wheel) where its the ususal blown drivers and 1920s horn cabs heh heh enjoy the city![/quote] Hello gaf.... Yes Quad is the elite..... I do remember seeing you at my (gaff) once or twice...
  4. [quote name='stewblack' post='79268' date='Oct 25 2007, 10:22 AM']You are quite correct sir. And yes £150 - you heard me correctly sir. Your case is much nicer. I need a 2 and 3 to complete my collection. So lock your doors.[/quote] I have a lovely heeless Thunder II in ivory. [url="http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/mrolsen/pearlwestone.jpg"][/url] You can see it in the avatar. I bought it in 92 from a local shop for £90. It was my first bass. I seem to have fallen for them though. I only need a few more to complete my collection. I'm not certain that the hard case is an original Westone Thunder case though. I'm happy to be wrong but if it is for a Westone then it might be for a Paduak as they had slightly wider hips... I will investigate....
  5. [quote name='colda' post='78691' date='Oct 24 2007, 09:51 AM']Get your other half a drumkit - I did this and have never looked back, it means I get to have all my kit in the lounge (along with her drumkit), I have a drummer available whenever I wanna noodle, I get tons of encouragement, and it's easy to get permission to buy more gear (just have to buy her a new cymbal or something first) [/quote] Awesome... my missus now plays drums and we have that very same agreement... modified slightly where I buy the bass then promise her that at some point she can buy new cymbals/skins etc... as a drummer she goes for it...
  6. Mmmmm... If she lets me then I might just add this to my collection.... Uncle Mat made some greats eh...
  7. I have a little riff that runs up from a low G to a fairly high G... major pentatonic I think... It gives me a good idea of the tone range. Then I'll try ome of my bands numbers.. I try to avoid playing covers as I'm not that good and don't wanna look silly...
  8. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='79174' date='Oct 25 2007, 12:37 AM']GAS = Gear Aquisition Syndrome before you ask [/quote] I am in denial of this syndrome....
  9. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='77502' date='Oct 21 2007, 10:03 PM']ahem... Currently? [/quote] It's okay... They're gonna fix it..... I might take you up on your offer on the Ashdown rig for a play though....
  10. [quote name='Alun' post='77350' date='Oct 21 2007, 04:04 PM']Welcome. What sorts of music do you play?[/quote] Hello... I currently play all sorts of covers but when I let rip with my own imagination I like stoner type rock... Led Zep, Floyd, Good old rock like Maiden, Crue etc... Pretty much anything with a good tempo.... But Rock...mostly. Yourself?
  11. Hello all... I was pointed this way by a friend of mine and current user... "john the bass". So ... a bit about me... I'm an old git with too many Westones... that's what the wife says anyway... I have an Epiphone EB3 too and a BC Rich Beast NJ series... Currently running them through a new Trace... 715x... I don't use any FX pedals... never been able to get on with them... besides... who wants to do River Dance? Well... that's me in a nutshell... no doubt I'll see you round...
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