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Total Watts

  1. That loop switcher looks like a great addition to the pedal board.
  2. I splashed out on a morningstar midi controller and it's opened up a while new world of possibilities with the gtcore. Having great fun setting it up..once I got my head round the editor
  3. Brilliant I'll have to have a look at this. Sounds really good on the YouTube video. The first dirt switch is just the sound I'm looking for so looking forward to trying it out. I haven't really made the most of the lpf and hpf. On my divisions I had an eq on the bottom division focusing on the important bass frequency and the top division with an eq with high and mids with all the effects there. My theory was that this would leave the bass clean and only the highs and mids effected by the pedals. Not sure if this is the best way to do this..sounds good to the ear but would the low and high pass filters be a better way to achieve it?
  4. Your multiband template is at the core of all my patches...thanks so much for creating that, it's been a perfect starting point for me 👍🏻
  5. It blew my head off at the gig last night...in the best possible way. Had so much thump all the way up the fretboard. Really loved it. I checked thomann for details and they don't sell it anymore so I guess I was lucky with the timing. Really happy with it 🙂
  6. No it's Ocean Turquoise..love the black scratchplate on yours
  7. I decided that a P bass would be suitable as I slide into my 50s this weekend. Can't wait to take it out gigging tonight. I've always leaned to the jazz bass style so looking forward to the change.
  8. Hey guys thanks for giving a stinky poo about my small problem. It's really appreciated. I didn't really think about it from a mixing perspective and certainly the Ableton output would need to be on a separate channel than the guitar/bass. I would get away with the guitar and bass being sent to the same channel as I would only be playing one or the other. I'd love to have a split into ableton so I could run the guitar through the Looper effect as well but I'll deal with that further down the road. I would like to have the option to run a click as well so think I will definitely need to have a separate 4x4 interface. I think looking at it, the A/B switch into the stomp and out to desk on one channel and then Ableton out through another interface into a separate channel would work the best.
  9. Definitely want to avoid the janky routing. I was thinking of using it as my sole audio interface rather than getting a separate one just for Ableton. Maybe it doesn't work as a one box solution as I thought. Maybe I'm better off getting the Pod Go and using the extra cash to get a separate interface for Ableton
  10. Mornin all. I'm just looking for a way to have a bass - guitar and Ableton running through a switchable unit. The bass and guitar inputs would need to have effects and can simulation. The Ableton input would need to be always on. So I could have Ableton running and switch between guitar and bass without having to plug in and out the guitar lead. I've been looking at the hx stomp and seems like that would do the job. Just looking at the Pod Go as well but doesn't seem to have the right connectivity. I could do it all through ableton but would like to avoid playing bass and guitar live through the laptop due to latency issues. Do you think the Stomp is the only solution to this or does anyone have any other ideas. Hope this all makes sense. Cheers
  11. Hey Guys I seem to have misplaced the round piece of metal that surrounds the stem of the tuning peg. I have sourced one from G&L but it will set me back 50e to have it delivered. Has anyone needed to replace one of these before and if so was there somewhere in the UK or europe that supplied the part? Thanks in advance
  12. I have one and am still in the process of learning to love it but there is no denying its sound or versatility. I find raising the bass strap height up a small bit has helped with the neck thickness. I was feeling a good bit of fatigue playing it but this helped. I'm enjoying the passive tone when playing live at the moment, the active always seemed too hot and I was dialing back the tone and volume. Passive seems a good balance for live. Love the natural look of yours.
  13. Just chiming in. At this stage in my life I just need to be making money to supplement my part time job and avoiding the need for childcare. It also allowed me to secure a mortgage as I could show a regular income. For this end the cover band/ wedding band role has been perfect. A regular income in the music business is hard to come across but a busy wedding band provides that. It depends on your life situation I guess.
  14. Great stuff thanks for the tips, I'll give it a go this weekend.
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