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Posts posted by redzombie

  1. Howdy folks, I've had a SansAmp BDDI for a while now, which I'd use with my Epi T-Bird and Peavey TNT115, with pleasing results. I've recently purchased a Spector Euro 4 LX and Ashdown ABM300-EVO-II, but am having trouble getting a clean sound out of the two, with the SansAmp thrown in the mix.

    It's not too much of a big deal, since I've managed to get a sound I'm extremely happy with minus the SansAmp, but I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas as to why I cannot get a clean sound when the pedal is in the loop? I've tried keeping bass and treble on the Spector preamp (TonePump) flat, the grit/overdrive on the Ashdown off, and even the Drive setting on the SanSamp also at 0, all 3 at once but to no avail. The sound still remains gritty and overdriven, this is not the case with my T-Bird through the SansAmp and Ashdown, that combination works as one would expect.

    I'm aware many people use the BDDI, in conjuntion with active bases to great success, I'm also lead to believe that as far as onboard preamps go, the TonePump is pretty hot compared to most. Is the combination of the SansAmp and the TonePump simply a no-go, due to too much power or something (for lack of better technical understanding on my part)?

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