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Everything posted by redzombie

  1. Ladies & gentlemen, today I'd like to offer you the following pedals ([b][u]for sale only, sorry no trades[/u][/b]). All prices include UK postage, pedals will be sent out by 1st class recorded post within 2 working days of receiving cleared payment. Feel view to check out my feedback thread here - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38397&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38397&hl=[/url] I should add, these will be going on eBay on Monday morning if they're not sold by then. Please PM if interested, cheers ([b][u]sorry no offers please[/u][/b]). [b]Boss DD-3 Digital Delay - Now on eBay [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?...p;_trksid=p4340[/url][/b] Has a fairly large amount of scratches, dings and general wear-and-tear to the paintwork. Also has had the original stock LED kindly replaced with a green one by fellow basschatter bremen (basically the original LED got crushed). Other than that, the pedal is unmodded and works perfectly. [b]Boss LS-2 Line Selector - Now on eBay [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?...p;_trksid=p4340[/url][/b] Just a few small chips to the paint here and there, and a bit of pedalboard gunk I couldn't get off the underside label, other than that in full working order. [b]Tech21 Sansamp GT2 - SOLD (Payment pending) [/b] Usual chips and scratches, wear-and-tear to the case/knobs, otherwise fine. Works just as it should. [b]DOD FX72 Bass Stereo Flanger - Now on eBay [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?...p;_trksid=p4340[/url][/b] Again, scratches here and there but in full working order. [b]Marshall RF-1 Reflector - Now on eBay [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?...p;_trksid=p4340[/url][/b] Few minor scratches/dings, otherwise works fine. [b]Boss SD-1 Super Overdrive - Now on eBay [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?...p;_trksid=p4340[/url][/b] Scratches and dings again, full working order. [b]Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor - Now on eBay [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?...p;_trksid=p4340[/url][/b] Scratches and dings again, full working order. [b]Harley Benton BEQ-1 Bass Equalizer - Now on eBay [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?...p;_trksid=p4340[/url][/b] Very minor wear and tear, works as should. [b]Behringer BEQ700 Bass Equalizer - Now on eBay [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340"]http://shop.ebay.co.uk/thestooge77/m.html?...p;_trksid=p4340[/url][/b] Works fine, just a couple of scratches, used only once or twice.
  2. Last year, the bastards charged me £17 on a second hand DOD Bass Flanger that cost me £33. Even had the sale price listed on the forms. Still, overall of about 7 items the last couple of years (5 of which were pedals), I've only been caught out with two. Some others seem to have had worse luck though, it really does appear to be a case of hit and miss with the customs nazis. EDIT: On second thoughts, I think it might've been more like £12 or £13 actually. Was definitely over a tenner. A bit much for a £33 pedal I think.
  3. One of these maybe? [url="http://www.wilsoneffects.com/BassWahs.html"]http://www.wilsoneffects.com/BassWahs.html[/url] Might cost a bit to get shipped over though, especially if it gets caught by the customs junta.
  4. [quote name='The Funk' post='728347' date='Jan 29 2010, 04:50 AM']I knew it looked familiar![/quote] Haha! Seeing that pic almost makes me appreciate the decor on the bass...... [i]almost[/i] If it wasn't such a rare specimin of instrument, I might even end up agreeing that it's cool.
  5. [quote name='cm261' post='728316' date='Jan 29 2010, 12:55 AM']Hmmmmmm, odd. Change the battery? Grounding problem? Whatever it is, it's definately your one, not BDDIs in general. Mine's on all the time, and doesn't hum, you get a little hiss if you crank the treble or gain all the way up, but that's it.[/quote] +1 Never had any such problems when I had mine.
  6. [quote name='Rich' post='726249' date='Jan 27 2010, 12:52 PM']Probably. In a world where Iggy sells insurance and Johnny Rotten flogs butter, anything is possible.[/quote] [quote name='WWRRSS' post='726258' date='Jan 27 2010, 12:58 PM']"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."[/quote] Well put, both of you [quote name='cetera' post='726366' date='Jan 27 2010, 02:20 PM']....and Kurt did neither.... [/quote] That's [i]if[/i] you believe he killed himself, but I'm I'm not even going to touch that lol
  7. [quote name='Dubs' post='725602' date='Jan 26 2010, 07:14 PM']That's the most gut-renchingly horrific thing that's been posted on this thread. What a f***ing sellout.[/quote] Aint he just? (Yeah, yeah I know we're all sell out to some degree ) Pretty much goes against a lot of the stuff he, Kurt and Krist would declare themselves to be against back in the day. If Kurt were still around, I wonder if he'd have turned into such a hypocritical tosser too.
  8. [quote name='Spoombung' post='724826' date='Jan 26 2010, 08:33 AM'][size=6]Blasphemy[/size][/quote] Wow...... just wow There should be laws against such vandalism!
  9. Have you tried running them infront of your amp? Distortion and filter effects at least, nearly always sound better infront of the preamp. If you still need a clean blend, put a Boss LS-2 infront of the amp and put your pedals in one of it's loops.
  10. I really liked the James Lomenzo Hyper Drive, not quite as much as my GT2, but unlike the GT2 it doesn't require a seperate loop/blend pedal to mix it with a clean signal (since it has it's own blend knob). Does a great job of cutting through the band mix and has a very nice sound, all the way from light overdrive to nasty, but not quite fuzz-like distortion (IMO of course).
  11. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='723358' date='Jan 24 2010, 05:56 PM']+1 Here's a refined bass I have been asked to sort out, I'm not sure what he was going for. [/quote] haha, I'd be tempted to keep it the way it is, just to see the reactions I'd get
  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='724005' date='Jan 25 2010, 12:46 PM']I was very tempted to get the Bass VT but it seems to be more a simulator and i don't really need that. I just plan on having something sitting on my amp so i can tweak it when needed.[/quote] It is a simulator, but then so is the BDDI, it just has XLR too and a different, less Ampeg-ey sound and less tone options. [quote name='Clarky' post='724020' date='Jan 25 2010, 12:58 PM']If you want to add some drive or tubey-ness and don't need a DI/XLR I can't imagine there is anything much better than a VT out there Dave, great sounding pedal.[/quote] +1 One thing I'm not sure if a lot of people realise, is that although the VT only has a 1/4" output, it is still a low impedance output and more than adequate for running straight into a mixer or power amp. It is a [i]very[/i] high output pedal, as opposed to most stompboxes which AFAIK are high impedance (low output). Sure, this wont allow you to run to both an amp [i]and[/i] mixer simultaneously, but if you want to do one or the other there should be no problem, provided your mixer has a 1/4" input free.
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='723269' date='Jan 24 2010, 04:37 PM']I think Tech 21 should have just made a VT bass that's the same layout as the BDDI! The new deluxe is just overkill for what's basically a dirt pedal. I'd still like one but I'm guessing they are quite large, eg the same size as an amp.[/quote] Agreed, the new ones I think are nearly 3 times the length of a regular VT or BDDI box. Personally, I'd like a VT Bass with just a DI or at the very most just the 3 preset switches and DI (like the progammable BDDI, though these days, I'm wondering if I'd even need those). All that effects loop malarky and the double input crap is just stuff I really can't see myself using. It is possible to mod the regular VT with a DI, but personally I'd rather just buy a seprate DI box for the versitility and less arsing around with drilling and soldering.
  14. [quote name='Linus27' post='723076' date='Jan 24 2010, 01:27 PM']... and somebody has drawn all over his arms. Does the man not wash [/quote] ROFL! I think someone probably done it while he was passed-out drunk (from drinking too much free Bud). He's clearly shaking his fists in the air in anger, because he's only just realised his mates have been at him with the felt-tips I really do think those tats fit with the guitar design and music though.
  15. Can't say I can think of a single person (bass or guitar) who puts their wah after the preamp, perhaps this is why lol Have you considered running your effects infront of the preamp, using something like a Boss LS-2 as a blender?
  16. If you don't mind waiting til the summer, the new programmable Sansamp VT Bass with DI should be out by then. The VT blows the pants off the Sansamp BDDI IMO. It has a mid-control (in fact, the character knob works sort of like a high-mids control too), sounds more tubey and has a more natural sounding drive (again IMO as far as the latter two go). And if you can't wait til summer? f*** it, just buy a regular VT Bass and seperate DI box (will probably still work out less, than the newer VT Bass will) That's if you don't mind sounding like you're playing through an Ampeg of course.
  17. You can pick up a new MIJ Fender for less, I know which I'd much rather have.
  18. Here's a monstrosity I came across earlier. Not only a horrible looking guitar used by a crap band, but it advertises a poor excuse for beer too!
  19. Agreed. 9.5 times out of 10 that kind of thing looks sh*t to me. Did kinda like what Zakk Wylde done with his Les Paul's bullseye design, though I still wouldn't be caught with one myself.
  20. If you don't mind spending another £10-15, I recommend the Danelectro CC-1 Cool Cat Chorus. It's cheap, sounds good (IMO), has metal housing and jacks and to round it off, it's true bypass and has a blue LED! (major selling point that last bit ) The older, more expensive Danelectro Cool Cat DC-1 Chorus is a bit better (again IMO), I still found them to be quite similar though. It'll probably set you back over £60 if you find one, although second hand on Ebay I've seen them go for £30-40. There are 2 versions, the 9v and 18v, personally I prefer the 9v but there's not that much between them really. The 9v goes more toward the Boss style of chorus (CE-5, CEB-3, CH-1), where as the 18v is a bit more towards something like the EHX Small Clone. At the same time though, neither DC-1 Cool Cat really sounds like any of those, if that makes sense? Saying all that, I've not tried the Behringer chorus, might sound decent for all I know. My Behringer Bass Equalizer does a good enough job, I ended up replacing it though, since I'm paranoid about the plastic housing getting smashed or it just conking out during a gig. Even with a decent sound, I worry too much about how long those things are going to hold up. I'd have no problem using one in the studio or at home though, if it sounded good enough. And yes, I'm aware the build quality of the Danelectros quite possibly isn't that much better (considering the price), but I've had no problems yet
  21. Drive-by Truckers - Ronnie and Neil
  22. [quote name='The_D' post='719166' date='Jan 20 2010, 04:01 PM']I stand corrected I could always create feedback in my old loop with my NS-2 on. Always thought thats not what the pedal did. Please ignore my poor advice [/quote] Weird, what dirt pedal were you using? I guess Boss could possibly have changed the circuitry/components of the NS-2 over the years as well, or perhaps it could just be a settings thing. Then again, maybe one of our NS-2s is faulty lol.
  23. I've not tried the Tone Hammer, but I do know it does not have tube-emulating circuitry like the Sansamp pedals. As for drive, it has a "gain" knob, so maybe it'll do well for pushing a tube amp harder into overdrive. Hopefully someone who's actually tried one can chime in. I get the impression, though, like it's more about tone shaping with the EQ, than adding drive/warmth to your single by way of a drive circuit.
  24. [quote name='The_D' post='717997' date='Jan 19 2010, 04:16 PM']As far as I know a noise gate/suppressor does not remove squealy feedback. It merely cancels out hum and hiss from your signal chain.[/quote] My NS-2 does a superb job of stopping the squealy Hendrix-esque feedback that my Sansamp GT-2 producs with the drive cranked.
  25. Gates should generally go before delay and reverb and after everything else, at least from what I understand. Sounds a bit odd, that your Artec is still letting feedback occur. Not had that problem with my NS-2, perhaps you need to try another noise gate? I like the Boss NS-2 for the money, also there's the ISP Decimator for a bit more that might be worth looking at. The latter is meant to be one of the better noise gates/suppressors in stompbox format. On the other hand, if your amp has an overdrive circuit of some sort that you're using, running a gate before your amp possibly wont do much good. If this is the case, perhaps putting the gate in the effects loop (after the preamp's drive circuit) would help.
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