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Posts posted by redzombie

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='427713' date='Mar 7 2009, 12:00 AM']You can't post a photo like that without explaining why there's two LS-2s and two VTs.[/quote]

    Haha, it's not nearly as interesting as it might look to some, but it works for me :)

    The LS-2 to the left has a VT Bass in each loop, set to A<>B (on VT Bass for cleaner sounds, one for more overdriven). The LS-2 to the right is used to blend the DD-3, Cool Cat, Hyper Drive and Bass Auto Q with a clean signal. The EQ is used just for when I'm using my passive bass, as a kind of outboard preamp.

  2. That is a seriously beautiful looking bass. Being the owner of a Euro 4 LX, I'm sure it plays beautifully too. If I was a fiver-string player, I'd be seriously considering snapping one of these up.

  3. ...and the GAS it was no more. For once I've decided that I'm quite happy with my set up and I can't be arsed with any more pedals. It's a really nice feeling.

    Though I do have an 18V Cool Cat (current one's a 9V) and DOD FX72 on the way, they'll probably stay off the board unless the 18V CC sounds better than the 9V.

  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='422018' date='Feb 28 2009, 10:07 PM']The music press is a swaybacked harlot with a propensity for licking toilet floors. And that's the good side of it....[/quote]

    Haha, well said. Reminds me of the kind of thing Hunter S. Thompson would've come out with, even if he did write for Rolling Stone.

  5. Classic vintage overdriven all-tube SVT. However, I can't afford the real thing, so I have to make do with a couple of Sansamp VT Bass preamps :/

    I'd like a tone identical to Nick Oliveri's during his days in QOTSA, or even the more overdriven tone from the first album. Even though I can pretty much get there with my Sansamps, I have to add a load more treble, because my drummer moans there's not enough definition otherwise ;) It's my own fault really, for starting out in the band with a high-mids/treble-dominated Tool-esque tone.

    Oh and a Euro or USA Spector too, I always need one of them for some lovely growly mids.

  6. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='419355' date='Feb 25 2009, 03:43 PM']The Bass Auto Q is quite tame-sounding. The filter works well and it's easy to adjust, but it's a bit polite for my tastes, and the auto-wah section seemed a bit half-baked to me.[/quote]

    I own a Bass Auto Q and I love it, I'd say that's a pretty accurate description of it. I nearly sold mine last month in a moment of madness, but I'm very glad I didn't. Not to do with the pedal itself, just for some strange reason, I thought I no longer needed an envelope filter. Silly me!

    Personally, I don't really bother using the auto-wah section, I have the blend knob at below 9 o'clock and the decay set almost off (not sure about the rate). Hardly makes any difference to having the blend knob turned fully off, but I can tell if I listen carefully. I really dig the envelope filter section though, nice and mellow sounding, but with some nice distortion after it, I've found I can get some very cool Andrew Weiss (Rollins Band) type sounds out of it. Quite subtle on it's own, but can get fairly nasty (in a good way) with some dirt after it. Exactly what I need.

    It's got a volume knob too, which I effing love. Oh yeah, and you can get some nice "beep beep beep...." noises out of it, when combined with lots of volume and feedback, the speed of which can be controlled by the rate knob, which can be fun at the end of a song (or any part for that matter) ;)

  7. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='417020' date='Feb 22 2009, 10:54 PM']the intro, and most of forty six and 2 has a flangery/phasery/chorus/general shimmery effect


    Aye, tis a great example of a Boss BF-2 Flanger right there! Perhaps he uses his CE-5 Chorus Ensemble as well, no body really knows for sure. There's definitely flanger in there though.

  8. umph - that helps, but still doesn't get where I want the stone.

    Things are looking good though. I just won myself a DOD FX72 Bass Stereo Flanger for £33 including postage from the US, fingers crossed the customs nazis don't sniff it out.

    Ebay tip - If you can't find something on the ebay.co.uk site (even with "worldwide" selected), try searching on ebay.com and you may find what you need. Just that it wont be listed with worldwide shipping avaliable, US only. Then message the seller, and see if you can get them to ship over here (quite often they will).

  9. It's just occured to me after reading yr latest thread in the effects classifieds, that I never left you any feedback mate (memory like a sieve). So here it is -

    Dave brought my English Muff'n off me a few weeks back, paid for it pretty much instantly and also let me know when it had arrived. Easy as that, top bloke to deal with!

    Hope yr enjoying the pedal Dave ;)

  10. [quote name='Alun' post='416603' date='Feb 22 2009, 01:22 PM']Keep an eye out for a secong hand DOD FX72 Bass Flanger, they're fantastic. The newer versions, and guitar versions, pale in comparison.


    This is one I'm particularly intrested in, read good things about it (like it's very wooshy, but much warmer than the BF-2), but so far I can only find FX75's and 70's ;)

    Thanks for the suggestions, keep 'em coming. The Electric Mistress, is now officially off the list (sounds interesting but not what I'm after), so far I'm waiting on an FX72 or if my patience breaks I'll go a few quid over my limit for an MXR. Unless I can find an FX747 which is quite intriguing.

    Anyone tried the Guyatone FL-3?

  11. I just picked myself up a EHX Nano Small Stone, and while I kinda dig it (it's actually my second), it doesn't really do the jet-like woosh thing that I seemed to remember from before (unless I'm getting it mixed up with something else?). I also owned a BF-2 around the same time so maybe that's it, though I swear they could both woosh.

    Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions for a cheapish flanger or phaser that does the jet thing rather well, to really in-your-face extremes? No Boss flangers please, I've owned the BF-2B and BF-2 and tried the BF-3. They all sounded a bit too dry and metallic-ish to me, I'm looking for something a bit warmer and less sterile.

    EHX's Stereo Electric Mistress looks a bit promising so far.

  12. [quote name='escholl' post='411091' date='Feb 16 2009, 02:01 PM']what if you were to make a cheap signal attenuator, put it in line after your effects, and turn it off for solo's (hence boosting the volume by however much it was attenuated?)

    could do the whole thing from a place like maplin for under a tenner, if you know how to solder.[/quote]

    Or if yr a bit lazy or crap at soldering, the more expensive option -

  13. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='409313' date='Feb 14 2009, 11:23 AM']To be fair in terms of bass, Rob Trujilo is very talented, easily the best musician in the band.[/quote]

    He is a very good bass player, but don't get me wrong I still think the rest of the band are very good musicians. Just a shame he joined once their song writing ceased to impress me, Suicidal and Infectious Grooves were pretty good though.

  14. [quote name='Josh' post='406799' date='Feb 11 2009, 06:45 PM']21 years ago to be precise.[/quote]

    Almost spot on...

    ... I say almost, since the bass on ...and Justice for All (as well played as it is) is almost inaudiable.

    So really it's more like 23 years, in which case I can't remember when Metallica weren't sh*te come to think of it. I did buy Master of Puppets in '88 or maybe it was '89 along with AJFA (two of my first ever records), but Cliff was long gone by then (not that Newsted is a bad bassist), and the other 3 had shown their disconcern for decent bass by then ;)

    Then of course, by the time Newsted passed his initiation stage, the songwriting had gone down the sh*tt*r as far as I'm concerned.

  15. I've just ordered one of Johnny Shredfreak's 1.5 amp jobs. Previously I was using the 6 connecter one from Effect Power Supplies, but I left it a jam night the other week and it ain't been seen since. Absolutely nothing wrong with the EPS one that I could find, but I thought I'd go for the JS one this time since it has a bit more oomph and I needed to order some patch cables anyway.

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