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Robert Manning

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Everything posted by Robert Manning

  1. These photos alright for averyone?! and PM replyd
  2. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1201265' date='Apr 15 2011, 10:25 PM']Do yourself a favour and shorten your signature! [/quote] Hey! that took me ages to think of all that!! haha
  3. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM5IHY0VdeU&feature=channel_video_title"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM5IHY0VdeU...nel_video_title[/url] Check us out, recorded in the foundry studio, Portsmouth.
  4. [quote name='urb' post='832107' date='May 9 2010, 12:42 PM']I guess it's high time I posted some kind of How To... thing on hooking up a DAW and movie making software - so here's a really quick overview of how I do it now. It took some trial error before I finally got it sussed but here's how I did it for this vid. First of all plug yourself into Logic or some other DAW - Garageband will probably be fine. The tricky part is filming and recording at the same time so I always hit record on the camera first then on the computer - then keep going until I nail a take I'm happy with: Then it's over to iMovie with the footage - it's best at this point to have mixed your track to your satisfaction, this is where any 'tweaking' goes on (I've found the default 'bass amp' in Logic to be very good at bringing out certain frequencies i.e. the Mids, I usually go for the 'Top Class DI Warm or Mid) - edit the footage to the exact length of the audio - that way you'll be able to sync the two very precisely. Then open up a 'Mastering' template in Logic - Import a bounced file from your audio project - i.e. a Wave, AIF or MP3 but the higher quality ones are preferable. Then you can tweak some more on the audio with your various additional compressors and FX but this is optional - then from the File menu go 'Open Movie' - then go 'Export Audio to Movie' - this will then replace the not so great camera recorded sound with some lovely full fat Logic sound - then save the movie file to your hard drive. For a finishing touch you can then re-import the movie back into iMovie and add some smooth in and out transitions or text or whatever else you might want to do. It sounds a bit complicated but the more I've done it the quicker I've got - the key is getting the movie and audio clips exactly the same length then syncing the two is very straight forward - that's been the biggest headache for me in the past! I have this ace Canon High Def handicam the Canon HF200 HD: And here's the finished video: I hope all this helps - just ask if you have any questions and if anyone else has any tips please add them. Cheers Mike[/quote] What a fantastic article! very well written!, might i recommend a bass DAW plug in; the IkM Ampeg SVX amp sim in awesome, or.. the Mark-bass studio 1, is awesome. great fun on stand alone mode for an awesome sounding bass practise session!
  5. [quote name='Robert Manning' post='1201217' date='Apr 15 2011, 09:53 PM']Photo's added!, better Description! [/quote] All PM's will be responded ASAP (on my phone)
  6. Getting out the camera to take some photos tonight!
  7. [quote name='2x18' post='1199756' date='Apr 14 2011, 06:50 PM']---------------------------------- Not sure what They go for now but last ones I saw go went for £420.00 --£440.00 about Sept/Oct.last year! Will.[/quote] Thanks will, deff food for thought! cheers.
  8. [quote name='Robert Manning' post='1199633' date='Apr 14 2011, 05:17 PM']Hey awsome looking retro jazz, what sort of money would you want? Love the white PUs On white guard. Cheers![/quote] [url="http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/167362_10150153323003438_707338437_8179105_5312538_n.jpg"]http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-as...5_5312538_n.jpg[/url] That's a phototube of it from FB might work... I'm on my phone so I'm not sure! Ha
  9. [quote name='Sibob' post='1199507' date='Apr 14 2011, 03:17 PM']I have a 1983 USA Jazz for sale, but would require cash from you too....just putting it out there Si[/quote] Hey awsome looking retro jazz, what sort of money would you want? Love the white PUs On white guard. Cheers!
  10. [quote name='2x18' post='1199364' date='Apr 14 2011, 01:29 PM']SQ photos as promised No sunshine today tho. so a bit dull!-- Any photos of yours yet? I bought this from the Forum a few years ago ( from bigthumb ) and have only changed the original damaged scratchplate since. It has just had a new set of Fender 9050s Flatwounds fitted. As you can see the neckplate has the original owners name engraved in it! [attachment=77477:IMG_0366.JPG][attachment=77476:IMG_0365.JPG][attachment=77473:IMG_0362.JPG][attach ment=77475:IMG_0364.JPG][attachment=77472:IMG_0361.JPG][attachment=77474:IMG_0363.JPG][attachment=77 4 69:IMG_0358.JPG][attachment=77470:IMG_0359.JPG][attachment=77471:IMG_0360.JPG] Will.[/quote] Thanks mate! Going to have to give some real thought. I'll get photo's up probably Friday\sat afternoon. Any idea of the value of those squires?! Cheers! Robert.
  11. Possible swap for anything bass! Any make /model, just fancy a change that's all. . Bump! Hehe
  12. [quote name='2x18' post='1198485' date='Apr 13 2011, 06:09 PM']I will borrow my camera back from my daughter and get some photos up -- Hopefully tomorrow! Will.[/quote] Thanks will!
  13. [quote name='2x18' post='1198353' date='Apr 13 2011, 04:06 PM']Its the old vintage Squier with the SQ serial no. Approx 1983 Will.[/quote] Heya! Is there any chance of a pic or two?! Thanks Robert. Take cear.
  14. [quote name='2x18' post='1198031' date='Apr 13 2011, 12:24 PM']How about a swap for my SQ Japan Squier P-bass in Sunburst --Good condition! Will.[/quote] Heya! Is that the old vintage squires with JV serial? Sounds interesting I'll have a look! Cheers. Robert.
  15. Are these HW1s regarded on BC? Maybe I'll get more interest when I've uploaded Pics?
  16. Cheers, yeah? Saying that I think they both sound good. Use the the fender jaguar is an underrated bass! Shame they stopped making them. Look cool too .
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1197529' date='Apr 12 2011, 10:50 PM']Not quite sure what you are linking to mate! [/quote] Ah what comes up?! It should be me playing on YouTube. But I did it on my iPhone, so might be an iPhone link of some sort. Ha maybe?! Cheers!
  18. [quote name='Robert Manning' post='1197514' date='Apr 12 2011, 10:44 PM']Fender jazz HW1 with badass bridge, and black pick guard. Been loved and well used! Nitro finish has worn nicely and settled into the wood Not a sparkly new looking thing. I'll get loads of detailed photos up when I get home. (on holiday at the moment) Looking for sort of precision bass. Any age condition. Any colour, etc Not hugely keen on Mexican standards. Just a shout to see if anyone fancies it! Cheers Robert.[/quote] [url="http://m.youtube.com/index?client=mv-google&desktop_uri=%2F&gl=GB&rdm=4m7p5jyz4#/watch?xl=xl_blazer&v=UhKhWWWk4v4"]http://m.youtube.com/index?client=mv-googl...p;v=UhKhWWWk4v4[/url] There you go! That's me playing it. I know it's not up close photos but... It's something for the time being ha!
  19. Fender Jazz, USA HW1 Nirto finish (just like the old days) Baddass Bridge, Grease bucket tone circuit. Comes with Gig Bag (deluxe and all the case candy, truss rod tool) *mmmm case candy* Used as my main gigging bass, The finish is Nitro so it starting to ware in nicely already, many bumps/nicks/starches. This is a players bass! someone who wants something tough reliable and ready to gig, and throw around on stage! Saying that... if grab some wire wool and buffer out the shininess, you could probably make the bass to back somewhat to how it used to be. Considering a swap for anything really!!! just like to have a change you all know what i mean. Cheers guys! [attachment=77595:DSCN0028.JPG] [attachment=77593:DSCN0027.JPG] [attachment=77592:DSCN0026.JPG] [attachment=77590:DSCN0024.JPG] [attachment=77591:DSCN0025.JPG] [attachment=77589:DSCN0023.JPG] [attachment=77588:DSCN0021.JPG] [attachment=77587:DSCN0020.JPG] [attachment=77586:DSCN0019.JPG]
  20. I have two fender jazz basses... one maple neck one rosewood. same pickups. they sound very different.
  21. [quote name='LLOYDWT' post='1195138' date='Apr 10 2011, 10:12 PM']Got the HS version of the Bongo Stealth, it's my main gigging bass along with my Stingray, beautiful guitar, beautiful tone, but a completely different beast to the 'Ray. I'd say keep it, but it's your call fella! Good luck with the sale :-)[/quote] i know man!, it freaking awesome to play. and its a real joy to own such a highly specked bass. i think its the fun'st bass out there to play. but the look is just not me!. i think ill be happy with a stingray, im rather into my classic iconic basses! rob
  22. Might record some studio demos for you out there so you can hear this beauty! sound alright?
  23. Any one interested in this beauty?
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