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Everything posted by Shonks

  1. hey, i just play bass......what do I know??
  2. not sure what class the Markbass is as the power amp side of it is analog and the preamp is digital, so I read somewhere. I thought is was a class D initially but I read its a C class
  3. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1444329874' post='2882358'] I exclusively use a Fender Precision, great for punk, but there would be no other Bass manufacturers if they suited everybody, each to their own, 5 pages of pointlessness really [/quote]with that in mind...this whole site is pointless...hahaha!! except the market place......( I bet I get a lot of stick for this little comment...!)
  4. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1444323047' post='2882270'] You grossly underestimate the power of me deleting my post the very morning your energy bill comes in. BTW, allow me to abuse this thread for a question together with a hint: there exist gadgets that you plug in the mains, and in which you can plug the kettle lead for your amp. These gadgets will be able to tell you how many kWh or Wh have been consumed by the amp since the last reset. They will also be able to tell the Wattage at any given moment. That was the hint. The question is: what is such a gadget called in English? [/quote]the 'tightarse app'?
  5. well thanks 'Bass Tractor! I just assumed, incorrectly, that it was a constant energy drain. I'm bringing back from the garage to my front room. I really didn't understand the basics on this subject so this info is great, and I hope this post helps out anyone suffering from the same ignorance I was suffering from If I get a huge energy bill because of any misinformation here, you'll be hearing from me.....!!
  6. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1444319905' post='2882238'] I very much doubt that your Markbass uses 600 watts of power when running at low volume or idling. That energy has to go somewhere, so if it was using 600 watts of power and only putting out 10 watts to the speaker when playing at low volume, it would have to be dissipating the other 590 watts as heat. Unless it gets very, very hot indeed I don't think that could be the case. [/quote]cool, ..excuse the pun. so, excuse my ignorance in this matter also, are you saying the consumption of power is variable according to how much volume you using? If so, at at low volume for 'front room practice' what would your estimate be considering it's a 600 watt amp? I realise it would be a very rough estimate. Should I bring it back to my living room??
  7. Fender basses changed the world. The design is so fantastic it's hardly changed over the years and all the brilliant boutique basses out there, while being master built, are mostly Fender copies lets face it.
  8. so, I wrote an email to Markbass, I love my new Markbass combo so much I brought it into my living room forsaking my 25 watt Marshall practice amp, and although my Markbass is only on the 1st notch of its volume control it's such a great sound but... I wanted to know how much electricity it uses. It has a 600 watt sticker on the back panel and I know from the spec sheet the amps output is 500 watts. Surely this tiny lightweight amp isn't using 600 watts of power all the time it's on! The email to Markbass asked this question and their reply confirmed my suspicions. Yes it does. [b]The Little Mark III and the Markbass Combo II uses 600 watts of power[/b] That'a equal to 6 100 watt light bulbs or 56 11 watt energy saving lightbulbs, or set your electric shower on medium and and leave it running! Am I bonkers (Shonkers) or is that a bit unfriendly to our planet and our pocket? A techie friend of mine told me, before I knew the facts, that regular amps of equivalent output power don't use half of this amount of power. He may be wrong, but I agree with him I never thought amps consume so much, regular class B amps anyway. Now I know the truth I'm going back to using my 25 watt Marshall that uses about 30 watts of power which is 20 times cheaper and friendlier to the eco system. The Markbass is for gigs and that's that! I'm interested in what you think about it. Do you know what amount of power your amp uses? Do you know how much it's costing you to practice? How much it's adding to your fuel bill? Have you though about it? Do you care? [attachment=202349:electric meter.jpeg]
  9. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1440068243' post='2847980'] I love it when folks quote opinion as fact! [/quote]just a figure of speech...but spread the love..!
  10. thanks....interesting.......looks good...thought it was Japanese. Noticeably missing country of origin I suppose it's on the back of the headstock
  11. hi, what is this exactly? usa? jap? reissue? have i missed something?
  12. sorry folks but I've decided to hang on to it for now
  13. [quote name='Skezza' timestamp='1443210648' post='2873175'] do you ever travel North [/quote]it's been known, but have no plans right now..I could let you know if something comes up, what's you're nearest city?
  14. [quote name='Skezza' timestamp='1443183747' post='2872893'] I am quite interested in this where abouts in Essex are you [/quote]westcliff on sea
  15. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1443167830' post='2872702'] How much does this weigh, Steve? [/quote]hi Paul...about 23 kg
  16. [b]1993[/b] 60's reissue '[b]made in Japan[/b]'[size=6] £500[/size] A few knocks ( see pics ) [color=#696969][s][b]Badass bridge[/b][/s] [s][b]EMG[/b] active pickups[/s][/color] [b]this was originally being sold for more money because of the modifications [/b] [size=4][b]but has now been restored back to its original state, arguably better for it[/b][/size] [b]its now the stock pickups and a 60's style bridge with the ridged type bridge saddles[/b] [b]the scratchplate in the pics isn't screwed on because I've taken pics with it on and off.[/b] [b]It looks white in the pics but is in fact mint green.[/b] [b]The only mod is the discrete little toggle switch which does the same thing as a S1. Puts the pickups in series [/b][b]and the result is both pickups behave like one and has a similar sound to a 'P' bass. A bit more 'bottom' and 'thump'[/b] [b]Willing to consider all trade offers .. up or down[/b]
  17. just done a deal with this guy and bought a 'rocksolid' cover from him a rocksolid deal...a rocksolid bloke......and he can play the bass too...what a geezer!! all the best!!
  18. bought the Schaller mag DB pickup ...shiny and new....great coms.....quick dispatch.....lovely and smooooooth recommend dealing with this guy...!!
  19. do you think this will fit a half size? if yes I'll have it thanks!
  20. don't!..! a good idea, but a practice tool ok, but it's basically the same guts as those cigarette box size units. which for practice, especially when on the move is brilliant. Amp models, effects, drums box, aux in for mp3 players etc. Has a facility to sample portions of an mp3 if you want to learn a solo or something. It has the ability to slow it down without changing the key, or vice versa, change the key without changing the tempo. It has lots of other useful stuff too. but the stomp box.. It's supposed to be for guitar and bass it's so noisy it renders it useless. I'm not kidding. I thought I might have had a faulty unit, but I saw a lot of other reviews complaining about it. So here ends the review, I'm not going to bother to go through it because as soon as you plug it in the 'hiss' is undeniable, unbelievable, unacceptable, unbearable and makes it unusable. I'm not sure what Korg were thinking, but they've shot themselves in the foot with this unit! highly [u][b]not[/b][/u] recommended!
  21. this for me is one of the most desirable basses out there & why it hasn't been snapped up is a mystery .... !
  22. is this sold or what? !!!!!!!
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