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Everything posted by Shonks

  1. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1440098446' post='2848352'] What a brilliant, neat idea. GLWTS. Cheers Geoff [/quote]yeah I thought so...thanks
  2. here'a weird one. Apologies in advance for a long description... This started life as a BLX 80 watt combo. Only the outer cab remains (barely) I spun the cab back to front and loaded a lightweight [b][size=4][color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Neodymium [/font][/color][/size]Celestion BN12-300s[/b] 4ohm driver (£115) This means the port is at the back & works really well up against a wall. The metal grill came from a Hughes & Kettner cab which I had to cut to shape. I added the side handles, top handle was already there. I put small castors on the bottom. 250 watts 500 watt peak, so at 4ohms it's kicking out its full potential. with a [b]real tube [/b]in the pre amp section, [b]12 band eq[/b] [b]2 pre shapes[/b] and the famous[b] SMX dual band compressor.[/b] Loads of utilities on the back including [b]pre and post send & returns[/b] with a volume control. [b]Tuner out[/b], [b]voltage change[/b]r, line out, cab extension ( although you can't with the internal as it's already 4 ohms ... I've done full blown pub gigs with a 5 piece band and this is loud...'Trace Elliot loud' and the amp & speaker handles volume comfortably. I'm open to offers and trades also. I put my bass next to it as a reference so you get the the size and it comes with its own cover - oh yeah baby
  3. the HB worked ok for me too , and for a few years. The weird thing about it was, when I plugged in my pedal board it would default to 'on' The switch had to be cleaned often as it was unreliable. Over time the sliders became sticky and needed to be cleaned often as well, sometimes the sliders had to be moved vigorously up and down to get them to work. Occasionally on stage I'd have to literally stomp on the thing a few times to turn it on or off. It was so frustrating I threw it out. and bought a second hand Boss. Thats when I realised that besides the hardware performing better the frequencies of the graphic are definitely more precise for dialling different EQ's and was designed specifically for the bass. I didn't get that from the Chinese copy. In this instance (and I know it's not always true) you get what you pay for
  4. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1428358916' post='2740627'] I see your point concerning the H and the Fender F. I'd noted how stylised the H is but hadn't made the connection. The logo on my HB PJ bass is clearly meant to look as Fenderish as the differing words allow. BTW: I was tempted to buy one of the HB compressor limiters as well. But I was put off by the reviews. The HB compressor/limiter pictured has an 'enhance' control, but it creates a lot of noise. Owners typically turn this all the way down, but then lose some higher frequencies. The HB Dynamic Compressor is said to sound better, but be fragile. [/quote]Owned this and the Boss too...massive performance difference - again, get the Boss I think the the 'made in the same factory' myth was probably stared by the same company...lol The only good thing to say about these knockoffs is the the chassis are solid and as good as the Boss, after that the similarities end. It's a shame, but a fact.
  5. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1427959524' post='2736218'] A clone of the Boss bass eq. Owned both in my time. Perform exactly the same so the HB is a bargain of a pedal! [/quote]i've owned both too and can categorically say they don't perform exactly the the same. Do yourself a favour, get the Boss!
  6. better start ordering loads now - all my xmas presents sorted...lol and I just noticed they're only £11.77 now! ---I was robbed!!!
  7. [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1439543053' post='2843660'] What sort of trade you interesting in? [/quote]a bass of the same value, maybe swap for a Markbass combo or similar
  8. I have been using mine for about 3 weeks now, I've also been comparing the accuracy with my Boss and my Ibanez pedals. conclusion. It's great, tunes well, and really is a true bypass. Even if it's not powered up the signal passes through. When the tuner is on and the bass is muted I can hear a very faint whine of digital noise. At £12.48 I can definitely live with that. but it's quiet enough not to be noticeable unless you are scrutinising, as I was. ... very highly recommended!!
  9. most of the players that gripe about the quality of the multi effect units have paid a fortune for their various individual pedals and cant bring themselves to admit that sometimes a multi effect unit can sound as good and sometimes better for a lot cheaper. It's like they have to justify the expenditure by putting down the multi fx untits which are coming down in price and size at an amazing rate. Lets face it, technology is racing along, and some fuddy-duddies will still insist on a clockwork alarm to get them up in the morning
  10. [quote name='King Tut' timestamp='1438727095' post='2836806'] I'll take em mate. Message me your bank details and I'll wazz payment across. Is postage extra? [/quote]pm'd
  11. outer packaging torn and manky but the strings are in a sealed bag and are new & unused!! £10 each set or ........ [b]I'l take £15 for both sets[/b] or [b]trade[/b] for a set of 35's or 40's long scale 4 or 5 details 1) EXL 170S 045 ; 065 ; 080 ; .100 - bright round wound - short scale - 4 strings = £10 2) EXL 170 - 5 045 ; 065 ; 080 ; .100 - bright round wound - long scale - 5 string = £10
  12. If you buy one, tell us what you think!
  13. i just thought....if they're built inconsistently and I just happened on a good one, don't blame me if yours is bad...lol I must point out though, I appears to be really well built and the jack sockets seem to be all metal with a nice solid click. There's nothing weird about it, and it really does look too good to be true....maybe it's going to blow up in 6 months and it's a dastardly plot to take over the (bass) world
  14. [s][color=#333333]I've checked this on line and although the RRP is £143 Gear4Music sell it new for £65 +pp which works out at £71 [/color] [color=#333333]This is virtually new & so a chance to grab a bargain & get it for £16 cheaper than the cheapest!! [/color] [color=#333333]It's designed for guitar or bass as it has effects and amp models for both. [/color] [color=#333333]Has a brilliant tuner on board too. Easy to read just like the Pitch Black tuner. [/color] [color=#333333]Check out the specs on this, [/color] [color=#333333]it has a drum box for practice, [/color] [color=#333333]an aux in for an MP3 player which can be tuned to any key without changing tempo, [/color] [color=#333333]Headphone socket for silent practice. [/color] [color=#333333]Up to 7 effects at once. [/color] [color=#333333]USB interface for computer tweaking [/color] [color=#333333]gig friendly as a single or multi pedal [/color] [color=#333333]...list goes on..[/color][/s]
  15. had to tell you all about this:- [color=#333333]Mighty Sound Micro Tuner PT-06 Effect Pedal True Bypass[/color] I bought this on EBay last week for £12.49, and resigned myself that it's probably gonna be crap but lets see anyway... It came all the way from China post free. Plugged it up (9v DC - it's too small for a battery) Plugged in the 5 string with a low 'B' and what the hey...it's brilliant!! tuned everything nicely. Easy to read display. A couple of soft buttons to calibrate. Mutes when on. Jet black and beautiful when off. Takes up half the space of a regular pedal. Metal case It's only £12.49. I'm still having trouble getting my head round it...it's nuts, forget about the £50 Boss and Korgs or whatever.. ...oh look, I just found it for £12. 39 [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PT-06-Guitar-Pedal-Tuner-Chromatic-Pedal-Tuner-True-Bypass-for-Electric-Guitar-/121630631393?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item1c51c025e1"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item1c51c025e1[/url] and just so you know...I'm not affiliated with this in any way - this is a totally unbiased review
  16. Boss ME20B has a volume/wah pedal which i use as a volume pedal - handy bit of kit & Boss quality
  17. This is a boss clone I've used this for a few years now, and it's been an alright bit of gear. It's built really well, I think I paid about £40 new. I sprayed the sliders white , It's lost one of the 7 slider covers although ithey all work. it's lost the rubber bit where the foot actually stomps but it doesn't affect the performance. It still has Velcro glued on the bottom. surplus to requirements now Come and get it for a tenner (Essex), or I'll post it for an extra £3
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