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Everything posted by Shonks

  1. sure..but lets see if we can get 'em to behave generally...I'll be happy with that for now...the rest might follow
  2. [quote name='JonnyM' timestamp='1348068517' post='1808832'] +1 And leaving the selling price in the ad after an item has sold is also very useful I find... [/quote]now dont get greedy........
  3. ebay for on Sun 30th - so last week on here...I've seen them go on Ebay for around the £150 mark....
  4. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1348067773' post='1808819'] I have had one for about a year now & still love mine loads. I can only echo what has been said before, no thrills & simple to use. But most importantly it sounds reet gud !!! [/quote]hey! love that avatar!!
  5. hope you all don't mind me mentioning it! There's nothing worse than reading a long post and deciding go for it or not, then half through you decide to buy and by the 4th page the seller decides to inform us its sold.....grrrrrrr! [color=#2F4F4F][i]also applies to the other market place forums![/i][/color] its an unenforceable rule for admin, so a kind request to all of you out there to be a bit more considerate.....thanks!! please post here to keep it on top and to demonstate I'm not alone in this .(unless I am of course..lol)...Shonks
  6. [quote name='Mattbass97' timestamp='1347992987' post='1807866'] My second effects purchase! (first being ehx bass blogger) It was really what got me into effects and left me wanting more as i sold it months later for single effects! But for what the little guy is i say go for it especially if its going to be an introduction to the effects world its a great way to start! [/quote]rubbish - its not for 'starters' or 'amateurs'....its just a good bit of gear!
  7. please mark it sold in the title...fed up reading posts that are finished!!! its just inconsiderate and lazy
  8. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1347990949' post='1807837'] Blimey Thread resurrection! but hey ho I'll play, had one for about 5 years, use it all the time, and yes I bought the extra 'bank up/dn' pedal, but I rarely use that. I like the built in tuner, compressor, chorus sound, phaser, octaver is ...ok but I don't get much chance to use it. maybe I'm easily pleased, but it does everything I need, in 1 easy package [/quote]exactly!
  9. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1231847237' post='378818'] MB1. - They're alright, but IME not as good as high quality seperate pedals. [/quote]don't agree, I use a compressor(Boss), octavider(MXR), tuner(Ibanez), and Chorus(Boss)and the ME20B does all of them as well if not better and provides a a volume pedal as well, which is a plus - so I'll be getting rid other the other stuff. Had to drag the pedals along in its own case attached to a pedal board and occasionally have to deal with faulty connecters etc. The ME20B fits in my guitar bag and is trouble free, It doesn't effect the basic sound of the bass as so many have moaned about. Totally recommend this big time. Oh yeah...its got lots of other stuff on it that may be good or not....as I said, compression, octavider, tuner , chorus is all I want, and bar the the compressor I could do without any those to be honest. I've played around with some of the other bits on it and it all seems cool, but that's just noodling in the front room, however, a bassist doesn't really need much of that kinda stuff in the real world of gigs!!
  10. Shonks


    [quote name='WACOJACO' timestamp='1347923280' post='1806824'] Reallyy interested butt have to ask..Doesnt the lead get in the way oof the Pots when playing? [/quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]always tuck it over the strap button anyway in case someone steps on the cable - so it wouldn't would it! [/font][/color]
  11. Shonks


    I just realized, you posted a pic of this when I was showing off my bitza bass. How come ur getting rid? I'd never part with mine, it really is my number one son! I might have this off you. The reversed headstock is a bit daunting though. What's the neck and tuners like?
  12. big price reduction bump! - £130 folks
  13. [center][size=5][color=#000000][font=Times]Schaller 2000 4S Black bass guitar bridge + screws and hex keys[/font][/color][/size][/center] [center][b]hi swap this for a chrome one - or sell it for £45 posted UK[/b][/center] [center][size=4]Love this bridge - hi mass full contact - [color=#000000][font=Times]very solid beautifully designed bridge that has a wide range of adjustments [/font][/color][/size][/center] [center][size=4][color=#000000][font=Times]string spacing, saddle height, saddle length - saddles are deep and rounded to allow better contact.[/font][/color][/size][/center] [center][size=4][color=#000000][font=Times]Strings are top loaded - no threading thru holes - brilliant![/font][/color][/size][/center] [center][size=4]RRP approx £90[/size][/center] [center] [size=4][color=#000000][font=Times]This is a direct replacement for a Fender five screw and should fit any four string bass [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Times]This is in used condition and has some minor scratches and marks on the base plate from normal use[/font][/color][/size][/center] [size=5][color=#000000][font=Times][/font][/color][/size] [color=#000000][font=Times][size=1][/size][/font][/color]
  14. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1347355147' post='1799617'] So was I when I bought it! [/quote]that was a 'reading' session believe it or not - I thought as my first pro session it was always gonna be this difficult - luckily I was wrong...phew!
  15. i got one of these..wouldn't part with it for this sort of money.....bargain to be had here folks!!!!!!
  16. [quote name='stoker' timestamp='1347346274' post='1799495'] Hi there! [/quote]hi!...
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1347305022' post='1799158'] Shonks, you've been around for a while. One of the family, I'm sure we've swapped PM's before (can't remember what about) and you seem like a good guy. Good to talk to. Then saw your resume. Now the great bass posing, that's not a problem. You wrote a song for the gooners [/quote]sorry, not sure what your getting at.......what are you saying? what's wrong with writing for the Gooners? best paid job I ever had, I produced it too. I had the whole team in Wessex Studios, it was quite a day. Of course my car was the cheapest in the car park...
  18. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1342810235' post='1741447'] I was listening to you just the other evening when I put on my old vinyl copy of Gary Boyles "The Dancer". [/quote]oh my gawd....I was very young!!
  19. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1347128587' post='1797287'] I actually replaced Bob in the band he used to play in! I've also found his work to be lacking as well as his time scheduling he set up one of my basses and it was all over the place when he had finished - intonation was way out. Steve - I can recommend a guy called Chris Cutmore 07717130559, who lives in Thundersley. A couple of the music stores locally use him. [/quote]brilliant!! thanks!!
  20. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1347010887' post='1795890'] You'd think that given how diificult things have been in recent years for most small businesses, that he would do everything possible to make a new customer happy. Is Stevenage in Herts too far from your neck of the woods? There is a very good chap over there. [/quote]my thoughts exactly....I'll go too London to get it done...thanks!!
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