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Everything posted by Shonks

  1. don't see a price up, so in affect this is an auction innit! so that's against 'site rules' innit! If not, we can all start an auction right?
  2. re - posted - fresh start!
  3. dingwall basses look like a bad trip. to me! think ur bonkers!
  4. [quote name='throwoff' post='1365189' date='Sep 7 2011, 12:49 PM']10 points for whoever can answer the following question. Why is it called an FNA ?[/quote] Feck Nose....Anyone?
  5. isn't this a bit expensive? surely this is what they cost new!
  6. have a bump - I love the look of these much better than the Stingray 5
  7. the thing about bass is that its the foundation of all that's going on above it (usually) and that can be used to your advantage. if and when you fckup, the thing to do physically is nothing, continue to look and play with confidence, at least rhythmically. Either the audience think everything is wrong but the rhythm section, or the band question themselves when it sounds wrong but the bass seems rock slid. The audience see a confident smiling bassist while the rest of the band are looking around uncomfortable and confused. Works every time. After the gig, you can even ask the others what the fck they thought they were doing on the middle 8 of the song in question, or where ever it occurred. Take many years of practice to pull that one off BTW!!
  8. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1348745' date='Aug 23 2011, 09:55 AM']I though that was Carol Kaye?[/quote] Carol wanted to do it, she begged me, but it was a calling!!!
  9. in fact, in the old days, you couldn't do a session for the Beeb or any bona fide broadcaster unless you were a member of the union. I remember the MU in London fighting with the B'ham branch over the fact Central TV booked all London session guys over B'ham based guys. When we arrived for the session the B'ham branch actually installed their own band and told us to leave till the London branch stepped in an ousted the B'ham musos. What a fiasco!! They dont even ask now!
  10. [quote name='deepbass5' post='1348541' date='Aug 22 2011, 10:54 PM']Well, many many moons ago as a young teenage Trombonist, I happened to be involved in a Local Big band and we were picked to Represent the area. The Local BBC Radio station arranged a session to record us. I was only one of two in the band in the union and we got paid the going session rate for all day Sunday and the rest got Diddly squat. And I guess that’s why you did not get paid either. [b]IT's NEVER TOO LATE![/b] -to join[/quote] wrong!! I've been a member most of my life! Its the BBC's new policy and the MU do FA about it. As you said, it was many moons ago!! Check it out now! ...and I did get paid, as I said, by the band.
  11. [quote name='bilbobass88' post='1346641' date='Aug 20 2011, 07:34 PM']Hi guys, got a question about session work. I've been offered some work with a guy who's recording an album in a few months. He want to know what my rates are and if I charge hourly or per song. Anyone know what I should be charging for that sort of thing? Thanks [/quote] BTW - has he got a deal? indie or major? gives you an idea how much might be at stake!
  12. MU is bllx!! unless you play in the Philharmonic. Their rates are a joke and they have no power...!! If they did, they wouldn't allow the BBC to exploit young unknown bands the way they do. Couldn't happen in my day. John Peel would pay the going rate if you famous or not - [b]now they just want you to be grateful for the exposure![/b] So where's the union?? I know this as I did some BBC radio sessions recently for some unknowns, and they had to pay me out of their own pockets - outrageous!!!!! I talked to the executive there and he said... (read the bold type above) I wouldn't mind if it was independent radio, but they're funded out of the public purse! Yes...I'm angry!!!
  13. I use rechargeables in my East pre amps, and although not recommended I cant here a difference!
  14. stick with a Jazz, just pimp it up a bit with a John East pre amp!!! - nothing better!
  15. just out of interest I met Mr Wal and went to the workshop, somewhere round Sheperd's Bush, if I remember correctly, and he made my Wal bass specially for me. Nice guy (RIP) Had it for a few years, and bought another for my, at that time,wife, who also was a pro bassist back then. She still has hers and wont part with it. I swapped mine with an American guy for an Alembic Series II Omega. Wal only charged me £350 each for the basses, they were going for about £750 at the time. I must admit, I found the bass lacking in personality. It was a middley strident sound which is good if your into that. It some how sounded English. It was heavy, and I didn't particularly like the neck joint. It felt cumbersome. The Alembic by contrast sounds some how American. Go figure. Over designed, and very heavy too - must say though, the sound was phenomenal! I was doing a lot of TV sessions at that time, stuff like Spitting Image, and lots of other comedy stuff and had to find sounds that mimicked other players, and the Alembic was more than adequate for that kind of work. That's me using the Alembic on the 'Chicken Song'! Dont laugh, it reached number one here and all over Europe After all these years of playing pro, and many many many basses later I play my home made 'bitza' bass 4 string which is essentially a Fender Jazz with J East Retro pre amp and a USA Fender 5 string Jazz bass with a Marcus Miller John East deluxe pre amp I have a four string fretless Fender Jazz and don't miss any of the other stuff. I played the ex's Wal the other day - a beautifully made bass with a particular sound, although very versatile, gimme a Fender Jazz any day!!! hope y'all dont mind me blabbing on!!! PS : good thing about the East preamps, specially the deluxe is that you can go back to basic passive - excellent.
  16. i like Peavey - have a bump on me!!
  17. [quote name='Flex' post='1346888' date='Aug 21 2011, 06:43 AM']Thanks for the offer but thats not a great offer and as such good luck with your sale. I do feel it is best to make offers in a PM aswell. Flex[/quote] yeah - ok, sorry about that, but was giving you a bump too and another ....bump!.... there you go all the best
  18. [quote name='GT40Graham' post='1343158' date='Aug 17 2011, 02:28 PM']Just received this bass from Steve, what a gorgeous instrument, one of the nicest Precisions that I have ever seen. A few adjustments to make and it will be gigging on Friday and Saturday this week. If you ever need to deal with Steve I can say that you can do so without hesitation, no problems with the sale or communication, everything done as you would expect. Regards,[/quote] thanks for that Graham BTW - It didn't cost him £5000, I just added the extra '0' to wind you all up -
  19. sold pending the usual - blimey that was quick - one day - might be a record
  20. hi folks, when I say trade options considered, I suppose I should let you know what I'm up for. (bearing in mind, that I consider this bass I'm selling very much a bargain, as I think its worth more like £6,500 than £5,500 - but in today's climate, I'm being realistic) I'm very much a Leo Fender fan and I play mainly Jazz bass. The reason I'm selling this baby is because I love my custom Jazz so much I don't use the 'P' at all. I get a great 'P' sound out of my jazz and because this 'P' is so beautiful I'm always scared of hurting it - a bit anal I know, so it should go to someone who will love it and use it. I'm up for: most Leo designed basses: Musicman, Fender Jazz Basses, or in that style. Maybe G&L - not sure. Quite like Warwicks - but I am mainly a tradionalist I may consider amplification. I might be into a good electric guitar, cant play them that well, but always fancied owning a decent one - specially a 'jazzy-ish' type dont mind cash adjustment either way, but money is tight as we are all painfully aware.
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