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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. Like it. Something a touch "dark" about it, but that's a good thing in my opinion.
  2. Yeah, love it. Incognito's "Colibri" has always been one of my favourite bass lines. Galliano - A Joyful Noise Unto The Creator.......great CD. Omar's "There's Nothing Like This" was our [i]first dance[/i] at our wedding. Great flavour to it all.
  3. Absolutely fantastic night. The last of our 3 Wednesdays at The Landmarc in Bournemouth. A long travel there and back from Manchester, but still had a great time. Full of Xmas party revellers who danced and sang along all night. Myself, the guitarist and singer were all wireless too so we had a good run round the place while playing. But man, was it hot......I must've lost a few pounds while playing (which is no bad thing ).
  4. [quote name='d-basser' post='358118' date='Dec 18 2008, 05:34 PM']same year I got my Dingwall for £640 and my Fafner for £500, year of the gear[/quote] That's a very merry Xmas for you then. Well done that man!
  5. Last night for us at The Landmarc tonight. Come along, enjoy the Xmas cheer, and give me a big Basschat hello. Oh, and if you're the guy who depped for me last week, give me a shout. All the best, Pete.
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='355261' date='Dec 15 2008, 06:38 PM']Ultimately FlyChris is right. It's not about number of posts, it's about fundamental honesty. Most of us have it. Some don't.[/quote] Yep. When I joined, as well as taking part in lots of discussions, I also had a lot of gear to sell. I offered as many kinds of things as I could think of to help people trust me. My reputation meant a lot to me, not just at the time, but for the future too. I also bought plenty of stuff at the same time. I travelled hundreds of miles to do so. As well as buying and selling gear, it was about earning other BCers respect. Don't want to keep going over old ground, but I also said at the time, as a newbie, I would've been happy to pay a fee to sell and maybe that could've been refundable once a certain amount of positive feedback had been reached. Anyway........Allen.........do yourself a favour and do the RIGHT thing. Never done a deal with Beedster myself, but he gave me his time and expertise when I was looking to sell something when I was a newbie. That made me respect him right from the start. Take the amp back, give him a full refund including the postage, and try to salvage something for yourself while there's the tiniest possibility you can.
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='354241' date='Dec 14 2008, 02:13 PM']I've been playing for 30 years. I've never had a lesson. I'm not too bad a player but I'm confident I'd be a much better player if I had ever had some lessons, in particular when I was young.[/quote] +1 Started playing bass around the age of 13 (so approx 29 years). Bought myself a bass, then phoned up a music shop to ask them what notes the strings were tuned to. From then on, everything was pretty much by ear. Listened to everything I liked, and tried to play it. So on that side, it's been great. However, I would've loved to have had bass lessons when I was younger, preferably by a really inspirational tutor, as I'm sure that by doing everything my own way, I've probably lots of bad habits that've hankered me along the way, and perhaps I could be a lot better than I am (and I'd class myself modestly as rather competent). If I could advise someone younger, I'd [b]definitely[/b] go down the tutor route coupled with listening and playing what you like for the fun/personal pleasure.
  8. Hi from yet another Manc (and a red). "Lend us a fag Maxine I'm gaspin" Great taste in bassists. No matter whether you think you're good or not, you're always better than the first time you played it, so it's always positive And regardless of whether we're Manc/Scouse/Cockney/Geordie/Red/Blue/Black & White, we're all bassists. That's good enough for me. (My God these happy pills are good!)
  9. Guys and gals, We're playing at The Landmarc in Bournemouth Wednesday night and I got hit yesterday with a bout of flu. I doubt very much I'll be fit to do it myself so I'm looking to see if anyone on here fancies taking over from me for the night. It'd probably help to be based down south or living in and around Manchester so you can travel down with the rest of the band. Our full set can be found on our website [url="http://www.seven-days.net"]http://www.seven-days.net[/url] but the material we play there is 70s and 80s songs. It's just one set for about an hour and ten mins, going on between 9.30 and 10pm. Let me know if you're interested and I'll put you in touch with the other guys in the band. Cheers all, Pete.
  10. Alright guys, My band's playing at The Landmarc in Bournemouth tonight (3rd) and also the next two Wednesdays (10th and 17th). Coming along and give me a shout. Cheers, Pete.
  11. If I had the cash, I'd have that off you right now. That's lush. :wub:
  12. That's looking absobloodylutely gorgeous already! :brow: Keep us posted.
  13. I've traded gear with Lee in the past, and he was a pleasure to deal with. Whoever buys will have no worries. All the best with the sale. Have a bump on me.
  14. [quote name='noelk27' post='334390' date='Nov 22 2008, 01:22 PM']Yes, the original, settled line-up of The Jam was Steve Brookes, guitar; Bruce Foxton, guitar; Paul Weller, bass; and Rick Buckler, drums. Foxton made the switch to bass and Weller to guitar when Brookes left the band.[/quote] Doh! That'll teach me not to read the whole thread before replying.
  15. [quote name='simon1964' post='334370' date='Nov 22 2008, 12:55 PM']Interesting post. I didn't realise Weller payed bass on the early Style Counsel stuff - I'll have to have another listen.[/quote] Yeah, I remember one of the first live TV appearances....on The Tube (or its replacement) doing "Long Hot Summer" and "The Paris Match" and he played an Aria. [quote name='simon1964' post='334370' date='Nov 22 2008, 12:55 PM']Did I read soemwhere that when the Jam first formed Weller did indeed play bass, and Foxton guitar? I think they switched intruments someitme before they started to record.[/quote] I'm sure in an old book I had of them, there's a photo of Weller playing an old violin bass methinks when they were a 4 piece.
  16. [quote name='peted' post='333617' date='Nov 21 2008, 08:35 AM']I have permanent tinnitus. I don't notice it during the day but can drive me nuts if I'm in a silent room or trying to hear something faint. Fortunately after a while you'll find that your brain will naturally filter out the background noise of tinnitus, eventually. Just try not to dwell on it and 'tune out' of the sound rather than concentrating on it.[/quote] +1 Exactly the same for me. Had my hearing tested a few months back which confirmed I have tinitus. Initially, it kept me awake at times. Strangely enough, once it was confirmed as tinitus, I think I subconsciously accepted it'll never go away and my brain just tuned into it. I hardly ever notice it......until I read about tinitus and then it's clear as a bell! So as daft as it sounds, try and live with it rather than fighting it. If it's an infection, hopefully it'll clear up.
  17. When I was younger, Bruce Foxton was God....the reason I play bass. Still sounds as good as sound as ever for a Precision 30 years later.
  18. Sia - Some People Have Real Problems Some beautiful tracks on it.
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='317313' date='Oct 29 2008, 09:17 AM']Man, it's still a rapid build compared to the likes of Fodera! Bernie's had a busy year it would seem. If it's any consolation, Bernie has my Rumour. Even though it is built, it has spent more time with Bernie than me. It's doing the rounds at the shows at the moment![/quote] Is it the one that he had out for review which then came back to him at the Bass Day in Manchester? If so, that's an absolute beaut.
  20. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='329492' date='Nov 14 2008, 11:53 PM']The Nicoraguan (sp?) percussionist was astounding.[/quote] Venezuelan I believe.
  21. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='329492' date='Nov 14 2008, 11:53 PM']As a genre where would you place his music? Does it have a place? Jazz? World? Roots? Blown away! Peter[/quote] I said pretty much the same thing last night to my mate. Great to hear something so naturally african, so obviously influenced by latin. It's a fantastic mixture.
  22. [quote name='Rich' post='329222' date='Nov 14 2008, 04:27 PM']He was like a one-man Ladysmith Black Mambazo at one point... real goosebump stuff.[/quote] Loved that part too. Just goes to show that just because the room had lots of bass players in it, we weren't there [b][i]just[/i][/b] for the bass.
  23. Nice. In all honesty....don't think the photo does it justice. Probably a real beaut in the flesh. Great when you get what you've always wanted ain't it. I did that earlier this year with a natural Stingray with black plate and maple neck. Happy chappy.
  24. Met very briefly. Signed my CD, told him how much I enjoyed his performance on Sunday and his band were magnificent tonight. But what a breath of fresh air. [attachment=15965:Richard_Bona.jpg]
  25. Just got back from the RNCM after seeing Richard Bona and his band. How much more can I say about how much he's inspired me? He's an incredible bass player, a beautiful singer, a tremendous presence for such a quietly spoken man, and an incredibly uplifting spirit. He plays with a smile on his face, and that's how he appears to come across as a person. Got everyone singing and laughing again. Got myself a signed CD and a photo with the man himself, and went home a very happy chappy. Now where's my bass..........
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