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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. Hey Dave, Yeah, really enjoyed your performance. Nice little trio. Really nice and simple, and at the same time very effective. It was a good idea to a point to put that stage out in the cafe area, as it almost "made" people listen, rather than shuffling off to a smaller theatre. Really enjoyed a lot of what you had to say [i]about[/i] the bass too. All the "how to/not to play" stuff. I know loads of guys that'd rather have a hold it down and play root notes 4/4 style bass player, than have the latest Jaco/Victor/Marcus/Stanley et al trying to force themselves to the forefront on every given opportunity.
  2. [quote name='4000' post='327857' date='Nov 12 2008, 07:04 PM']I love Matt's tone, and to be honest thought Janek and Hadrien sounded fine in the context of their music.[/quote] Went to see Janek in Altrincham on Monday night, and my mate wasn't too impressed initially with his tone either, but it just sat beautifully with the piano and drums in a little upstairs jazz club. A ton of treble would've just been pointless. (And that's coming from someone who likes really bright strings and quite a trebly tone from my bass).
  3. [quote name='mistahbenn' post='327520' date='Nov 12 2008, 12:51 PM']Anyone going to the Bona gig tomorrow night? I got my ticket![/quote] Yep. Got two today for me & a mate that was at the Janek Gwizdala gig. See you again........again
  4. [quote name='4000' post='325962' date='Nov 10 2008, 03:02 PM']That was probably me! Richard was the single most inspiring musician I've seen in years. Never mind the supernatural bass playing/singing, I could have listened to him talk all night. Absolutely [i]beyond[/i] unbelievable.[/quote] Definitely with you on that one. I met an old friend afterwards who asked me to say in one word what I thought of him, and it was "inspirational". I almost wanted his set to last at least twice as long, so he could fit some more playing [b]and[/b] talking in. It was fantastic that when he started playing, I'm sure everyone thought the same as me......isn't it quiet! And in a way, because it wasn't blasting, it made your ears [b]really[/b] listen. What an absolute joy to listen to, both the music and the person. Yolanda Charles was fantastic. As well as being a great bassist, I really enjoyed her theory sessions while she was playing. TM Stevens absolutely blew me away. I even had a chat with the guys in the band afterwards and told them I felt like my breath had been taken away. It was music at its purest....sod the odd mistake and a wee bit out of time here and there, it was just pure guts, energy, and more importantly....[b]Grooooooooove[/b]. Janek's trio.....really nice to hear a bit of that style of jazz with some vocals too. In fact, I'm off to see him in Altrincham in a couple of hours. Dave Marks was interesting to listen to as well as great little band he had there. And what a great set of mutton chops Agreed that the atmosphere was good in that "cafe" environment, but the endless slapfest going on all over ruined that a tad. Biggest disappointment for me was Hadrien Feraud after championing that I'd have paid the entry fee for him alone. I still think he's an incredibly talented musician as were the keyboard player and drummer, but it was all a bit [b]too[/b] much "freeform" if you know what I mean. It's probably not freeform at all, but it just felt like it. I preferred last year when it was more about just him as a bassist with a drummer and pianist supporting him, whereas this year was more about the band as a whole, and like others, it was just a little lost on me. Met up with Matt (Machines) whose Stingray I took in a 3 way swap without actually meeting him. Also met mistahbenn purely by walking up the stairs together and just discussing the merits of G&L and Stingray basses. Nice bloke. Keith's (yorks5stringer) Shuker was absolutely gorgeous too. Looks black, but when the light catches it, it's got a lovely blue hue to it. Nice work there Keith. What a good job I'm skint though, I could've come home with a very empty bank account. Already looking forward to next year if the improvement on last year is anything to go by. A huge congratulations to Stevie, Pris and everyone else involved in organising it. Well done all.
  5. [quote name='bassfunk' post='155747' date='Mar 12 2008, 09:01 AM']Fantastic to deal with. Upfront and honest about the trade. Really nice guy and it was a pleasure to meet him.[/quote] "Upfront and honest" is Ian on any subject
  6. So how's everyone going to recognise each other on the day then? A prize of absolutely nothing for the best idea
  7. [quote name='Jebo1' post='114605' date='Jan 6 2008, 11:56 AM']BTW the best Precision I've seen for a long time is the one sold by Thunderthumbs. £800 for a 76 isn't too bad and should keep its value. If it plays as well as it looks, you're on to a winner![/quote] Hey man......that's a nice compliment. The good news for me is I didn't actually sell it.....I decided against it in the end. I take it out and gig it every now and again just to remind myself why I should keep it.
  8. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='324195' date='Nov 7 2008, 01:52 PM']Just heard 'Darling Dear' by The Jackson 5...OMFG...what a bassline. I am a convert![/quote] Probably one of my favourite bass lines of all time......a tune on its own. Apart from the opening few bars, the rest is not repeated anywhere else in the entire song. How often do you hear a bass line like that these days?
  9. Absolutely timeless, and one that should be in everyone's CD/record collection.
  10. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='324525' date='Nov 7 2008, 09:41 PM']Judging by the photo, your other half is a bit of a looker too. Well done on both fronts, son. [/quote] Ha ha......I was waiting for one. I'm sure everyone else was just too polite
  11. [quote name='bassbloke' post='321417' date='Nov 3 2008, 10:59 PM']I want you back by the Jackson 5. Great fun.[/quote] For a beginner????? McEnroe....."you cannot be serious"!
  12. I can't believe the number of really beautiful basses that've cropped up on here recently. That fretted 5 is just absolutely stunning. If I'd have had the cash, I'd have ripped your arms off for it! And the fretless (if I could play one) is just as good a looker. Good luck selling that too.
  13. Drum clinic with Dave Weckl in a couple of weeks.
  14. 1:56-2:08 reminds me of some wedding or the like where you're back in the dressing room, and can hear some clueless drunk thrashing away on your bass.
  15. Nosso Trio....(featuring Nick Frost on drums ) Plenty more on YouTube.
  16. Got one of these myself, and can vouch for it being a great cab (and fantastic on the old back too ) Good luck with the sale.
  17. I was the lead violinist of the South Manchester Youth Orchestra when I was younger, but I gave it up due to a break down in communication between my tutor and myself. He was taking all the enjoyment out of it by being not the tiniest bit flexible (if anyone knows the story of Billy Cobham and his drum tutor, then that was me back then). Switched to bass all of my own choice, no lessons, just bought one, found out how it was tuned and taught myself to play, and still doing it nearly 30 years later.
  18. [quote name='urb' post='314204' date='Oct 24 2008, 10:13 PM']Beck is in a league of his own - sorry but I think he's stunning.[/quote] I'm with you on that. Not many guitarist are "jaw dropping" in my opinion. There are many that are technically brilliant, but I think emotion can say a lot more than technicality sometimes (plus, he IS very good technically too). If I was a guitarist, he'd definitely be the one I'd be aspiring to.
  19. [quote name='chris_b' post='314099' date='Oct 24 2008, 07:51 PM']What we are doing is Van Gough, what they are doing is painting by numbers![/quote] Like it
  20. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='313367' date='Oct 23 2008, 10:13 PM']Hadrien Feraud has the most peerlessly seamless technique I've ever seen.[/quote] I was tempted to put Hadrien, as I'd never even heard of him before I saw him live at the Bass Day last year, and he blew me away. It was just effortless, and he influenced me in a way that no bass player has done for many a year. It was just that the other three have had more of an effect on my bass playing over a longer period.
  21. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='313962' date='Oct 24 2008, 04:52 PM']What i meant was to NOT play the guitar riff all the way through.[/quote] That's the way I do it. Personally I feel it's overplayed if the bass takes over the guitar riff.
  22. In no particular order: Bruce Foxton - The Jam James Jamerson - Funk Brothers (Motown) Marcus Miller - errrm.....as the name says
  23. Just listened to the phone interview with MK on iPlayer. Made me laugh when MK came back with a "donkey years" old non-sensical answer to one of George's questions.....and he just didn't get it. George: "What's the difference between a dog and a cat?" MK: "One leg's both the same" George: " [confused silence] "
  24. Oh yes, without a doubt. 91 Warwick Thumb 5 NT 76 Precision EB MM Stingray Fender Jazz Marcus Miller G&L Tribute L-2500 Car: 96 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4.0L Petrol Nuff said!!
  25. [quote name='Toasted' post='309322' date='Oct 18 2008, 04:11 PM']Just to be clear: I think their music is toss. Never-the-less, popular toss. It has a sense of the zeitgeist about it.[/quote] Agreed. I gave them about a minute, and then pressed FF. Didn't do anything for me, but I do believe that shows like this should give time to up and coming bands, and not just roll out all Jools' old mates/influences. And I'm 42
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