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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. Bought an EBS Pedal Board and a Multidrive from Paul. He even offered to buy some extra connectors from Bernie at GB Guitars and have them sent to me direct as there weren't enough to connect 6 pedals. I declined his kind offer, but a very kind offer it was. Excellent communication and came extremely well packaged. Top bloke to deal with. Cheers, Pete.
  2. That's a lovely job. Looks wonderful.
  3. Do LearnDirect have a course on using one??? Tooooooooo many knobs!!
  4. Anyone any experience with EBS pedals that suddenly stop working? The Dynaverb I bought second hand back in January has just died on me. It made a strange noise, and then that's it, just not working any longer. Not a battery problem. Swapped it for a brand new battery, and still nothing. Signal goes through it, just no effect whatsoever. I'm just wondering whether it's worth getting in touch with Bernie (which'll obviously cost me postage, repairs, etc.), or just bin it, and spend £70 or so on another second hand one off someone on here? Anyone else had repairs done on them?
  5. [quote name='ianrunci' post='229159' date='Jun 29 2008, 06:28 PM']I think Ive just heard the band name banded about, possibly by a guy calle Mke Eaton Dykes. Me and him and my brother used to host a jam night in Middleton for years, first at the nook and then at the Railway.[/quote] Oh right. It must be just coincedence then. The Itchy Feet I was in was based more around Eccles, but the singer when I joined had previously been in my other band, so I was "headhunted" . We split at the end of 1995, but it wouldn't surpise me if there are lots more bands with the same name. May have asked you before but, living in Bury, have you seen a band called Steve Ferringo and The Top Entertainers? Well worth a night out for. The drummer was in Itchy Feet with me, and the bass player (also an Iain) is a friend too.
  6. [quote name='ianrunci' post='229154' date='Jun 29 2008, 06:20 PM']Probably did, there were lots of stickers as per usual. Itchy feet, now why does that name ring a bell? you wouldn't be from the north area of Manchester would you? like Middleton or something?[/quote] Spot on there mate. Perhaps we move in the same musical circles
  7. Two completely contrasting gigs this weekend. Friday - RAF High Wycombe - Sergeants summer ball. On with two other acts. An all girl trio called Superdolls, and a six piece party band called Young Guns from Leicester. Young Guns' bass player was a dep, but a really tidy player. Tight as a gnat's chuff and a lovely soun from his G&L L-2500 too. We weren't on for our first spot til 2.15am!!! And our second was 3.15-4am. They were up for a right party, and boy did they know how to. We were buzzing off the crowd too. Great gig. They were still partying hard at 5.15am when we left. But Jesus, what a long night. Drove down there from Manchester at lunchtime Friday, and got back home at 8am Saturday morning. Great gig though. Saturday night - a corporate company do at the Midland Hotel in Manchester. First spot was hard work. I always think corporate events are though. Everyone's too scared to make a tit of themselves. But they were up for it in the second spot. Downsides - the drummer got a parking ticket for parking in a loading bay, and the singer lost his wallet containing all his cards, driving licence and about £300 in cash. That put a real downer on the night.
  8. [quote name='ianrunci' post='228941' date='Jun 29 2008, 11:50 AM']Hd a good one last night in St Helens at Windle Labour Club, The club was nice, people were warm and friendly and the dancefloor was packed. And as an added bonus it was a cash pickup for a change. They even had a resident trio playing between our sets, keboards, drums and a singer. Not too many clubs left that do this.[/quote] Good old Windle. Still got the leaking roof in the dressing room? We played there some months back when it was torrential outside, and it wasn't far off that in the dressing room too! They also still have a sticker on the mirror in there from the band I was in abour 15 years ago ("Itchy Feet"). It just shows how often these places are [b]really[/b] cleaned.
  9. Can't believe this. I've just been looking at them on the net, as I've never actually heard one before despite reading some good stuff about them. The bass player in another band we were on with on Friday night had one, and it sounded fantastic. If I had the hard cash right now, I think I'd snap your hand off. Are you only after a straight cash sale or considering any more trades?
  10. [quote name='jakesbass' post='225951' date='Jun 24 2008, 03:32 PM']Hi Pete, it's a band called Bossa Nouvelle, run by a saxophonist called Suzanne Higgins, arrangements by Andy Schofield. Mike Walker gtr, Les Chisnall pno, Steve Gilbert drms, Brian Hargreaves perc, and five horns. Really lovely arrangements and some great playing, it's quite a gentle gig, but very very tasteful. Lots of Jobim, a few originals, some lovely grooves. Jake[/quote] Nice one. I'll watch out for that.
  11. Jake....who are you gigging with at the Manchester Jazz Festival?
  12. That's bloody beautiful. Nice post Jake.
  13. I've had my natural MM for about a year now, and I absolutely love it. I tend to use my Lakland JO5 for the first spot, but the MM really cleans up on the dance spot. And I know exactly what you mean about turning the bass & treble off a bit, otherwise it's just TOO much.
  14. I've had my 91 Thumb 5 NT advertised as sale or possible trade. MM4s interested me, and this would be very interesting, so it's a shame it's a cash sale jobby. Ah well.
  15. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='214771' date='Jun 8 2008, 10:29 AM']LOL. From what I remember about the old catalogues (apart from the Lingerie section ) it would have been more like £11.80 over £52 weeks!![/quote] Darn it......you spotted the obvious omission of the 2000% interest rate. Ah well, worth a try
  16. Can I buy it in the old fashioned home catalogue style of £5.29 per week over 52 weeks? (Currently a bit skint)
  17. After doing weddings, etc......last night was our last "clubland" gig for the rest of the year. Ellesmere Recreation Club in Bolton. We'd only been there 10 minutes, when in walks one of "the committee". She immediately starts with, "you shouldn't have come in through that door, it's the emergency door", "can you move your van when you're finished", "you can't move our speakers, we use them", "can you leave our mic stand in the middle for the compere", etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum! Then we're on at 8.15pm for our first spot to a half empty room of very sober punters who are clearly there too early to be enjoying themselves. Then a female compere with the worst stage presence/voice/dress sense etc. I think I've ever heard. The lack of charisma is unbelievable. Then a female singer to backing tracks (who was actually quite good - and the backing tracks were quality for a change). She's on the lookout for a band, and we may be on the lookout for adding a female singer, so watch this space. Then back on at 10.30pm and we had a great set. One song just flowed into the next. No gaps. Just how a dance set should be for me. All four of us really enjoyed ourselves. Great when the band just clicks. So we do two extras at the end of the night. As soon as the "compere" finishes, we're straight on to clear the gear down. But as soon as the punters have all gone, the steward turns off the majority of the lights while we're still packing the van, and won't switch them on again because he "can see we've got everything"......despite the fact that there was still a guitar stand and two mains reels at the back of the stage. Aah......clubland......don't you just love it? I won't miss it.
  18. As I've mentioned before, I was in Bernie's basement the day before Andy collected this wonderful bass. It looks even more stunning in the flesh than in the photo, and it sounds absolutely incredible. Plus, I got to hear it through the EBS rig that I took home with me the same day, so I had the best of both worlds. Congrats Andy, you have a piece of beauty there.
  19. [quote name='chris_b' post='207107' date='May 27 2008, 10:52 AM']Shouldn't have: I sold my Dynacord BS412 combo, the best sounding amp I have heard, to fund a disasterous Boogie 400+.[/quote] Oddly enough, a guitarist I played with many years ago bought a Mesa Boogie combo, and just couldn't take to it. Took it back and swapped it for a Dynacord and loved it. Even had other guitarists asking him to name his price for it.
  20. Same here. When I used Warwicks as my main basses, always used Red Labels, and they lasted longer than I expected. And I used to get them for about £7 a set on eBay. When I started using my Fender Jazz, and now Lakland as my main basses, Elites are better for them. Try 'em out is all I can say. Each to their own. If they float your boat, and you're happy, then all's well. If you don't like 'em, you've not lost £40 on a set.
  21. Posted one of my cabs before, but wanted to get one in with 3 of my basses in too.
  22. Played a hotel in Altrincham, Cheshire that had a "limiter". Turned out that regardless of the volume, if I hit an "E" anywhere, and I mean anywhere on the neck, the limiter kicked in. I could play and hold any other note as long and as loud as I wanted with no effect. So it was more like a frequency limiter rather than decibels. The power went off about 6 times during the night. After the 6th time, we just packed up and put music on the laptop instead. Anyone want me to name and shame? One I wished we'd have turned down many years ago was a gig at Pontins in Morecambe. Got there to find out it was a North of England presentation day for all the regional under 11s football teams. Nightmare gig!
  23. Probably my Ibanez Blazer that I flogged to a guy at work years and years ago. Natural finish with black pickguard. Very similar to one someone was selling here recently (but without the upgrades obviously). Still looked gorgeous and played great. Doh!
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