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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. Anybody use an AKG WMS40 Pro Flexx Wireless System on here? Both myself and our guitarist use them, and set on different channels so that we don't clash. Our singer uses a wireless microphone with a frequency scanner built in so it scans for other frequencies in use before it sets itselfs. For some reason, my signal fluctuates quite badly, even so much as about 6 foot away from my receiver. Whereas, our guitarist's is fine, even if we both change channels to the one the other was using. Just wondering if it might be a faulty unit, whether I'm setting anything wrong, or whether it's just not a good system to use with bass. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='146076' date='Feb 24 2008, 04:48 PM']This is stunning!![/quote] Thanks very much. It is. I'm not [b]desperate[/b] to sell (as I haven't been pushing that ad too much) but it'd be great if someone really wanted it that would make really good use of it. It's too good to be stuck at home now, but my Jazz and Lakland suit what I'm doing more. But obviously, I also wouldn't be disappointed if it stayed with me
  3. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='145663' date='Feb 23 2008, 05:33 PM']ideally i'd like a straight trade, but i'm open to offers so anything goes at the moment [/quote] Interested? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=12408&hl=thumb+nt"]Warwick Thumb 5 NT (1991)[/url]
  4. Been unable to get all thi stuff on eBay until now for one reason and another, but it's all got to be done tonight. So if anyone fancies anything from the list, let me know. Cheers, Pete.
  5. Are you looking for yours + cash for trades, a straight trade, or a trade + cash for yours?
  6. Aah...Lex....here at last. I saw your stuff via the Warwick forum and decided to treat young Pedro to the delights of your white Streamer ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13072&hl=chrome"]here[/url]). Beautiful basses. Oh, and by the way....welcome
  7. [quote name='vegas_hooker' post='144586' date='Feb 21 2008, 06:24 PM']Hi there, Gamlins in Cardiff were selling SX starter packs for jazz basses (burst with tort shell). Price was pretty low too.[/quote] I've had advice from a few people (OldGit being one) that the basses in the starter packs are significantly less quality than the basses on their own. Just my two penneth.
  8. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='145109' date='Feb 22 2008, 03:16 PM']you could get better for this money!!![/quote] "[b]could[/b]"....surely that was a slip? If not, I wouldn't give you a job as a salesman
  9. [quote name='Sparky' post='144994' date='Feb 22 2008, 01:05 PM']... right now, [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13829"]HiperiOn's '79 Stingray[/url]...[/quote] +1 for that. I've always wanted a natural with black plate, but that is seriously, seriously beautiful.
  10. [quote name='ianrunci' post='144974' date='Feb 22 2008, 12:45 PM']No my brief associations with both bands consisted of some gigs in Germany with the Platters in 1982 and about 4 gigs with the Elevators in 1977/78 Pips nightclub in Manchester, The Ranch bar Manchester, and The Tower Club in Oldham at which the stage was invaded by Oldham rugby club who grabbed Mick and demanded he sing Yellow Submarine with them to which he readily agreed of course, well you would wouldn't you?[/quote] You most definitely would! As with the Platters, I suppose there were also a few variations of them doing the tours. The one I saw had two of the original members. I went there with my parents, buy I think I was the one that enjoyed it the most.
  11. [quote name='nash' post='144935' date='Feb 22 2008, 12:03 PM']i'd go for 1 output for one cab and the other for another[/quote] That's the way I was advised to link up my two Neo cabs to my TD650 by Bernie Goodfellow.
  12. "STUNNGING BUILD QUALITY".......so how good is STUNNGING? OUT THEIR OWN BRAND......does that mean your brand is gay? DONT.......no apostrophe. Terrible, absolutely terrible.
  13. [quote name='ianrunci' post='143093' date='Feb 19 2008, 02:48 PM']I have some extremely tenuous claims lol. I played Bass on a single for Hurricane Higgins Ive played with The Platters while in Germany in the early eighties Played with Vinny Burns from Dare, Ultravox, Asia, Ten etc Played With Mick Hucknall with the Frantic Elevators in 1978 Jammed with the Steve Gibbons Band in the Isle of Man Played in the same band as Darren Wharton from Lizzy Played in a backing band for PJ Proby and a million more other tenuous links [/quote] I saw The Platters in Douglas, Isle of Man in 1983 - were you playing with them there? I also saw The Frantic Elevators at The Apollo in Manchester many moons ago supporting Madness - did you play then?
  14. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='144523' date='Feb 21 2008, 05:09 PM']in what way? [/quote]
  15. [quote name='alexclaber' post='144375' date='Feb 21 2008, 01:45 PM']I didn't realise there were so many Neville brothers - Art is of course the fantastic organist behind The Meters (the third most sampled band in the world after the JBs and Parliament/Funkadelic) and Cyril joined the 2nd incarnation of The Meters as a percussionist. Alex P.S. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funk"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funk[/url][/quote] Neither did I. Honestly, they were brilliant. It'd been a long day, it starting raining in the evening but the air was warm, it was an open air gig, the beer was flowing, and just a great way to finish the day off. Then had a few beers round Philly centre after the show finished, and had to bum a cheap taxi ride back to New Jersey, who dropped us off just off the freeway, and we then got picked up by a cop for wandering down the lanes in the early hours of the morning. Dropped us off right outside the friend's house we were staying at. She must've sh*t herself seeing that pull up! Great day all round and what an experience.
  16. Lovely job that.....you must be a very proud father
  17. Hi Stuart, Are you talking like these..... which he says are D'Addarios [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13218"]in this thread[/url]
  18. [quote name='dr1' post='144342' date='Feb 21 2008, 01:12 PM']or all interested are skint?[/quote] That's definitely me......but have a free bump on me
  19. Totally off topic, but seeing Linda Ronstadt's name reminded me of Aaron Neville, and the fact that I saw the Neville Brothers performing live in Philadelphia around 1995. They were headlining a festival called the Jambalaya Jam, and I'd had no experience of Aaron Neville apart from his duet with Linda. I have to say they were absolutely fantastic, and the mate I went with was lucky enough to find a live CD with them doing the same set they did that night. Right.....carry on.
  20. I know this is nothing to do with the music, but I absolutely detest web pages with an image behind the text. It makes it pretty much impossible to read, and thus makes me leave the site straightaway so no matter how fancy it looks, it's totally counter-productive.
  21. Great idea to have them all in one place.
  22. [quote name='Sibob' post='143911' date='Feb 20 2008, 06:50 PM']Haha, I thought the topic title referred to Les Pauls Si[/quote] Good God....I wish I had 200+ Les Paul's to sell, I'd be taking early retirement
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