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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. [quote name='ped' post='134923' date='Feb 6 2008, 12:02 PM']Hello mate. It must have been a great experience being the house band for those shows. I am getting into some freelance music stuff for TV at the moment and really enjoy it, but being 'there' would be better! I only went to Manchester for the first time for the last Bass Day. I loved it so much that I went back for a weekend a few months ago. I really like Manchester, it has a great vibe to it, and lots of parking in the centre (or seemed to, anyway!) Cheers mate see you around ped P.s a Manchester bass bash sounds fun. Are you coming to the one in Preston?[/quote] Yeah, it was fantastic. Like I say, it was only on a low budget, but great fun while we did it. Had some bizarre moments doing some of the different programs. Probably the strangest was having to back a guy called "Mr Methane". I don't think you need too long to figure out what his act is And just to prove what a small world it is, a friend (a fellow BCer - andytill) who stands in for me now and again in my band is Mr Methane's nephew. I must dig out some of the old videos and get them on YouTube for a laugh. The only real downside was having to lug all the gear up about 120 stairs to the recording studio at the top of the building. It was a listed building so they couldn't install a lift. I really enjoyed the Bass Day here.....great to have it on my doorstep. And nice to hear some nice words about Manchester from someone out of town. It's not a bad place overall, just gets some bad press now and again. Sure, it's got its bad parts, but hasn't everywhere? In fact, thinking back.....the day the bomb went off in Manchester was a pivotal part in bringing about the Manchester we have today. I'd hate to say it was a "good" thing......something like that never can be, but Manchester's a much different place today to what it probably would have been had that not happened. Me & Andy will be coming to the North West Bass Bash, although I'll have to leave a bit early as I'm gigging that night. Cheers, Pete.
  2. Hee hee.....if we carry on like this, we could have our very own Manchester Bass Bash
  3. [quote name='Geddys nose' post='133984' date='Feb 4 2008, 11:15 PM']They have that blue one in Music Ground Manchester looks stunning in the flesh.[/quote] Oh yeah? Is that the one opposite the BBC?
  4. Hopefully be there. I'll probably bring everything in my sig... EBS TD650/Neo 4x10/Neo 2x12 EBS Multicomp/UniChorus/Octabass/DynaVerb Lakland JO5/Fender Marcus Miller/76 Precision/91 Thumb 5 NT
  5. That blue semi's lovely :brow:
  6. [quote name='Pedro1020' post='133819' date='Feb 4 2008, 07:30 PM']...[b]to take this bass to my grave[/b][/quote] Ha ha ha.....you won't let me forget that one now will you?
  7. [quote name='kevbass' post='133070' date='Feb 3 2008, 03:15 PM']Well, I dont ever think you can cure yourself of gas. Say you gas for a jazz, and you get that jazz, and you think "great, now I'll get a precision I really dont need to match my jazz" and then you get that precision, and then you find yourself playing the precision more and you think "I'll sell that jazz and get something active and modern to contrast my precision" so you get that modern active bass, then you think to yourself, "I know I'll sell my precision and get something 5 string active to go with my active 4 string" and then after a while you decide your playing five strings and you sell that four string in favour for a second five string and one day whilst playing on one of your fives you say to yourself "You know I really miss the simplicity of a passive 4 string jazz bass" and thus it continues, and it gets worse when you see a bass player who really inspires you when he or she is playing something you are yet to own or play. Once you've got gas its not going anywhere, unless you manage to guilt yourself into not buying anything else, but then that only usually lasts for a short while [/quote] In a nutshell Prior to joining this forum, I'd owned most of the same gear for years. Since joining, I've now sold all my old amps and cabs, bought a new EBS rig. Then sold a bass to Pedro, only to go and spend that plus more on a Lakland JO5. Collecting pedals too. Thought of selling my 76 Precision, but Beedster's talked me out of it, so I advertised my Thumb NT 5 which I thought I'd never ever want to sell, but no takers, and I'm not dissappointed which means I probably never wanted to sell it anyway! It is that thing of going full circle though. I've had the Precision for years, but just don't use it. Since thinking of selling it, I've enjoyed playing it more than ever, so I want to keep it now. There's been some lovely basses up for sale on here, and sadly I don't have the cash, otherwise I'd have been travelling the length and breadth of the country again buying them up. But it'd be for "want" rather than "need". I don't think I'll ever stopping GASsing.
  8. As far as I'm aware, that's per member. But, I don't know if one person joining would give you the insurance cover you're after or whether all members would have to join. Check the MU terms and conditions, or give them a call.
  9. The JO5 I bought feels almost "satin" if you get me. Certainly not a high polish finish, so I actually prefer it to my jazz.
  10. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/EBS-MULTICOMP-BASS-PEDAL_W0QQitemZ170191126438QQihZ007QQcategoryZ22669QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]EBS MultiComp[/url]
  11. John, Is it going to be an all day do? Any idea of the times at this stage? I'm gigging in the evening that's all. Cheers, Pete.
  12. [quote name='noisedude' post='132341' date='Feb 2 2008, 12:14 AM']Dear Basschatters, Help me! I'm experiencing something that I expect is quite common but totally new to me. I scored a very nicely priced Ibanez DWB3 Doug Wimbish signature off the 'Bay and it came today. The thing is absolutely brand spanking new. The case is tolex, the sort that scrapes quite easily on the corners, and it's got one mark on it. The guitar doesn't even have those surface scratches from shirt buttons and straps that a fastidious collector would T-cut out. Big deal. I've had lots of new guitars before, and more expensive ones too. So why am I now already looking at cheaper alternatives for sweaty club gigs? Surely I bought it precisely for such packed and noisey nights and yet I'm convinced that I'm going to dent it the first time I turn round too fast near the wall at rehearsal. I'm actually scared of denting this bass, even though it's technically already 2nd-hand! Maybe it's the untarnished gold hardware or maybe it's the gloriously unblemished finish. I don't know. But can someone tell me why I'm not happier at getting exactly what I wanted?? Yours in confusion and turmoil, Noisedude[/quote] Any pics?
  13. I've got 4. So Jono, how many's that in total then....it's obligatory to have the running total
  14. What a bloody beauty......someone buy my Warwick Thumb 5 quick!!!
  15. [quote name='hairyhatman' post='131684' date='Feb 1 2008, 01:18 AM']I guess I have to work on the idea that tempo setting is the drummer's role ... not mine.[/quote] Absolutely true, and you'll get great service from a drummer who's got good timing, but there are still some drummers who have got quite poor timing. And there are an awful lot who for some strange reason don't see that as being probably [b]the[/b] most important part of their playing. Any drummers out there....please feel free to correct me.
  16. I was thinking of bobbing down to Northampton with another BCer, but one up here would be great. I'm up for it, and I'm sure he (andytill) would be too. "Agent jwbassman......this is your mission"
  17. My mate's a guitarist, and last June got bumped while sawing, which immediately severed one of his fingers. Had to have microsurgery to put it all back together again, but even now he's still not right. He says his biggest problem is his brain telling his finger whereabouts to go on the fretboard, but the finger decides elsewhere. That made me think exactly the same....I just take it for granted I've got all my digits, and they're in working order.
  18. Lovely Musicman. Always wanted natural/black configuration. Shame you're not selling, and wish I had the money anyway
  19. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='131255' date='Jan 31 2008, 12:38 PM']bestpractice... [url="http://www.xs4all.nl/~mp2004/bp/"]http://www.xs4all.nl/~mp2004/bp/[/url] open source and completely free[/quote] +1 for BestPractice. I use it all the time.
  20. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='130965' date='Jan 30 2008, 09:23 PM']I'm waiting for a 54P body in Korina and a birdseye maple neck/fretboard to be 'shipped. If they're half as good as everyone says they are it's going to have the potential for being a very good bass. I'm planning a Wizard Thumper pu, Hipshot bridge, Hipshot Ultralite machine heads with a drop D (all in black) and the new ACG filter based pre amp with one Low pass filter and one treble control. I'm finishing the body with pure Tung oil, using Truoil for the neck and tinted Nitro Cellulose for the headstock face. I want 'P bass in yer face' mutha f*cker sound with some beautiful wood to differ from the more popular and brash P bass looks. So that's the plan. The execution will be to follow on BC I'm sure [/quote] Sounds nice that. Keep us posted.
  21. [quote name='hairyhatman' post='131060' date='Jan 31 2008, 12:40 AM']That's impossible knowing the drummers I play with.[/quote] There's one issue.....[b]really[/b] knowing the drummer. I think ultimately, once you both understand how and when each other plays certain notes/rhythms, it just all fits into place on its own. I know that doesn't really answer your question per se, but hopefully you know what I mean!
  22. I used to use Warwick Red Labels, from an eBay shop for around £6 a set. Not bad considering they're about £10 at cheapest in most music shops in Manchester. They lasted me a good half a dozen gigs before starting to lose their "zing", but I'm not one for having sweaty hands. Someone who sweats more (this is going in an area even I didn't wish to!) would probably be less pleased than me. I've now gone back to Elites Stadiums as I got a set for free, and [b]really[/b] liked them, so don't mind paying that bit extra for them.
  23. [quote name='bnt' post='130925' date='Jan 30 2008, 08:17 PM']They don't just do replacement parts either: I like the look of their original [url="http://www.warmoth.com/gecko/gecko.cfm?fuseaction=include_gecko6"]Gecko[/url] designs, especially the 6.[/quote] Yeah, I like the look of that. Might have to start myself a future GAS budget
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