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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. I knew there was a luthiers thread somewhere..... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=253"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=253[/url]
  2. [quote name='paul h' post='128513' date='Jan 27 2008, 01:27 AM']I followed Roy Wood into the urinals in a pub...again in Walsall. I was invited to Pato Bantons number one party. So was Mr. Fudge.[/quote] I suppose I should've put this one on the other thread, but, I once played bass for Roy Wood when he was a guest on a TV programme I was doing. And Pato Banton.....my God....I've got him on video somewhere on The Old Grey Whistle Test doing "Mash Up The Telly" live! He was on the same bill as The Icicle Works. What a collaboration (although they didn't actually sing together).
  3. Following on from the "Claim To Fame" thread, where the question was all about the most famous person you've played with....well I'm thinking more in the vein of standing next to someone famous in a shop sort of thing. To start the ball rolling.....I was watching Big Country on YouTube and it reminded me...... I used to own an Aria SB900 whose previous owner was Tony Butler.
  4. Hi Paul, PM'd you regarding three files for you to pick up. Cheers, Pete.
  5. [quote name='PaulMartin' post='128091' date='Jan 25 2008, 11:27 PM']I would very much appreciate that. It's quite a tricky one and I've got to learn it for next Wednesday. The bass is absolutely critical on it as it drives the whole song along.[/quote] No worries Paul. I'll try and get it sorted for you Saturday. Cheers, Pete.
  6. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='127913' date='Jan 25 2008, 05:55 PM']Luckily when I started playing I was 38 so I had a wide choice of songs to choose from...plus my tutor introduced me to some tracks I'd never heard of.[/quote] Actually, that's not a bad idea too. I do remember reading a thread on here with regards to Jamiroquai/Stevie Wonder (let's not go over it again though!). But use the idea of finding out who he likes, and introducing him to some stuff from the past to show where his inspirations got their inspirations from. I've done this pretty much all my life myself anyway, so I think that gives a reason as to my very wide tastes in music.
  7. [quote name='PaulMartin' post='127967' date='Jan 25 2008, 07:07 PM']Does anyone have the tab for this or know a site I can find it? Thanks[/quote] Hi Paul, I don't have a copy (the tab that is), but I don't mind working it out for you. I'm up for a "tabbing challenge" at the moment Cheers, Pete.
  8. Another (and free) alternative if you're practicing along with your PC/laptop is [url="http://www.xs4all.nl/~mp2004/bp/"]BestPractice[/url] software. You can open tracks from either MP3 or directly from CD. You can change speed, pitch, etc., and create loops of any length within the track. Great piece of software for me.
  9. Be adaptable as a tutor to each student. We're not all the same, and there's not only one defining way to play each style. One thing I always remember from when I was a young kid, and a very good violinist, was that my tutor insisted on trying to force me to play my violin high on my shoulder, whereas I found it very comfortable to play it in front of me instead (a la Irish "fiddle" players). I completely lost interest in the violin because of his insistence despite the fact I was a damned good violinist. I've discovered much later in life I'm round shouldered, so that could've been the reason all along. My point was that he couldn't adapt to my style at all. It was his way or the highway. My guitar tutor however, allowed me to play how I felt comfortable (my right hand style was much like Mark Knopfler's with the heel of my hand sitting on the body rather than the classic claw type finger style). He did ask me to try and practice his way, which I did, as it was out of choice rather than feeling as if I was forced. His style of tutoring was much more accommodating. I loved playing the guitar because of him, and it eventually led me onto the bass, so I'm very happy. Mark King also tells a very interesting story in a similar vein involving Billy Cobham and his tutor when he was young. Billy's tutor wouldn't allow him to play open handed, insisting he had to play cross handed or leave. So Billy left. Years later, with Billy being one of the leading drummers in the world, he met his tutor and said "well I didn't do bad did I?", and his tutor had the audacity to say "yes, but imagine how good you would've been if you'd done it my way"!!!
  10. I've already got a MultiComp, Octabass and UniChorus. With any luck, I'll be adding a Bass IQ and DynaVerb to them. If anyone's got experience of using a complete EBS board, in which order would you link them, using them all through the effects send/return loop? Cheers, Pete.
  11. [quote name='BassBunny' post='127355' date='Jan 24 2008, 09:57 PM']Pete, I cab get the head up to Matt. Will PM you. Cheers, Stuart[/quote] Hi Stuart, PM back to you, and copied you in too Matt. Cheers guys, Pete.
  12. Sold 1 to Pedro1020, and bought 1 from Yessikris so technically +/- 0
  13. Just in case you do think of a repair, check out this wonderful repair job of what looks like the exact same thing by Steve Robinson in Manchester. [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/repairs.html"]http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/repairs.html[/url] Just gives you hope that if you want it in its original state, and with the pink paintwork, he's at least one person that should be able to do it.
  14. +1 to Bernie Goodfellow. Bernie did me a cracking deal on my EBS gear and set up my jazz for free while I was there. Got in a whole range of cabs for me to try, and I was there hours instead of the obligatory 10 minutes battling against everyone else in your bog standard high street music retailers. Had a really good chat and got a nice brew or two thrown in for the day. All in all a top bloke.
  15. I know it's the sort of thing that doesn't crop up much, but mine's an old SWR Redhead 2x10 combo. So maybe worth looking out for an old "quality" small gig amp rather than a new tiny practice amp. Just a thought.
  16. Hi David, and welcome. Also, couldn't help but read your username in the style of "Captain Caaaaaaavemaaaaaaaan"
  17. Just realised I've got my old AH150 in the loft that let me down some years back while I was doing some TV work. Crackled and died methinks (can't remember that far back....getting old)! Well it certainly crackled like there's no tomorrow. Bought an Ampeg top to replace it, with all good intentions of getting it fixed. The time has come (firstly, to clear out my loft!) to realise that it's going to sit in there until the end of time, so I'm offering it up free of charge to anyone willing to collect it from Manchester. No plastic graphic covers on any of the adjusters either from what I can remember. I think they all came off the night I tripped over my lead and my entire rig came tumbling on top of me. I had an imprint of my graphic equaliser on my chin for a week! Anyway....like I said.....freebies for spares or repair.
  18. Darling Dear by The Jackson 5. Incredible bass line by James Jamerson. Apart from the opening few bars, no two bars in the rest of the song are the same. Absolutely amazing. A melody on its own.
  19. Have a look at [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?ModuleNo=4153&doy=23m1#overview"]Servisol Super 10 from www.maplin.co.uk[/url] £4.00 a can. Under the FAQs, someone's asked a question about it being used on guitar knobs. Q) can this be used to clean tone knobs on a guitar? A) Yes the product does support that. So might be worth getting some if you have a store close.
  20. [quote name='SJA' post='126369' date='Jan 23 2008, 07:01 PM']a heads up, i just spotted it on a tv guide- it's Stuart Copeland's documentary film of The Police on tour.[/quote] Nice one. Thanks for the info.
  21. [quote name='stewblack' post='126105' date='Jan 23 2008, 02:17 PM']I believe you decide which is your priority (this should be instinctively apparent) and everything else must be subservient to that band. You must remain constantly sensitive to your priority band and be 100% certain that there is no question in their minds where your ultimate loyalty lies.[/quote] I think in my mind, that'd be my answer. Our drummer is also an excellent jazz drummer, and if he seriously wanted to push for a career in that, I certainly wouldn't stand in his way. On the other hand, I have made my feelings known when he booked a gig with another band without any regard for us. Since that occasion, it hasn't happened again. I think my feelings just had to be made known, and we understand one another very well, as he's like a younger brother to me. I think to get the enjoyment out of whatever else I wanted to do, it would have to be known to whoever I worked with that my covers band is my priority, and the guys in the covers band must trust me implicitly too. I'm just not the kind of person to let people down, unless I'm really ill or something.
  22. [quote name='matt09' post='125857' date='Jan 23 2008, 12:06 AM']Hi, I'm very interested in the Behringer 1500ep, see your PM.[/quote] Hi Matt. PM replied to. Cheers, Pete.
  23. Bought an EBS UniChorus from Nick. Paid Monday night, he posted Tuesday, arrived AM Wednesday. Packaged really well....and I mean REALLY well (cheers Nick). All in all, a pleasure to deal with. All the best Nick, Pete.
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