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Everything posted by Thunderthumbs

  1. [quote name='BassBunny' post='114007' date='Jan 5 2008, 01:02 PM']As I tend only to play 5 String Basses these days and strung with Flatwounds, when I sent my Xmas list to the North Pole in December I asked for a set of Rotosound Jazz Flats, the 5 String set. What the Red Coated, bearded herbert send was: 1 x 6 String Set of Elites Stadium Roundwound. Standard Guage. [url="http://www.basscentre.com/product.asp?pID=190&cID=11"]http://www.basscentre.com/product.asp?pID=190&cID=11[/url] 1 x 4 String Set of Elites Stadium Roundwound, Standard Guage. [url="http://www.basscentre.com/product.asp?pID=188&cID=11"]http://www.basscentre.com/product.asp?pID=188&cID=11[/url] So both sets are up for grabs. £15 for the 6 string set, £12 for the 4 String. Both prices include postage.[/quote] PM'd on the 4 string set.
  2. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='113968' date='Jan 5 2008, 11:53 AM']A few years ago I was leaving a gig at the Astoria in London and saw a large crowd of people surrounding a couple of people who were having sex on some stairs leading into a building. It was about 11.00pm. I suppose a lot of people thought that this was particularly impressive, but it's not really something I want to see in public. P[/quote] Clever analogy.....but a ridiculous one all the same........in my opinion.
  3. [quote name='Thornybank' post='113945' date='Jan 5 2008, 11:10 AM']Just now, the West of Scotland is big on "Precisions with attitude"[/quote] Wanna sell my 76 Precision in good nick to someone up there then?
  4. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='113947' date='Jan 5 2008, 11:11 AM']Can I just make a straight remark here (and I'm not looking for a fight)? If this was a guitarist we'd all be saying it was a load of fretw*nk. I'm sorry, but that sort of playing is just drivel and it doesn't have any place in a musical sense. OK so the guy can do a lot of fancy tricks. Duh. And no, I can't 'play' like that, nor do I have any inclination to learn and do so either. If I actually had to listen to a musical track with that going on in the background I think I'd upchuck. P[/quote] Remarks are fine, we all have opinions. But to describe that sort of playing as "drivel" is bit harsh. It's the sort of playing that's earned the likes of Mark King et al a nice pension plan. And the fact that he had a huge crowd of interested people around him at the time shows that it's still impressive to a lot of people, and if one person goes home inspired then that's fine by me. What you won't know is that Nigel is also a wonderful player with his fingers, and also played in a full on rock band for a while with ex members of Thin Lizzy, so he does have many strings to his bow.
  5. As the SWR cabs are now sold pending payment, I'm open to [b]serious[/b] offers on the Ampeg SVT-3 Pro. PM me if you want any more photos, as the original is a little blurred. Cheers.
  6. Me playing my 76 Precision on New Years Eve. Also my last gig with my SWR rig......roll on January and the new EBS rig!
  7. I've sort of known Nigel for years, as he used to work at A1 Music in the centre of Manchester, and it used to be my haunt every Saturday for years. Even back then, he was one hell of a bass player, and could do things I could only every dream of doing. I seriously believe there is lots you can achieve with practice and hard work, but there's still an awful lot I believe you are just born with....and for me, Nigel fits into the second category. Anyway, I've not seen him for years, but bumped into him at the Bass Day at the RNCM in November and had a good chat with him. Just having a nosey on YouTube tonight, and came across a video someone did while he was thrashing out on a bass. Ironically, he was gigging that night, and said he should be out of there by 6pm as he's always late, but if I remember correctly, he was thrashing out around 6.15pm. I don't know....some people just don't know when to stop Enjoy.
  8. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='113862' date='Jan 5 2008, 12:05 AM']It's only a matter of time til the GBs come flocking... Everybody I know who has gone into Bernie's basement has come away with new ideas about what bass they should be playing... I smell a Thumb and a Marcus Miller Jazz quivering as they know it's not long til they get the chop...[/quote] A lot of people use the phrase LOL all too regularly, but I really was laughing out loud They're cowering in the corner like a couple of puppies that know they shouldn't have done a doo-doo on mummy's best rug
  9. psychoandy.......you need to update your sig now
  10. Cheers Dave. Pleasure to have been of assistance.
  11. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='113703' date='Jan 4 2008, 07:08 PM']You are hooked [/quote] .....and Bernie's gonna reel me in!
  12. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='113617' date='Jan 4 2008, 04:49 PM']I have her! Yippee, what a great day out, as ebs-freak pointed out Bernie can talk for england about his basses. Played thru the ebs rig it sounds stunning cant wait to try her out on Sunday. Ill get some proper pics up next week. All the result of an off the cuff call to Bernie as to what he had in stock, er " I dont carry stock I build to order, but I do have a bass that I made for a show about a year ago, shall I send u some pictures. The rest is history. Thunderthumbs did u have a go on her?[/quote] Sadly not. By the end of the day, I was a bit pushed for time, and Bernie may well have been too, but he did play it just to show me what it sounded like. Like I said, it looks and sounds incredible. What it has done to me is given me some more serious GAS. I own a Warwick Thumb 5 string which I bought in the late 80s/early 90s, which I've always thought I'd never sell. Having seen and heard that, I'm now having second thoughts and emailed Bernie today to ask what price I'd be looking at so I've some idea what I need to put by! A 5 string like that, and I could sell my Thumb and my Marcus Miller Jazz. Oh me, oh my!
  13. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='113534' date='Jan 4 2008, 01:59 PM']Thanks for the kind off but it was a joke. well, the bit about asking for help. This was just a one off as my Bass has decided to go on strike and i dont have my main one at home. Normally i don't have any problems with learning songs. Keeps me out of the kids way in the evenings.;-)[/quote] Oh,OK. No worries. I'm clearly not with it, only having had 3 hours kip the night before last, a drive to Brighton and back yesterday, and then the dog getting me up at 4am this morning!
  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='113515' date='Jan 4 2008, 01:25 PM']Indeed. Right, i have about 20+ songs to learn in the next few weeks. anyone fancy........;-)[/quote] If you let me know what they are, and I can help out if I have the time, I will. Cheers, Pete.
  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='113458' date='Jan 4 2008, 12:10 PM']Replied. thanks very much.[/quote] And replied back. Sent you a couple of files and I'd say they're pretty much spot on. Hope it helps. Cheers, Pete.
  16. Bernie was playing that through the rig that I bought from him yesterday. Didn't know it was this bass until EBS_freak pointed it out to me. It looks and sounds absolutely stunning. You lucky, lucky man!
  17. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='113436' date='Jan 4 2008, 11:34 AM']Thanks again. looking at them i dont think either are right. They seem to just be very simple versions. But thanks for looking.[/quote] PM'd
  18. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='113427' date='Jan 4 2008, 11:16 AM']I reckon that Spitfire you saw is the one that Psychoandy is going down to collect... It's a lovely piece of kit that one.[/quote] He did mention that someone's going to collect it so you may well be right. Well he's a lucky bloke, that's for certain....it looked and sounded awesome......put my newly set up Jazz to shame!
  19. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='113348' date='Jan 4 2008, 08:04 AM']Just thought I'd ask whether its the horns which are defective and not the horn protection circuit fuses?[/quote] To be honest, I'm not certain. I was gigging a lot over December, and noticed one night that they weren't working (not that I had them set very bright anyway so it wasn't a huge loss to me). And my cabs are kept up in Southport with all the band's gear (I'm in Manchester), so I can't check at the moment. I have a friend in Ormskirk that's done some electrical work for me in the past, and I'm sure if I went to him, he could sort them out, but I'm really after a quick sale now to help replenish my splash out on my EBS cabs.
  20. [quote name='NickThomas' post='113306' date='Jan 4 2008, 12:28 AM']Good bloody grief!! That's a killer deal , and a killer setup!![/quote] You're right....it is. It's served me very well, but it's just been replaced with an EBS TD650, Neo 4x10 and Neo 2x12, so the wife doesn't want the old rig cluttering the hall
  21. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='113290' date='Jan 4 2008, 12:11 AM']Guys. Really need help with the above song. My Bass has just packed up at home and i cant get to my working bass until my gig on Sat but i need to learn the above song as a first dance. Could anyone be able to tab out (or just jot down) the notes of the Chorus for me. im pretty sure its based around E - Eb - Db - F# - B but there are some other notes played as well. Im just not going to be able to figure it out before the gig. Thanks for any help.[/quote] I used to play that as our opening number many years ago. If I can get hold of a copy tomorrow, and refresh myself, I'll try and help you out. Cheers, Pete.
  22. For sale as an entire rig: Can be seen here...... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=4358"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach...ost&id=4358[/url] Ampeg SVT-3 Pro 450w head and two SWR Goliath II 4 x 10 500w RMS 8 ohm cabs. ***AMPEG SOLD PENDING PAYMENT*** Ampeg already advertised here for £400 [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10458"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10458[/url]. Does not include 4u Gator rack case. ***SWRS SOLD PENDING PAYMENT*** SWR's £300 the pair. Horns not working but the speakers are fine. I could get the horns fixed, but would have to add cost to cabs. Save £50 and take the entire rig for £650 delivered 80 miles radius of Manchester.
  23. [quote name='WalMan' post='113215' date='Jan 3 2008, 09:34 PM']Was that an earthquake I just saw reported in Manchester [/quote] I'm like a kid in a sweet shop. Not gigging until a week on Saturday, and can't wait. Bernie set up my Marcus Miller Jazz for me today, and it plays better than it already did. And those Neos make it sound monstrous! He also played a Spitfire he's made, but with Rumour electronics in it........and that was just off the scale. It's given me serious cravings for a GB now (I nearly bought a Goodfellow bass about 15 years ago, and still regret not buying it). How do I convince Mrs Thunderthumbs to stick £2000 under my pillow?
  24. [quote name='clauster' post='112795' date='Jan 3 2008, 11:45 AM']I realised that if the bassist and drummer don't gel musically then the band is never going to groove.[/quote] Too right.....the last drummer in our band and I played together for about 8 months, and it just didn't happen. Auditioned new ones, and gave the first guy the job....we clicked straightaway and it feels great.
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