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Everything posted by bassbloke

  1. If it were me, I'd opt for the Aguilar for the simple reason that you can use it on any bass and it won't cost anything to fit. Also, the only easy way to add that preamp to a P -bass is to hope there's sufficient body routing underneath the scratchplate to house the preamp and battery clip. the shape of the P-bass scratchplate means you have to stick the battery below the pickup, so battery changes would involve removing a dozen screws. You'd also have to wrap the battery and wedge it under the plate to stop it moving about. Too much hassle.
  2. You can draw parallels between ebay and car boot sales,which started out as genuine places to find real bargains and items of curiosity. Now, the dealers and cowboys have moved in and most car boot sales are just dumping grounds for over-priced crap and dodgy far eastern produce.
  3. There is such a thing as choice. If you don;t like private auctions, then make a point of not participating in them. Everyone I've dealt with on ebay has been decent. I've bought and sold several amps and basses and all manner of other items and I've never been ripped off, swindled or given too much of a run around and the reason for that is because I avoid stuff that looks too good to be true. If you're interested in a high value item and on first contact, the buyer is unapproachable and evasive, walk away! It's not worth the hassle.
  4. Leave the $$ with a reliable and trustworthy friend who would at least get some use ou of it and look after it properly. I'm taking care of a pair of Stingray Vs for a mate of mine who is working in Azerbhajan at the moment. I rarely take them out of the house. Certainly wouldn't gig them, unless I had his blessing. However, they get some use, have had decent strings put on them and he knows they're better off with me than sitting in a Lok 'n' Store. Don;t buy a bass here to take wth you. Wait til you get to the states and buy something there- take advntage of that exchange rate. You'll get something nice for your money and it'll be an extra special momento of your days travelling.
  5. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='32033' date='Jul 15 2007, 12:04 PM']The gear we buy is purely down to how much you can afford, what the sound is like and how well it copes in live situations.[/quote] Or what other people think of it.
  6. NC810 - RRP £1299, Now £499.99 A 400Watt, 8 x 10 combo for £499.99. That's offensive.
  7. You can watch it on the E4 website, but not if you're a sucker running Vista Business Edition like me.
  8. The hole placement on the Badass V is very different to the bridge layout on a MIM jazz V. I had to get mine fitted professionally. The holes do line up properly with a US Deluxe jazz, but you cannot string through body. I don;t think a Schaller is a straight fit eiher.
  9. Mark Kemode, the rockabilly film and music critic plays upright.
  10. Between £500 and £550 is a fair price for this bass. It's what I paid for mine anyway. they're excellent basses for the money too - nice and solid.
  11. [quote name='doctorbass' post='29764' date='Jul 10 2007, 02:12 PM']bass ferret - how many watts and what ohms are the 210s - do they handle it?[/quote] The Peavey 210TXs are 4 Ohms and 350W, so you'd get nearer to 500W out of the T-Max. Also, if you stacked the 2 x 10s side on to give you a vertical stack of 10s you'd have no problems hearing yourself. Adding the 410TX would give you around 6.3 Ohms in total, so less than the 350W at Ohms that the Peavey can put out. inally, if you really did hunger for more power, stickign the t-Max in a rack and adding another power amp would provide more volume and the same tone.
  12. Gotcha. So you admit this is pointless question then
  13. Trust your ears not the opinions of others. If you can't hear a marked difference, then save your pennies.
  14. [quote name='jimmybass04' post='28876' date='Jul 8 2007, 11:09 PM']went to footie match in glasgow today,got back to van and it had been tanned. every thing gone,including my two 2x12 tech cabs.I done a gig last night and left them in van. Im absolutely gutted,also gone, 300 watt moniter,leads, effects pedals,mic stands. Luckily i took my amp head and guitars indoors last night. here endeth the lesson.Dont take any chance of losing your hard earned gear......EVER......... jimmy.......................gutted. [/quote] Do you have model nos. or serial nos. for the kit I'm always scouring the net for Tech stuff, so migt come across them.
  15. Nay, 'tis this one [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Carvin-BK4-Bass-Guitar-Beautiful-Swamp-Ash-w-HSC_W0QQitemZ200125513622QQihZ010QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.com/Carvin-BK4-Bass-Guitar...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  16. I believe they are one in the same thing Here are some great examples that I managed to pull off by tapping on my desk, thus irritating the hell out of my work colleagues. [url="http://www.justjazz.com/discussion-hypermail/Nov-96/00000255.htm"]http://www.justjazz.com/discussion-hyperma...96/00000255.htm[/url]
  17. [quote name='BassManKev' post='27864' date='Jul 6 2007, 12:17 PM']the thing is, the jack on my musicman doesnt look like any of the ones on thomann or maplins[/quote] doesn't really matter - you simply need a stereo jack that has roughly the same dimensions as the one on your bass now. It screws on to the scratchplate or control plate, so swapping it will be easy enough.
  18. Cheers, I'd prefer some foam so I'd get a better coupling effect with the stage and not lose bottom end. Also, my cab is quite tall, having 2 vertically stacked 12s, and that's quite a sharp angle. Regards
  19. Is a straight or angled jack? I'm borrowing a friends Stingray V and when I use an angled jack on it, it cuts out and buzzes intermittently. I guess that due to metal distress, there's more movement than there should be in the metal contacts. The angled jack on the side of the body probably pulls the contacts to one side. You don't need a guitar repairer, just a replacement stereo jack and someone who's proficient with a soldering iron. Why not ask in Maplins if they know anyone who'd be up for soldering the new one in for a tenner?
  20. I want to make up a wedge for my 2 x 12 cab to angle it for better sound monitoring onstage. I have a few questions? What would be the optimum angle? Where can I can the material? Alernatively, is there anywhere I can get one made up? Thanks
  21. Do Ashdown actually have a testing department?
  22. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Carvin-BK4-Bass-Guitar-Beautiful-Swamp-Ash-w-HSC_W0QQitemZ200125513622QQihZ010QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZVieItem"]Carvin Bass[/url] You could quite realistically win this bass for under £300. Add £100 shipping and £50 for customs charges. That's £450 for a US made through neck bass with a quality hardshell case.
  23. It won't sell at that price. Carvin basses are v. good, but their resale value is abysmal. I've picked up a fretless 6 for £400 and a fretted 6 with mahogany neck and body for £450 inc shipping fromt he US!!!. However, they sold on for exactly the same or were swapped for items that eventually sold for the same. Electronicson them can be a bit hit and miss. The stock humbucking jazz pickups can be a bit lifeless and I've heard bad reviews of their MM clone pickup. Great if you want one. Not so great if you own but don't want one.
  24. Eubassix had a Parker 5 string up for sale for £900 or something equally silly last year. I simply couldn't justify the expense to my wife, but it looked stunning. One day!!!
  25. Someone made a good comment on Front Row on radio 4 a few weeks back. They said that bass players are rarely the kind of extroverted individual who wants to front a band or play lead guitar, but are content in knowing that they're hanging back and making everything sound good. One bassline I can't stand is the intro to 'For whom the bell tolls'. Grated, my dislike of said line was probably made even more intense having heard Geordie White, Scott Reeder, etc... butcher it on 'Some Kind of Monster'
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